Science and Technology Library

Chapter 684

The same dream.

Chen Mo sits on the sofa, and after listening to Xiaoyu and Mo Nu's description, he knows that they have the same dream.

The same alien, the same spaceship, also grabbed a lot of people to leave the earth, including Chen mo.

It's no coincidence that we have the same dream at the same time.

"It's telepathy. This phenomenon generally occurs in identical twins, mothers and children, and couples who live together for a long time. You two are in a special situation. The long-term connection of consciousness results in the occasional synchronization of brainwaves at a certain time, so telepathy occurs. "

Chen Mo has experienced this phenomenon before.

He remembered that when he was in high school, he dreamed that his mother's left index finger had been injured. The next day, he called home and learned that his mother's finger had been cut and shed a lot of blood when cooking last night.

After hearing Chen Mo's story, Xiaoyu was more curious: "why does this happen?"

"It may be a kind of quantum entanglement, but there are still many unexplained phenomena."

"Is that my dream, or the dream of Mo Nu?"

In the absence of consciousness sensing device, Mo Nu dreams and intelligent life consciousness dreams, which only exist in the movie, Xiaoyu is very curious.

"I don't know. Superposition."

Chen moo shrugs.

"But it is certain that Mo Nu can dream, which shows that her self-consciousness is very mature."

"Will telepathy occur frequently in the future?"

"I'm not sure. I'll see later. But your telepathy gives me an inspiration. Telepathy and superluminal quantum communication can be studied. " Chen Mo said.

"Shall I do the experiment for you?" The eyes of Xiaoyu are curved into crescent.

"No, Mo Nu can help." Chen Mo patted Xiaoyu's head. This experiment was different from the previous research, and Xiaoyu could not help.

In the current technology, there is no technology of superluminal communication.

As for superluminal communication technology, Chen Mo is only on the shelf of the science and Technology Library. He has seen the cover of the book. He has not enough authority to access the technology.

Among them are the communication of superluminal particles, telepathy and quantum entanglement, and quantum directed jump.

These are all technologies for superluminal communication.

The etheric matter is far away from Chen Mo's current research, which may involve the space-time origin of the universe, and the quantum directed ghost jump can't be studied for the time being, but unexpectedly, it creates self-consciousness for Mo Nu and bumps into telepathy by mistake.

Perhaps this super speed of light communication technology can be developed by ourselves, instead of using the technology provided by the science and Technology Library as a reference.


Nash was tied back with his hands, kneeling on the ground, beside him was the body of Nasar. At the beginning of the battle, his brother died in the explosion. His face was a little sad, and his flesh and blood were blurred. Even the symbolic scar on his mouth was covered with blood.

Now Nash was so desperate that he looked at somu and regretted.

"I didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances."

"I didn't expect that." Suomo didn't say yes.

"Can I die clear?"

Suomo shrugged and smiled innocuously: "you should understand that you seem to have robbed something you shouldn't have. There's no way."

"Is that so?"

The irony and regret on Nasi's face, an adventure, he lost his half of his life. In front of those people, his arms, like a bubble of soap, were vulnerable.

"Go all the way. I'll take your territory and equipment."

Suomo pulled out the pistol from his waist and aimed it at Nasi's head. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.


The sound of gunfire rang through the night.

Looking at the Nasi who fell in the pool of blood, suomo did not forget to mend the gun, just blew a breath at the muzzle of the gun, turned around and entered the camp behind him.

See suomo come in, Zhong Lei just Leng look up, show a smile: "people are you kill, we haven't met."

Hearing this, somu also laughed, tacit.

"I don't know you."

Zhong Lei shook hands with him, took two robots, and turned away from the camp.


The Nasi brothers who occupied the rare earth mine of the March ant group were slaughtered, and the Nasi brothers were shot.

News spread all over the world like wings.

A global sensation.

"Is this the Revenge of the March ant group?"

"It's nothing to do with marching ants today. I don't believe it."

"The March ant group is too ruthless, too tough, and they will kill all the people without saying a word. It's terrible."


There are all kinds of comments all over the world.

Although it was started by somu armed forces, there was no marching ant group behind it. No one believed that somu armed forces could easily kill nearly a thousand people's Nasi brothers.Some western countries quarreled with each other to sue the marching ant group in the name of "war crimes". Some media began to accuse the marching ant group of participating in the massacre.

In the face of all kinds of suspicions from the outside world, the announcement of marching ant group only replied in a short sentence: the incident had nothing to do with marching ant group, and the marching ant group did not know or participate in it.

In spite of this response, the outside world does not think so.

Several other armed forces who robbed the mineral resources, after learning that the Nasi brothers were slaughtered, were so scared that they immediately ordered to evacuate and return the mining area to the members of the marching ant group.

Those who are ready to move in the dark are all frightened by this decisive means and dare not act recklessly any more.

"Very fast." Wang Hai looked at Zhong Lei of holographic projection and said in surprise.

"It's not fast. Do you want to keep it for the new year? This is not the efficiency of our company. " Zhong Lei laughed and said, "after killing a chicken, other monkeys will not be honest?"

This massacre of the Nasi brothers' armed forces was completed by the hand of somu armed forces. At best, it was a struggle between the tribal armed forces. There was no direct evidence to catch him, let alone the March ant group, which was not afraid at all.

Knowing that marching ant group is not easy to bully, those who covet the assets of marching ant group now must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

"What about your side? Do you need equipment support? " Zhong Lei is not entangled in the matter just now. For him, it is just a simple task.

"Not for the time being." Wang Hai shook his head: "but ordinary equipment needs to be prepared for a batch. Blue eye will grow next. It's almost chaotic there."

"OK." Zhong Lei promised to come down.


Xitu looks at the map layout, sky blue eyes, with the air of thinking.

The map shows the armed contrast of several forces around us, among which the battle between anzaka and Xinmen forces is already in the stage of white heat. The two countries have a long-term feud, and the casualties are not small.

The two families did not know that a lion was watching their struggle. Now the ammunition consumption of the two families is quite high, and it's time for them to prepare to start.

"Tomorrow they will start fighting, first to eliminate the anzaka forces." Hito's blue eyes narrowed and his lips licked.

"Why don't you kill the Xinmen tribe first? They seem to be a little simpler. Their strength is weak and their supply is relatively insufficient." Asked absher curiously.

Hitu laughed at his displeasure.

"Kill the bad Gunners first, and the weak ones last."