Science and Technology Library

Chapter 694

"How many times is this?"

"The fifth time for the goddess, the seventh time for the goddess and the termite."

"What is it carrying?"

"I heard it's a satellite."

"What project needs so many satellites?"


Flying ant space flight staff looked at the space shuttle rising in the sky, it was very dark.

In the past few days, the tiannv has launched five times in total, and the shennv and Tianyi have also launched seven times. The frequency of terror has never stopped, making the staff full of doubts.

But they knew the load of the three planes, and they moved a factory to space without launching so often.

"What are you doing now?"

Li Chengzhi looks up and sees the tiannv disappear in the sky. Flying ant Space Center Launches too often, he has to come over to know.

"Mars project. I'm launching a satellite into Mars and building a satellite network. " Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"How fast is Mars going back and forth? How many launches in a few days? "

"The spaceship just enters the space, and is put into the space. The thrusters carried by the satellite will accelerate themselves to get out of the earth's orbit, and then they will fly towards Mars by themselves. The orbits are designed, and they don't need to be delivered by the spaceship." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"So many satellites do satellite networks need?"

"Not many, just more than ten thousand." Chen Mo looked at the tiannv, which had disappeared into the sky. "Now that Mars has been hit by an asteroid, I need to build a satellite network system covering the whole Mars."

"You didn't make the Martian movement?"

Li Chengzhi thought of a possibility, swallowing saliva.

"Guess?" Chen Mo smiles, without a positive answer, but lets Li Chengzhi guess for himself. Mars project, it's not time to announce.

As soon as the words fall, Li Chengzhi wants to say yes.

He has seen Chen Mo's methods. It really can't be speculated with normal thinking. It seems that everything is possible in his hands. Even if Chen Mo said he did it, Li Chengzhi would not hesitate to believe it.

"Which satellite is this?"

"3143 satellites have been launched, and there are more than 7000 in the back. I find you look like a curious baby today." Facing one of Li Cheng's problems, Chen Mo is speechless.

"I can't help it, so I can understand it." Li Chengzhi shrugged: "what do you think of the current situation?"

"Eat the melon."

“……” Li chengzhile: "I'm talking about opinions."

"The world is in turmoil. I've made a lot less money. The company is so poor that I can't get paid." Chen Mo's face was "melancholy".

"I believe in you. Most of your employees are robots."

"Their wages are used to pay for electricity."

"You won." Li Chengzhi gave Chen Mo a thumbs up, but didn't take Chen Mo's joke to heart: "this time, there's another thing, a big business is introduced to you, do you want to?"

"Well?" Chen Mo is surprised to see Li Chengzhi. It's hard for him to introduce his business. Chen Mo wondered if the sun had risen from the West.

"Don't look at me like that. I have a mission this time." Li Chengzhi spread his hands.

"I find you're either on a mission or on your way to it." Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.


The world game has entered the white hot stage.

The actions of all parties continue to stir up the world. It has been a muddy water, but now it is even more turbid.

Chen Mo is not idle.

The South American group is here.

The South American group sent a delegation of ten, including several weapons experts.

The mission team, led by a middle-aged man named Blair Ke, is dressed in a suit, dark brown skin and a pair of glasses. It looks ordinary and calm, but the deep sadness in the eyes is lingering.

Looking at the huge headquarters of marching ant group, Blair was a little surprised. If there is such a company in their country, they are not afraid of anyone.

Clear up the mood and disperse the worries in your eyes, then you step into the silence.

Chen Mo didn't have a big surprise for their arrival.

Among the top forces in the world, South America is not led by a world power, and has failed to keep pace with the technological changes in energy and artificial intelligence, and belongs to the weakest side.

They are only a little bit stronger than a sprawling Africa, and weaker than the League of Arab States.

March ant group is the world's top arms dealer.

In this era, their weapons are needed everywhere.

Some time ago, I tasted the sweetness of their weapons. The South American group found them, which was totally unexpected.

"Mr. Chen is really a prodigy. When he is young, he will build a commercial empire that dominates the world. He is young and promising." Blair looks at Chen Mo and smiles warmly."Mr. Blair is flattered. What's the matter with you looking for me this time? " Chen Mo didn't talk nonsense with the other side, introduced the theme and got to the point.

Blair was stunned, but he didn't expect Chen Mo to be so direct. He immediately smiled.

"This time I came to see Mr. Chen mainly for two things. The first thing is that we hope to be able to buy a batch of weapons and equipment."

"Equipment? What do you want? "

Chen Mo was not surprised by this.

"A lot, it depends on what equipment you have, and we need to see the function and performance of the equipment, and then decide whether to buy it." Blair's face was calm: "the more the better, the more powerful the better.". Mainly anti aircraft, anti tank, anti war robot weapons and equipment. "

Chen Mo is clear that the South American group is besieged by the North American group, with serious consumption and danger.

Without powerful weaponry, they would not be able to withstand the attack of the North American group. Soon, they would be torn apart and left to be slaughtered.

But the North American group is now blocking the South American group, and equipment transportation is a big problem.

"There are a lot of equipment, but before you look at it, let's talk about the necessary rules and conditions. Ordinary trade, we are not responsible for the transport of weapons, you find someone to transport. You have to pay 100% for the delivery of the equipment. If something happens to you in transit, we are not responsible. "

Blair's face remained the same, as if he had thought of it for a long time.

"Is there a door-to-door service?"


Chen Mo knows that they are facing a blockade.

"If we need our company to deliver the equipment to you, the price will be much higher, and we need you to deliver 60% of the price of the current batch of equipment in advance as a deposit. We will be responsible for delivering the equipment to you. If there is any problem in the process, we will bear it ourselves. "

Blair looked relaxed: "price is not a problem, we really need you to transport in the past. As long as it is delivered as soon as possible, other aspects can be discussed. "

"Fast, it's the foundation of our company's service." Chen Mo reached out and said, "please follow me to see the equipment you need."