Science and Technology Library

Chapter 696

Under the impact of asteroids and the bombardment of planetary bombs, the liquid layer inside Mars vibrates, forming convection. The Martian crust plate is divided into four parts, four continents and two oceans.

The location of the asteroid impact, forming the largest ocean on Mars.

Groundwater ice melts in the process of crustal movement, and liquid water has already flowed out of the surface. The evaporated water is mixed with volcanic ash, forming rain water and falling water, converging in the Martian sea and forming a small-scale sea surface.

In time, the sea surface will continue to expand during earthquakes and plate movements.

Now through the holographic projection of the planet, Chen Mo has seen a new Mars.

The intensity of geomagnetism is enough to block the solar wind and cosmic rays. The crustal plate movement is formed, and the Great Rift Valley and mountains have preliminary outline.

According to the normal planetary evolution, Mars has the conditions for carbon based organisms to survive.

If we go through another hundred million years, Mars will probably give birth to primitive life.

Chen Mo can't wait that long. He can only accelerate the formation of this process and make Mars a planet suitable for human habitation in the shortest possible time.

In a month, Chen Mo launched more than 10000 climate control satellites to Mars.

The formation of advanced climate control satellite network system.

On Mars, satellites have covered the space. There are invisible signal links between low orbit and high orbit satellites, forming a huge satellite network.

Chen Mo can use the advanced climate control satellite group to control the climate of any region of Mars. Seeding clouds, creating rain, accelerating the cooling of the Martian surface, and controlling the Martian climate.

Chen Mo named the climate control system "Dragon King".

"That's the magic of technology."

Zhao Min watched the video coming back from Mars and was amazed.

The video content is an experimental process of one-time cloud seeding and rain making using advanced climate control satellites.

It's amazing that the rain was made.

This means that chenmo can control the weather anywhere on Mars.

"This is God's way, great God." Zhao Min said with a smile.

Chen Mo didn't care about Zhao Min's nickname: "in the myth, God's ability can be realized by means of science and technology. The so-called God is just a higher civilization than us. "

Zhao Min refused to say, "what are you going to do next?"

"Transform the Martian atmosphere and solve the volcanic ash in the Martian sky." Chen Mo calls up the Martian atmosphere.

On Mars, more than a month later, some volcanoes are still active, and the sky is covered with ash.

The impact of asteroids and the eruption of Martian volcanoes ejected a large amount of dust and ash to the top of Martian atmosphere, covering the entire Martian atmosphere and blocking solar radiation, so the temperature on the surface of Mars is very low. And there are a lot of greenhouse gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as some toxic gases.

"As long as the Martian atmosphere is formed and the volcanic ash in the Martian sky is removed, the seasonal temperature change at the equator of Mars will be between 10 and 45 degrees Celsius, meeting the standard of human habitation."

The first step of the Martian magnetic field has been started, and the climate control system has been successfully networked. Next, Chen Mo needs to create the Martian atmosphere problem.

Biological laboratory.

In front of Chen Mo's eyes, there are five big test tubes with different colors.

This is a microbe for Mars.

There are soil transformation bacteria, water purification bacteria, air purification bacteria, decomposition bacteria and oxygen producing bacteria.

This is the bacteria transformed by biotechnology obtained by golden administrator. It has a very fast reproduction speed and can survive in the environment of - 40 to 100 degrees Celsius. It is dormant and non-toxic to organisms.

In addition, there are more than ten seeds of different sizes.

There are radiation tree species that absorb radiation substances for 'photosynthesis catalysis', oxygen tree species that photosynthesis is very fast, gold tree that absorbs toxic substances and transforms soil, and multi seed grass that propagates rapidly.

This is Chen Mo's super plant transformed by gene editing technology. The common point is that it can survive in extreme environment, which is better than that of LOX.

These bacteria and plants will be the first creatures Chen Mo sent to Mars and the most basic creatures in the biosphere of Mars.

"Mego, the maiden, the goddess, and the termite are ready." Mo female reminds me.

Chen Mo put down the seed in his hand.

"According to the third step plan, we will transport the microbial and plant seeds of the modified planet, and some original nano robots to Mars to build laboratories and factories. In the future, everything developed and built on Mars will not be transported to earth. "

Next, there will be nearly 80 tons of microbial rich solution, put into the Martian ocean, and there will be 20 tons of seeds, put into various regions of Mars.

There are nano robots. With the terror of nano robots, they have the ability to copy. If Chen Mo needs it, he can build a large city on Mars in a few days."What would you do with the planet? You didn't answer the last question. " Leaving the laboratory, Zhao Min was very serious, also very serious: "is painting the land king?"

Chen Mo's current strength is that he can do anything. No one can stop him, just whether he wants to do it or not.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "you want me to be king?"

"It's OK to be my king if you like."

changed a bit faster, and Chen Mo was amused by her local love story. Zhao Min could not help laughing.

After a while, Chen Mo stopped and looked up at the sky.

"It's no use being king in the solar system. You saw the aliens last time. The universe is very big. It may overturn our human imagination. The solar system is just a cell in the universe. Don't just focus on this one acre, it's just the beginning. Our future is in the sea of stars. "

In the golden authority stage of science and Technology Library, the transformation of the planet must be completed in order to obtain the next stage of the library.

At present, the gold administrator's authority involves all technologies within the galaxy.

If you want to leave the galaxy, you can't make an interstellar voyage unless you are prepared to sleep in the wandering universe for thousands of years like the extraterrestrials.

So Chen Mo judges that as long as he successfully transforms a planet, he has the ability to survive in the galaxy.

Then the next authority may be the technology leading to the sea of stars.

That would be a qualitative leap.

Science and technology library is to cultivate his successor to complete the final mission. Science and Technology Association will unlock step by step, so that he can continue to learn and be strong, and complete the mission task again and again in the future.

Chen Mo didn't know what the task was.

Zhao Min looks at Chen Mo, and sees Chen Mo's deep eyes looking up at the starry sky from his side face. He can't help falling into it and unconsciously smiles.

Chen Mo turns around and sees Zhao Min's obsessed smile. This kind of smile is hard to see on Zhao Min: "what do you think of so happy?"

Zhao Min said with a smile: "you just said" we ". It seems that you still have mine in your future plan, so have a good time."


Chen Mo didn't expect that Zhao Min would be so happy with just two words inadvertently. But he didn't retort. When he just said that, he did include Zhao Min in the plan, which was unconsciously planned.