Science and Technology Library

Chapter 702

400 kilometers high.

The goddess floats in space, and in its capsule is a special machine.

Superluminal communication quantum consciousness induction system.

It is the superluminal communication instrument that Chen Mo is studying. The formation of quantum consciousness, through which quantum state is induced, can communicate.

Chen Mo has reached a critical stage in this way of communication beyond the speed of light.

Now is the final accurate test.

There's a quantum consciousness sensor here, and there's a sensor on the ground. This is a space test, long enough to test.

According to the speed of light, the communication delay between 400 km altitude and the ground is about 1.33 * 10 ^ - 3 seconds. As long as the communication delay is less than this time, it means that the test is successful, and the superluminal quantum communication technology will be successful.

The two instruments are equipped with a cold atomic clock with an error of 500 million years and a second, so as to ensure the time synchronization and accuracy of the two instruments of the quantum consciousness induction communication system.

Quantum lab, in front of Chen Mo, is the icebox size quantum consciousness sensor.

This quantum sensor has no network connection with the outside world. It is an independent system. The quantum chip "locks" the entangled quantum separated out, and the other half is on the quantum consciousness sensor in space.

Once the instrument is started, the quantum consciousness sensor works all the time. As long as the state of the entangled state quantum which is "locked" changes, it can immediately sense the change.


Chen Mo lets Mo NV start.

First, there are 100000 groups of data transmission. Each group of data transmission has preparation time. Then, compare the time received by the quantum consciousness sensor on the shennu to determine whether they are instant communication.

"Data has been sent, and data feedback from the goddess has been received."

"What was the result of the experiment?"

"The average delay time of reception is 3 nanoseconds, successful."

Mo Nu smiles and Chen Mo smiles.

Even if there is experimental error, it is also caused by the common circuit transmission part.

This result has proved that the communication mode of quantum consciousness sensor is feasible. In the future, it can directly carry out instant communication at any distance without worrying about the delay caused by too long distance.

"Immediately code the quantum consciousness sensing system of superluminal communication and build the prototype of communication."

Chen Mo feels that the science and Technology Library has been moving.

After admonishing Mo Nu, Chen Mo lies down and enters the familiar science and Technology Library.

A book is suspended in the center of the science and Technology Library.

Chen Mo reaches out and touches the book, and the content appears in his mind.

This is the technology of the quantum consciousness induction system of superluminal communication that he just studied successfully, which involves theory, technology, research process and all experimental data.

The library of science and technology should include the theory and technology of his technical research into the catalogue of books.

Similar things have happened in previous studies.

Only as a science and technology administrator, he did not appear beyond the existing level of authority technology and theory.

I didn't expect that in the golden stage this time, I successfully developed the technology of the next stage. Although there are lucky elements in it, it is indeed a successful research.

After Chen Mo confirmed the name of the book, the book flew up and disappeared in the deep shelf of the science and Technology Library.

After the books disappeared, the science and technology ball at the top of the science and Technology Library slowly landed and suspended in front of him.

The science and technology ball is as quiet as ever, without any color change. Chen Mo guesses that the science and technology ball should not change much before he completes the task of transforming the planet.

When Chen Mo observes the technology ball, a little golden transparent liquid the size of a water drop is separated from the technology ball.

Chen Mo quickly determined the reason why the drop was separated.

Reward for successful research and development of technology beyond existing authority.

Without thinking, Chen Mo reaches out his finger and points it in the liquid.

The golden clear liquid slowly melts into the fingertips.

A kind of unspeakable feeling is full of Chen Mo's body and mind, which is more comfortable than the development of the body's advanced potential.

With the development of advanced potential, the whole body cells have a stronger sense of euphoria and excitement. Now it is a kind of sublimation, like a primitive evolution, and the level of life changes qualitatively.

If you can see the inside of Chen Mo's body, you will surely find that Chen Mo's brain is full of golden transparent light at this time. There is a trend of golden transparency in cells. There is a subtle golden light in blood and body tissue fluid.

I don't know how long it took Chen Mo to open his eyes and take a deep breath.

Mo Nu is nearby, smiling at him.

When she woke up, mogo gave her a special feeling, especially Chen Mo's eyes. The unspeakable feeling was more profound and fascinating.However, in the eyes of Mo Nu, Mo GE has always been the most important, the most special and the best.

A feeling of soul sublimation, Chen Mo feels the unprecedented pleasure of body and mind, like a qualitative change from the level of life.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Three hours." "Mo Nu replied truthfully," it seems that mogo has changed again


Chen Mo nods with a smile.

I didn't expect Mo Nu to find out his changes, but she didn't see much change from the appearance, just felt that the change was not small.


Bluemaster is standing over a huge planet. Looking down, he can't see the edge of the ocean. The whole planet is ocean without land cover.

Put on protective clothing and enter the sea, a huge life world appears in front of us.

A hundred meters high sea bottom trees stand, leaves with fluorescence, sea grass and sea flowers are at the bottom, with colorful light, breath and breath, forming the most perfect sea bottom forest landscape.

In the bottom of the sea, all kinds of fish and strange creatures shuttle around.

"Sea monkey" with flippers and palms, lying in the trees on the sea floor; blue ray with flat body, passing through the long sea grass; green turtle with chopsticks long hair; fish flashing red light; colorful fluorescent mollusk

Countless strange life forms the perfect submarine biological chain.

With the arrival of the research team of the blue master team, these strange sea creatures just avoided, without any other special behaviors.

"Beautiful is beautiful, but they are all red non intelligent sea creatures."

With his claws, Mr. LAN grasped a peculiar fish that swam by, sliced off the smooth skin, red blood flowed out, and dyed the sea water at his hand red.

Seeing the fish in his claws struggling with pain, Mr. LAN released his claws and let the scratched fish escape. As soon as he got to the woods, he was caught by a sea monkey and stuffed into his mouth.

"The lives of red creatures are really fragile."

"Professor, after the data collection of the planet civilization detector, there is no information about intelligent civilization activities on this planet." Said the lizard who followed him, looking at the instrument.

"This planet is a bit beautiful. If it's not too remote, the surrounding galaxies are too barren. This kind of non intelligent sea creature star lock coordinates sold to sea like creatures, should be able to earn a little money, but now this location is too remote, sea like creatures should not be interested. "

Blue teacher sighed.

Without intelligent life and civilization, the study of stars is of little value to cosmoarchaeology. Unless a cosmic community is willing to buy a planet as its habitat, such a planet is not worth as much as a mineral star.

The location here is the same as the "desert" in the universe. The environment is bad and the space is turbulent. It's very difficult to breed life civilization. They found more than 60 living stars here in the constellation Ophiuchus cluster, but they haven't found intelligent creatures or civilized creatures for the time being.

"Go to the next life planet."

The planet civilization exploration instrument didn't find the information of intelligent life, and blue master directly spoke.

Raniakaya supercluster has a wide range. If they stay on a worthless planet for too long, I'm afraid they don't know when they can complete the space archaeological research.