Science and Technology Library

Chapter 670

Ocean Park, ant Park, city library, movie theater and shopping plaza, and the places Xiaoyu chooses are all the places that girls like to go to for daily shopping and playing, as well as the places with many people. The purpose of this trip is to let Mo Nu contact the outside world as much as possible and see more people.

Just like children, they need to touch people, not grow up in a closed environment.

Xiao Yu and Mo NV, left and right, hold Chen Mo's hand. All the men passing by are envious.

However, all three were wearing masks, which passers-by could not recognize.

This is quite high-profile, but it's Xiaoyu to lead. Chen Mo doesn't know Xiaoyu's intention and can't refuse, just follow her.

Once in a while, I saw some men on the road. After peering envious and hateful eyes, I was immediately picked up by my girlfriend beside me, which attracted Xiaoyu and chenmo who were passing by a lot of smiles.

"Where to?" Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu.

At this time, I just came out of the holographic cinema in ant paradise town and just watched a new holographic movie.

Today's affairs are all decided by Xiaoyu, who just confirms Mo Nu's state from time to time.

"Let me see." Xiaoyu looks around.

"Mogo, I want that bear."

All of a sudden, the nearby Mo woman spoke and pointed to the shop in front of her. A shop full of plush toys looks very beautiful.

Chen Mo is stunned and looks at Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu was also a little surprised and shook his head: "I didn't think so, it should be her own."

They look at Mo Nu together, and Chen Mo's face is more surprised.

Just a word, a simple requirement, very common, but this requirement is different from the past, which is the requirement of Mo Nu with emotional desire.

This shows that Mo Nu has a preliminary independent consciousness and begins to be curious about the outside world.

The experiment progressed faster than chenmo thought.

Only half a day later, now Mo Nu's self-consciousness has been initially opened. In a quite childhood, her future development will be faster and faster, and her thinking will be more and more mature.

"Want a bear?" Asked Chen mo.

"Yes." Mo Nu nods gently.

"I'll buy it for you." Chen Mo leads the two people to buy the two most beautiful plush toys in the shop and lets them hold each other in their arms: "do you want anything else?"

"No more."

Mo Nu smiles and shakes her head with the bear. Her sense of touch and cognition to the teddy bear comes from Xiaoyu to her "consciousness".

"If you have any idea or want, just tell me and sister Xiaoyu."

Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu.

To Mo Nu, what she got is cold data. Now Xiaoyu is mo Nu's' nervous system '. The information from Xiaoyu is transmitted to Mo Nu's' quantum brain', which is the real 'feeling', not the cold data.

"Well." Mo NV nods her head cleverly.

"It seems that the speed is faster than you expected." Xiaoyu also saw Chen Mo's surprise.


Chen Mo is noncommittal.

"Let's go, but hang out."

Xiaoyu holds the teddy bear in one hand and Chen Mo in the other hand. His eyes are all curved into crescent.

Mo Nu has her own way of learning.

"It seems that the second stage will begin soon. Are you going to let Mo Nu and I go there to study? Or do you teach it yourself? First of all, I may not learn as fast as you Xiaoyu laughs.

"It's OK. There's plenty of time." Chen Mo said, "go to our new university to study and do it again. I can teach you when I'm free."

The construction of the marching ant University invested by the marching ant group is nearing the end of its infrastructure and its qualifications have come down. That is Chen Mo's unique preparation for the University. Chen Mo has made a careful arrangement for the teaching content to ensure that in this university, he can learn the content and knowledge that other universities do not have.

In the future, Chen Mo is ready to build the university into the best higher education institution in the world.

It's the best place for Xiaoyu to go there.

"Let's not talk about that. It's important to be happy now."

Xiaoyu didn't stay on this topic, which should be considered in the future. Now her thinking with Mo Nu is connecting, which is the time to teach Mo Nu to understand the world.

After getting a desired teddy bear, Mo Nu can communicate with others, but they are all curious about some things. Chen Mo and Xiaoyu do their best to help Mo Nu know those things.


Sandia National Laboratory, deuterium tritium controlled fusion experimental center.

A group of scientists are in the laboratory, all of them look serious.

As the former leader of the controlled fusion team, Mike coonio was appointed as the leader of the physics team of the new team after entering the new team.

They are the top research team of controlled fusion technology initiated by zone 51. In this way, physicists will come out and gather the top materials experts and artificial intelligence experts in the United States.Some time ago, they got the advanced artificial intelligence - Adam, artificial intelligence breakthrough. The White House ordered them directly to gather the most top physicists and artificial intelligence scientists from domestic universities and enterprises, and led by zone 51 to form a new controlled nuclear fusion team.

Now the team in the lab is the latest team.

During this period, through advanced artificial intelligence + supercomputer simulation, they determined that the most troublesome material at present is superconducting material.

But when they plan to use low-temperature superconductivity to study controlled fusion, marching ant group released room temperature superconductors.

This is almost as good news as the tsunami.

As soon as the news came out, their controlled nuclear fusion team jointly wrote that the White House should get room temperature superconductors anyway.

In the end, as they wanted, the March ant group did not worry and sold it to them.

After confirming the superconductivity of the materials, they first used supercomputers to add the experimental data of the materials to simulate and replace the central solenoid and magnetic field system of the controlled fusion device.

Now after debugging, the controlled fusion device is running through holographic technology simulation.

Success or failure depends on it.

"The device is stable in operation, data display, and net energy output is completed."

The alert of artificial intelligence falls into people's ears, just like the sound of nature, more excited than hearing their wives have children, and the whole laboratory is full of surprises.

"Has the controlled fusion technology been successfully tested?"

EVA sat in the president's office and was delighted to hear the news.

Huaxia put the controlled nuclear fusion into formal application, they did not even achieve the successful net energy output. The global leader in science and technology has long been taken away by China.

They have concentrated the nation's talents in controlled fusion technology, and almost all project approvals have been given priority. With the help of advanced artificial intelligence.

Good news finally came today.

At this time, the think tank in the president's office and several scientific advisers were extremely excited.

Technological success means they get tickets to the era of clean energy for controlled nuclear fusion.

"President, what's next?" Coonio asked.

"What is your team thinking?" EVA asked, looking at coonio. They are the most familiar with controlled fusion technology and one of her scientific advisors. It is necessary to listen to their suggestions.

"If the simulation test is successful, it is almost 99% likely to succeed. We suggest that funds should be allocated immediately for the construction of the officially applied controlled nuclear fusion power station to catch up with the pace of China. " "However, to build a controlled fusion power station, we need to buy a lot of room temperature superconductors from the marching ant group, which is the core material of the technology," coonio said

EVA nodded a little and immediately decided.

"Report on the budget for the construction of a controlled fusion power station, and let the outside world know about your success."