Science and Technology Library

Chapter 691

Chen Mo soon received a report from the Institute of Medicine on the study of the autopsy of alien bodies.

There are very few alien corpses found on earth, but the alien corpses brought back from the moon are only smashed and broken by violent impact, and remain basically intact.

As soon as the alien corpse was brought back, the government assembled the top experts, medical experts, geneticists and biologists to form a research team to come to the base of the flying ant Space Center for the research of the alien corpse.

Now the report comes out.

"Preliminary studies show that this organism is not a carbon based organism, but a nitrogen based organism."

A genetics expert with a complex look.

The findings of this study of alien creatures overturn their previous definition of life.

"Unlike life on earth, its nutrients are not carbohydrates, but nitrogenous compounds. Experiments show that the genetic material of this alien is mainly composed of nitrogen groups. In short, they can eat strong acids, and their secretions are also acidic compounds. "

Just a few words, too much.

In the past, human studies have focused on carbon based organisms on the earth, and believed that only based on carbon elements can life be possessed. This discovery overturns some basic definitions of biology.

The universe is amazing. Human beings are not unique.

"In addition, we found that their muscle toughness is very strong, 5 times that of human muscle, and their ductility and elasticity are very good, which is the reason why they fall at a super high speed, and the corpse can maintain part of the integrity.

Their blood is pink and rich in ammonia, so their skin is pink. The bone density is similar to that of human children about 10 years old, which is relatively brittle.

But the spine and tail are the most special, which are reddish red. They are mainly composed of iron elements. The structure is very special. The strength and toughness of the tail is very high, which is six times that of ordinary steel. There are bone spines. According to the computer simulation calculation, the kinetic energy of tail scanning kills an elephant. "

There are still some lingering palpitations among the experts around.

Chen Mo looks at the alien corpse in the freezer, gets the report and leaves.

Chen Mo guessed that the level of evolution and civilization of this alien is at most half higher than that of human beings.

He has asked Mo Nu to fully study the design and materials of the sleeping module containing the alien corpse. Except for that kind of medicine, the sleeping module technology can be obtained in the science and Technology Library.

Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to analyze the ingredients, then made some drugs, and made experiments with rabbits and mice. The drugs had no dormancy effect, but were toxic.

The materials of the debris of the alien spaceship and the materials of the dormant cabin are equivalent to the silver and gold technical materials of the Librarians of the science and Technology Library.

If Chen Mo needs a sleeping capsule, he can also make it. Within the authority of the gold administrator of the science and Technology Library, there are sleeping capsule technologies, including sleeping potions for human beings.

Half a level higher than the human civilization on earth, which is quite the technology Chen Mo now controls.

Without a complete spacecraft, the fragmentary remains have limited appeal to Chen mo.

I thought that there would be some harvest from the wreckage of these shaped spacecraft. Now it seems that the harvest is not big.

At present, the wreckage of these spacecraft is a rare advanced technology and material for technicians from other countries, but for Chen Mo, it's tasteless and a pity to abandon it.

There are inexhaustible kinds of technologies in the science and Technology Library, which are useless to the golden administrator.

According to the spacecraft material technology, this level of civilization, at most, is only active in the galaxy, and will never want to jump out of the galaxy to invade and colonize the universe.

Chen Mo speculates that because of some force majeure, they will choose to leave their own planet and wander in the universe, and finally end up here.

For specific reasons, Chen Mo doesn't need to guess. Now his next mission is Mars reconstruction.

The igniter is close to Mars.


"It's time to start."

Rosen took a cup of scarlet red wine, shook it with familiarity, took a sip, and picked up the laser pen.

In front of him is a map of the world's situation, distinguished by color, and the situation is very clear. In the strategy room, there are also president EVA, defense minister shaanahan, head of the Bureau of love Tom and a number of staff.

"While fighting against South America, we should try to disrupt the situation in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, and better lead the war to China."

Rosen drew three circles on the map of the world.

"Now Huaxia is the most powerful, let them idle, they will help the South American group to make trouble for us, and they can also save strength and accumulate resources. Once they are idle, they will be the biggest beneficiary at the end of the war, so let them have something to do, and our plan in South America will be much smoother.

Especially in Northeast Asia, where the three powers stand together, plus two shit stirring sticks, we have deep hatred for each other. If we can instigate the war in this position, we can safely annex South America. As for how to fight, Minister Shanahan and director Tom should be more familiar than I amRosen's analysis is simple and clear. The preliminary layout is completed. Now all that remains is the overall game between them.

Everyone in the strategy room looks at Eva.

The war game begins.

They have completed the cannibalism and annexation of Central America, and then South America. With EVA's authorization, the war will begin immediately.

"It's up to you to make our country greater."

EVA did not hesitate to sign her name on the letter of authorization for the war and give it to sanahan.

"Yes, Madam President."

Shanahan received the power of attorney solemnly, saluted, and called the Pentagon directly.


The feast began.

After destroying Central America by thunder, the North American group formally declared war on the South American Group on the grounds of threatening national security.

There is no peace in South America.

People in all countries are full of fear and can't go away. The North American group declared war on them, almost a declaration of death.

Because of global changes, South America is already in chaos. If it is peaceful, it may be able to calm down. But now the world is in turmoil, the flames are rising, and the weakness of South America is exposed.

South America's internal disputes between small countries continue, the economic collapse of the downturn, like a scattered sand. South America Group's countries are also very clear that they have reached the point of life and death.

North America declared war on South America.

The news spread that, without the help of the North American army, some small pro american countries in South America took the lead in attacking the South American group countries.

This declaration of war seems to mark the entry of the world's most powerful group into the war.

In the afternoon, Australia followed the steps of the North American group, declared war on the South American group, sent troops to South America, and quickly captured a small capital of the South American group.

The island countries also officially sent fleets and aircraft into the South Pacific.

Just when people thought that the Island Australia alliance was ready to join hands with the North American group to dismember South America, a world shaking news spread.

When Australia's elite went to South America and its domestic military power was empty, the island countries suddenly announced that Australia betrayed the alliance agreement, harmed the interests of the island countries and declared war on Australia.

There was no warning.

The island extended its bright butcher's knife to its honeymoon allies.

After the declaration of war, the fleet and aircraft entering the South Pacific Ocean blundered a gun, launched a comprehensive control attack on Australia, destroyed all air defense systems, controlled Australia's domestic electric power network, and the war robots launched directly controlled the Australian capital and parties.

For the first time, the island's powerful warrior robots and other war robots have been exposed in front of the world, causing an uproar.

Australia, which has no defense, exposes almost all its fatal weaknesses to the butcher's knife.

In the past five years, in the name of allies, the island countries have helped Australia upgrade its power network, build nuclear fusion power stations, sell high-tech equipment, upgrade its computer network and invest in various fields. Australia has the shadow of an island country in almost all fields.

This time, Australia finally tasted the bitter fruit.

At the beginning of the war, the island countries showed their long hidden tusks. It was almost effortless to control the computer network, media network, power network and various resources in Australia.

Desperation enveloped the whole country, anger at betrayal and calculation broke out, and a full-scale counterattack began, like the reflection of the dying man.

Today, high-tech equipment, power network and computer network are under the control of island countries.

The war was devastating.

The cold look of the North American group dampens Australia's last hope.

Australia, which once tried to please the United States and licked on its knees, finally experienced the tragic ending of licking dogs with nothing. What makes them despair is that no world power has come forward to help them speak.

Massacres, cleansing and control are being staged in Australia.

I thought that the first continent to fall under the iron feet of war would be South America, but everyone did not expect that the war would reverse so quickly.

The whole world knows that Australia is over.