Science and Technology Library

Chapter 668

Bioelectricity is the most basic feature of life activities. All kinds of organisms, from bacteria to elephants, have bioelectricity activities.

Electromagnetism, magnetoelectricity, that's the physical rule.

Electric field and magnetic field exist at the same time. If human brain has bioelectricity and electric field changes, there must be magnetic field.

With scientific instruments, we can detect the existence of brain magnetic field. It looks like a wave. This wave is called brain wave.

Brain wave is the sum of postsynaptic potentials of billions of neurons in the cerebral cortex. The formation of its synchronous rhythm is related to the activity of nonspecific projection system in the cerebral cortex.

Brain wave sensing technology has existed for a long time, and some toys controlled by brain wave have appeared in the market.

For example, when the brain waves control the UAV, the brain will concentrate, the activity of the cerebral cortex will become stronger, and the brain waves will become stronger. So the sensor on the head can sense the magnetic field activity of the brain and trigger the command to operate the UAV, but this is only the most basic application of brain wave.

The brain wave sensing device Chen Mo wants to study is also the brain wave sensing device. The difference is that Chen Mo needs to combine super quantum computing to simulate the synaptic activity and the formation of brain waves in the brain, and then let Mo Nu's "quantum brain" simulate this rhythm, so as to imitate the operation of the brain.

There is another term related to the neural activity of the brain, namely consciousness.

In philosophy, "consciousness" is used as the object of study.

Biologically, consciousness is a kind of advanced ordered organization form of matter, which refers to the sum of the characteristics that can be sensed by the physical perception system and the related perception processing activities.

Experimental research shows that consciousness is produced by the neural activities in the brain, which requires neurons in some parts of the brain to be excited enough in enough time.

Human brain is the most complex and mysterious organization system in nature.

In infancy, the neural network of human brain has been improved, but the thickness of other neural network connections is basically the same except for the specific neural channels such as breathing and sucking. Therefore, in infancy, the neural signal transmission in the brain is invalid, there is no memory, and the consciousness is chaotic.

For example, the eye structure of a baby is the same as that of an adult, but in the brain neural network, the neural channels related to color and shape are not formed, so it is difficult for a baby to form an effective consciousness when looking at one thing alone, but after education, conditioned reflex can be formed, which can make the brain grow.

The operation mechanism of consciousness is similar to that of computer programs, but artificial intelligence can never reach the height of human beings. Because artificial intelligence does not have self-consciousness, it is impossible to have independent thinking activities to replace human intelligence and creativity.

But the "quantum brain" can simulate this "self-consciousness". Through the terrible computing power, the quantum can simulate the high-level ordered organization form of any material existence.

The baby's consciousness is similar to a chaotic state. Mo Nu's current "quantum brain" activity is also a chaotic state. There is no orderly organization form between more than 1000 quantum.

The difference between the two is that infants can communicate with the outside world by connecting the whole nervous system of the brain, form true perception, stimulate brain growth, and gradually form mature and effective consciousness through learning. However, Mo Nu's "quantum brain" only receives data without temperature color, not real "perception".

Chen Mo needs to use the neural consciousness system technology and brain wave sensing device as a bridge between human consciousness and "quantum brain", open the sensing channel between "quantum brain" and reality, let "quantum brain" simulate the high-level ordered form state of "consciousness", and create "quantum consciousness" belonging to Mo nu.

This is the creation of a "soul" from scratch, and perhaps another debate between philosophy and quantum.

On the laboratory bench.

Chen Mo carefully as like as two peas in a red hat, he has a similar pink hat on the test stand.

Like knitted hat, it's not. It's made of materials with special magnetic field induction.

There is an integrated brain wave sensor, more than 10000 micro brain wave sensors, and a neural consciousness system. There is also a quantum chip with enough calculation. Through the sensor, the quantum chip is connected with the "quantum brain" of Mo nu. All the brain activities simulated by the neural consciousness system will form an orderly combination of quantum beats, which will be transmitted to the "quantum" of Mo nu Brain.

The three small super capacitor batteries embedded in the cap can provide the cap to work continuously for 36 hours.

The second phase of the expansion of the space center base has begun. In this area, he has been different from him to worry and pay too much attention.

So since the beginning of the project, Chen Mo has focused on the research of brain wave sensing device and neural consciousness system technology. These two months' research has finally yielded results.


Chen Mo is very satisfied to see the pink hat in front of him, which also has the mark of marching ant group on it.

It's a little cute and girlish, suitable for small fishing.Due to the need to simulate a large number of human daily activities, this device must be worn by Xiaoyu to go out and contact the outside world, so as to generate different emotions and perceptions. If it is made into helmet type or headband type, it will be very strange and unsightly.

Put on this "hat" and go out without worrying about passers-by's eyes.

In addition to appearance, its technology is strictly in accordance with the technical requirements of the science and Technology Library.

There are many functional regional brain wave rhythms in the human brain. The frequency band of each functional region is different. This brain wave sensor can accurately identify various rhythms.

After hundreds of tests, it is basically the same as the phenomenon described in the technical theory.

The technology of brain wave induction system and neural consciousness system has been completed, and then it enters the formal experimental stage.

"Go and see your new body."

Chen Mo put two hats in his suitcase and went to the robot lab.

In Mo Nu's body, there are old chips and old technologies. With the replacement of quantum chips and the emergence of new materials in the library of science and technology, Chen Mo takes this opportunity to change Mo Nu's body. As like as two peas in the

robot laboratory, the new body of Mo Mo is lying quietly. The new body is exactly the same as the original body of the ink female.

This new body is upgraded again. It is made of new materials, and the material strength is much stronger. Don't destroy this body unless you have special weapons.

In her new body, the latest quantum chip capable of operating 1087 quantum bits is installed as the "quantum brain", and the quantum chip can be updated and replaced at any time, so there is no need to worry about the need to replace the new body after the quantum chip is more advanced.

"Mo Nu, copy a core intelligent program into the new body." After Chen Mo starts Mo Nu's new body, he says to Mo Nu around him.


Huge data, 10 minutes before transmission.

"Was the previous body shut down and put into the collection room?" Mo asked.


Chen Mo stroked the head of Mo Nu, but he was still reluctant to give up.

After receiving Chen Mo's instruction, Mo NV nods and turns to the collection room.

Chen Mo is curious to touch the skin of Mo Nu's body. This new body feels the same as real people: "put on your clothes and go home, find your sister Xiaoyu, and then do experiments for you to let your owner's emotion and thinking consciousness."


Mo Nu shows a smile, quickly gets up from the experimental platform, puts on her clothes, and walks to Chen mo.