Science and Technology Library

Chapter 678

"The answer given by the March ant group is to mine asteroid mines. Such a large-scale launch is consistent with the mining of asteroid mines. The size of the universe, the size of the launch, is not eye-catching. "

"According to intelligence, March ant group in Africa and South America, through the acquisition and nuclear fusion power plants, a company has a total of more than 30 mines, large and small, they do not lack mineral resources."

"There is no conflict between the lack of mineral resources and the mining of asteroid mines."


In the conference room, you said a word to me. It was noisy. Putin had a headache. Finally, he knocked on the table. The conference room was quiet immediately.

As president, he has been in this position for too long, and now he is old, which is not a good thing.

Over the years, he has been trying to train a successor, but he can't find the right one. This is the most critical moment of global strategy. If people with insufficient capacity take over the country and fail to make it happen again, their country will be completely abandoned.

He has no choice but to remain in this position.

"The matter of marching ant group is not important. What matters is the future layout." "We're concerned that the March ant group doesn't work at all," Putin said

Many think tanks in the conference room looked at each other.

Energy reform and pattern change have resulted in today's deadlock and entered a delicate balance.

People with strategic vision all know that this balance will not last long. Once the deadlock is broken, the next war will sweep the world.

Russia has a vast territory.

To the East is North America, which faces each other across the Straits. There are also ambitious island countries below. The south is the most powerful China at present, and to the west is the European Union, which is all powerful.

He is also strong enough to maintain the current situation in Russia. For others, the country may have already collapsed.

"Next, let's not worry about the March ant group for the time being. Now we will establish the highest strategic center." Putin's voice is more solemn than ever.

All the strategic think tanks in the conference room are puzzling.


"The Third World War."

In the conference room, everyone was stupefied and shocked.


"The tenth batch."

Wang Hai stood on the high platform, overlooking the soldiers below.

Only a hundred soldiers were dressed in special camouflage clothes. They were uniform and solemn. The strong breath of their bodies showed that all of them had received the most professional training.

Five years ago, he was ordered to form an armed force, which has not slackened over the years.

This is the tenth group of soldiers.

These soldiers have been selected layer by layer, through loyalty assessment and potential development. They do not know that they have received potential development, only think that they are trained to become stronger.

There are not many soldiers in the base. In addition to the war damage, the team size is about 1000. But each of them is an elite, comparable to the special forces of any country.

And they have the best, the most advanced equipment.

Their task is very simple. They secretly protect the interests of marching ant groups, and use some abnormal means to deal with those who want to deal with them, just like the existence of mercenary groups.

In times of turmoil, some abnormal means are really needed.

"What happened to Hito?" Wang Hai looks at Xian he.

"Now that hitu has become the leader of the armed forces, everything is normal." Xian he replied seriously and meticulously.

"It seems that the progress is good. Continue to sweep the road for him, send some potential potions to him, and he needs to cultivate some strong confidants." Wang Hai thought about it and made a decision.


"General, here they are." His men entered the war room to report, and looked at their backs standing in front of the sand table, with a strong color of awe.

"Is it all arranged?" The man's low voice sounded.

"It's all arranged." The men who came to report nodded in a hurry and swallowed their saliva.

"Go ahead."

The man standing in front of the sand table turns around, a pair of sky blue eyes, let people look at it and forget it. Clear blue, feeling from the deep sea gaze, but no one feels the eyes are very beautiful, but cold, as if the ghost is staring at the bone cold.

Seeing these eyes, his body trembled and he dared not look directly at them.

Hitu glanced at the men who came to report, grabbed their hats and left the war room.

Five years later, he stepped up to the present day and sat in his present position. Only he knew the story.

Five years ago, he was an ordinary youth of the tribe. Because of these blue eyes, he was regarded as unknown and cursed by the tribe when he was young, and his family suffered from white eyes and bullying.

The instructor recruited him, cured his illness, trained him, taught him strategy, and made him a strong soldier and commander. After the training, he chose the task given to him by the instructor, mixed in an armed force, then controlled the armed force, and became the leader himself.He finished the task a month ago.

In the eyes of the subordinates, hitu is powerful and cruel. He is proficient in shooting, fighting, tactics and battle command.

His strong ability and ruthless style made him stand out in the team very quickly. He was valued by the former leader of the army and selected as his confidant. Over the past few years, their armed forces have been growing stronger and hitu's prestige has been accumulating.

His prestige also threatened the leader's position. The cunning rabbit died and the running dog cooked, but the leader was killed when he was ready to kill hitu.

Hitu seizes power by means of thunder. He cleans the hearts of the former leaders in the armed forces, completes the blood washing, and becomes a new leader. His fierce name is also spread.

Now in this small country, he is also a powerful man, and general armed forces dare not touch his head.

Over the years, the power has been expanding and powerful, and hitu has little contact with outsiders. Today, someone came to see them, which surprised and curious his staff.

He was followed by a middle-aged man in a suit. He didn't look as fierce as others, but he was one of the top leaders of the armed forces. He was also the first one to follow him. He was smart, business minded and specialized in the management of the internal affairs and logistics of the armed forces.

After hitu seized power, the armed logistics were in order under the management of Abu Dhabi.

Normally, hitu doesn't get in touch with people. He is training soldiers and expanding his territory. Now someone comes to him suddenly, which surprises him. He has always speculated that hitu has backstage. Now this kind of speculation is more certain.

"I'm a little curious. Who is it?" And Abu Sheh opened his mouth.

But as soon as the words were asked, absher felt stiff. The cold guy who followed Hito turned to stare at him.

The meaning is clear. You asked too much.

"Eminem, I'm just curious to ask. It's just curiosity. There's no other idea. Aren't you curious?" Abhisher was in a cold sweat.

Amu is a loyal follower of hitu. People in the armed forces call him a hyena, because his character is like a hyena. He is a soldier once saved by hitu. He is loyal to hitu. He will not hesitate to execute any command of hitu.

There are even rumors that the former leader was assassinated and hyenas may have been involved.

If Hito orders, Eminem will definitely kill him without hesitation. There is no more words.

"Don't make any noise." A female voice rings, and a sexy woman comes here. She follows Hito.

The woman is Xitu's right arm. It's called Keya. Although it's a black pearl, it's a poisonous Black Pearl. It's extremely dangerous. No one dares to provoke.

When the woman appeared, Amu's original intention of killing disappeared and he turned back to his ordinary cold face.

"Scared to death." Abhisher wiped a handful of cold sweat and muttered with lingering fear: "even I am so heartless, I will be curious to ask."

"Say less."

But yah opened his mouth, and abhisher shut up.

But there was also a flash of curiosity in Keya's eyes.

In this land of chaos and hunger, intrigue and blood will never disappear. People worship the strong and hope to be that kind of person.

As they follow Xitu, they understand a lot of things. Xitu's personal ability is the top, vision and means are also very determined. The management team is disciplined, making people feel like real soldiers.

The impression hitu gave them was that he was born to be a general.

Such a man, however, was born in the ordinary armed forces. They guessed that the general must have unknown stories, but they were not very dare to ask. The general usually doesn't contact with people. Now when he comes to people suddenly, he still attaches so much importance to them that he has to make them curious.

In a relatively well decorated house, high-rise buildings with strict security and armed forces were all present.

Xitu is the leader. Wait quietly. Others dare not speak even if they are curious. It's rare to see such grand plans. It's not easy to come here.

Before long, a helicopter landed.

A group of people from the helicopter, waiting for other people to respond, hitu stepped forward and quickly went up.

In this scene, the pupils of abhisher and Keya shrink and look at each other. They are surprised. It's more important to see people than they think.

Seeing clearly the people coming, many armed senior officials look awe inspiring.

The members of the helicopter are equipped with unimaginable terror. Compared with the visitors, they boast that they are powerful in the tribal armed forces, which is just rubbish in the garbage.

The real armed to the teeth, they have seen the best equipped U.S. special forces, are not so terrible. Every member of the team has a strong breath and a serious look. From step to formation, they have much higher quality than regular soldiers.

The actions of a group give them an illusion.

Is this a regular special elite force?

"Mr. Gan, we have a banquet. This way." Xitu leads the way in person, his expression is plain, and he can't see the happiness and anger.

"General Hito, you are welcome." Ganyu looks around and greets.He was the one who was sent to deliver potential potions. At the beginning, Wang Hai and Zhong Lei came to Africa for development. He and Xian he were the most outstanding people selected. They first followed Wang Hai into Africa for development.

Zhong Lei manages the arsenal. Wang Haidai and Xian he develop the secret base. He is the deputy of the base.

Now Ganyu has gone through make-up and camouflage. His skin is very dark and he has a beard. Even if his acquaintance is here, he can't recognize him.

Entering the room, Gan Yu looks around.

The decoration is simple, without the extravagance of some warlords. There are many dishes and wine on the table. Here, this kind of food and wine is very good.

"This time I brought what you need." Ganyu looked around, it's self-evident.

"Inside, please." Xitu's eyes brightened, leading Gan Yu into a room, signaling others not to follow.


A potion appeared in Xitu's vision. Even when Xitu was tempered to a very steady state in the gunfire, he could not help but suck in the cold air at this moment, showing his excitement.

He knows this potion.