Science and Technology Library

Chapter 672

In the villa of xiangluwan.

Xiaoyu is wearing a pink brain wave induction hat, holding a book and sitting on the sofa, beside her is mo Nu, holding the same book as her, with the same page number as Xiaoyu.

Mo Nu's consciousness learning is very fast. After Xiaoyu took her out several times, she now has a preliminary sense of consciousness to the outside world.

Chen Mo needs the balanced development of all aspects of Mo nu in order to cultivate the diversity and creativity of her thinking consciousness. This task falls on Xiaoyu's shoulder. She is now the "nerve bridge" for Mo Nu to contact with the outside world. Therefore, what Mo Nu needs to learn, Xiaoyu must learn and experience in person and pass on her sense of consciousness to Mo nu.

During this period, Mo Nu was curious about everything, just like a child in the curious period who wanted to experience everything.

However, Xiaoyu did not complain, but was very patient. She repeatedly asked Mo Nu what she needed to experience and what problems she had to deal with.

She will be satisfied with Xiaoyu's limited ability.

Her main task now is to let go of trifles and teach Mo Nu well. Mo Nu is Chen Mo's biggest assistant. Teaching Mo Nu well is Chen Mo's best help.

"Sister Xiaoyu, how does love feel?" Mo Nu looks up and asks curiously.


Xiaoyu is slightly stunned. Some surprised Mo Nu asks this question, and she turns around a little and smiles.

"It's a complex feeling. The language description can't be perfect. It's the feeling that I'm with mogo every day. When I see him, I'll be happy. When I don't see him, I'll miss him. Sometimes I worry about him, love him, trust him, forgive him and understand him. Sometimes, emotions will be joyful and sad because of one sentence or one thing. It seems that he is the center of your world. "

When he said these words, Xiaoyu thought of the process of meeting and knowing Chen Mo, and the corner of his mouth showed a sweet smile unconsciously.

A smile from the heart is breathtaking.

Xiaoyu is talking about her and Chen Mo's story. Mo Nu quietly feels the feeling from Xiaoyu's consciousness, and unconsciously shows the same happy smile as Xiaoyu, as if she is in the scene.

Everything is changing smoothly.


Building one.

Wang Hai and Zhong Lei follow Zhao Min and look around unconsciously.

Even with Chen Mo for so long, this building is their first time to come in.

Because this building is not under special circumstances, only four people, Chen Mo, Zhao Min, Xiaoyu and Mo Nu, have access to it.

In the outside world, this is the most mysterious laboratory, and also the most advanced place in the world. The epoch-making technology of marching ant group has emerged from here.

Today, they are finally here.

But to their regret, each laboratory is huge and independent. When they pass through the corridor, the doors of the laboratories along the way are closed, and there are not many things they can see.

But we can be sure that this is fully intelligent. All the guards and security are in the charge of robots.

Zhao Min brought them here. They must have been authorized by Chen mo. this time, I think it's time to see the boss.

Sure enough.

When the elevator reached the floor, Zhao Min led them to a rest hall outside the laboratory.

Black Hawk is also here, white pearl, muscular male Anan, huofurong and Zhu He, short hair and heroic Luoyu, human shaped tower Mount Tai, small and shrewd Wuqiang, and indifferent Cheng Chuanyu.

They have their own tasks and teams with each other.

Wu Qiang and Cheng Chuanyu are in charge of the security team of Chen Mo's family. Wang Hai, Zhong Lei and Zhu He are in charge of military enterprises. Bai Zhu Zhu, Luo Yu and Tai Shan are in charge of Xiaoyu and matchless security team. Heiying and Anan are Chen Mo's bodyguards.

They are the most powerful group of human forces around Chen mo.

Ten people are familiar with each other. Seeing Zhao Min bring Wang Hai and Zhong Lei in, they say hello to each other and wait patiently.

When they come here, they all know what it means.

Within half a minute, Chen Mo and Mo Nu came out of the lab. Mo Nu's new body is learning from Xiaoyu. Chen Mo has to temporarily use Mo Nu's old body to follow him.

"It's time to understand. You just know. You are my most trusted team, so you are here. Now you have a last chance to decide, are you sure of your choice? " Asked Chen mo.


Ten people did not hesitate to speak with one voice, very firm.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo, they would have retired from the army, perhaps as a single instructor or officer, or entered the police system. In the end, they could only pass through the whole life. Now they have a chance to make themselves better. They won't have any hesitation.


Chen Mo led ten people into the medical laboratory.

"I have more advanced potential development here, can I give you more self-protection ability, do you want to do it?"

As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, ten people stood upright, with surprise and firmness in their eyes, nodded heavily.


"I'm afraid we need to seek cooperation from China."In the palace of the Arab Kingdom, Muhammad saw the news and told his father.

It is a signal that China has officially allowed the export of controlled fusion power stations. The signal of the all-round popularization of unlimited clean energy, even as a major oil producer, they have to pay attention to the trend of world science and technology.

If we don't bring in oil, we will fall behind the world a lot when we think about the elimination of oil.

Once the western countries led the world, this time, it may be an opportunity to overtake.

"China is now the leader of the world. It's right to follow them. It's up to you to deal with these things. Cough... " The old king nodded slightly and coughed twice, obviously he was already weak.

"The world is going to change."

Johnson looked at the two men in the video, renkabauer, the German new iron lady, and makaron, the French president.

Both agreed to nod at his words.

"We are behind in this technology competition."

Makaron has some regrets.

In the science and technology competitions between China, the United States, Russia, Europe, the island and India, they are obviously in the penultimate position.

The success of the controlled nuclear fusion experiment announced by the United States means the second ticket to enter the era of clean energy, while the controlled nuclear fusion feast in China has begun, and they have no bottom card advantage.

"If you enjoy it for too long, there will always be a price to pay for the consolidation of capitalists and aristocrats."

Renkabauer pointed out the pain without mercy.

In the past two decades, more than half of the world's new Unicorn technology innovation companies and Internet companies have been in China. Although the market competition is also very strong, there is the most basic survival environment and opportunities for enterprises.

On the contrary, in Europe, the consolidation of the status of the aristocracy and the capitalist class is due to the monopoly of the old enterprises, who are eating the old roots and trying to squeeze and kill the living space of other enterprises. Germany is a little bit better. Other countries have begun to sell equity in corporate assets, and others have taken control of the market.

The lack of scientific and technological innovation over the years has led them to be in the bottom position in this science and technology competition.

Will Europe, which once opened the center of the first industrial revolution in the era of great navigation, be eliminated in the energy revolution of the new era?

"Maybe we have another way. In terms of artificial intelligence, we cooperate with India. They have strong R & D capability in software technology and poor hardware. At the same time, they are facing the same dilemma as us. We learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses."

Makaron's proposal made renkabauer and Johnson look bright.