Science and Technology Library

Chapter 639

After the announcement of the moon landing plan and the moon development plan, the global media and netizens have fried the pot.

This landing is on the back of the moon. If it is successful, it will be the first time for human beings to set foot in the mysterious area with back to the earth for billions of years.

The research value of the back of the moon is much greater than that of the front.

"Huaxia is landing on the moon now. Our politicians are investing countless election funds for the general election. They attack each other and smear each other. They talk big about policies that can't be realized. After the election is successful, people who donate a lot can get power and interest preference. Even if they don't know how to manage the country, they can also be nominated as senior officials. That's why we are caught up by Huaxia."

As soon as the news came out, some people began to complain.

On the second day of the news release, fortune released a research report on March ant group. If the moon base plan and resource development plan are successful, March ant group will have unlimited resources and become the fourth largest economy in the world. Chen Mo's personal wealth is immeasurable.

The real wealth is the enemy.

One company, one person, surpasses most economies.

This is an unprecedented achievement.

Even the world's top value appraisal companies can't count Chen Mo's personal wealth now. He has gone beyond the scope of statistics, so it's meaningless to rank him.

The wind wave of controlled nuclear fusion technology has just fallen, but the last small problem of controlled nuclear fusion technology is the fuel problem.

Although it is possible to prepare deuterium tritium fuel by bombarding lithium atom, the cost is too high, the output is limited, and the price is very expensive.

This news, the most concerned by the outside world, is the development of resources.

The most valuable thing in the development of lunar resources is the abundant helium-3 resources, which is an endless wealth for the marching ant group that controls the controlled nuclear fusion technology and successfully develops the star ring.

March ant group is ready to develop the helium-3 resources of the moon, which is undoubtedly the last problem to tell the world that March ant group will solve the controlled nuclear fusion technology.

In the future, controlled nuclear fusion energy will become the most perfect energy for human beings.

Huaxia has successfully developed a complete set of technologies of controlled nuclear fusion technology. There is no news about the successful net energy output of controlled nuclear fusion technology in other countries, let alone controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Fight hard?

China has a war robot force that can massacre the living forces on the ground from the beginning to the end. As for strategic forces, it is not inferior to any other country.

She has a real strength, just as always to maintain the middle way.

Now no one dares to really provoke that dragon. The outside world can only watch the development of China.

Sandia National Laboratory, deuterium tritium controlled fusion experimental center.

Michael coonio thought about the data and frowned.

This is the data obtained from the fusion experiment of deuterium and tritium on Z machine. The experimental data shows that when the ratio of deuterium and tritium reaches 1:1, the energy generated by the new mixture is 500 times of the existing maximum energy, and they seem to find the best fuel relationship.

But there are many problems with controlled fusion technology.

They did five years of experiments, adding tritium to the device continuously, so that the ratio reached 1:1, and got the current experimental data.

The magnetic field of Z-machine can restrain the alpha particles in the reaction and capture them along the field line, so as to gather more energy to maintain fusion.

However, tritium molecules are too small and easy to penetrate into any part of the equipment, which requires a very high ability of nuclear fusion facilities control and radiation protection, and it needs a long time of continuous fueling.

The most important thing is that the existing devices, the reaction conditions are not enough, the fusion reaction collision of deuterium and tritium molecules is not enough, and the fusion reaction can not be maintained for a long time.

The material of superconductor and fusion device is the key to the breakthrough of controlled nuclear fusion technology. If there is a breakthrough of superconductor material and divertor material, they have better experimental conditions, then the problems of deuterium tritium fusion reaction collision and plasma morphology can be gradually improved in the experiment.

However, how easy is material breakthrough?

A few years ago, China's controlled nuclear fusion technology shocked the world after it announced a successful net energy output.

High temperature plasma physicists all over the world are shocked by the success of China.

However, during this period, none of Huaxia's controlled fusion technology team, including Chen Mo, chief engineer and chief designer of star ring research, published any papers and theories on controlled fusion technology.

The global controlled nuclear fusion technology is now only mastered by Huaxia and really put into application.

Their country has organized top nuclear physicists and high-temperature plasma physicists to invest a lot of money in research. In the past few years, no matter in materials or in the shape of plasma, there has been little progress.

Now China has built a large-scale controlled nuclear fusion power station, and the March ant group has announced landing on the moon to develop helium-3 resources, but they still haven't made progress.

Now their country's controlled nuclear fusion team, as well as the team that joined the group of seven to jointly develop nuclear fusion technology, are a little anxious.If we don't break through, March ant group will successfully develop the helium-3 resources of the moon. In the future, the most critical energy technology in the world will be monopolized by China. For them, there is no worse news.

Knock knock knock!!

There was a knock at the door and the director of the laboratory entered the office.

"Coonio, I have something to tell you." The director opens.

"What's up? Will not quarrel with your wife again, come to me for comfort Coonio looked at him strangely.

"She's honest. As we have been informed above, zone 51 is going to set up a new research team for controlled fusion project. It belongs to the top team, which will bring together the top physicists. Even the physicists of the solar project will come back. There's new technology to help with this. Do you want to participate? " Said the director with some mystery.

"What technology?"

"Can't say." The director shrugged.

"Participate, of course." Mike didn't hesitate to say yes.


Kurchatov Institute, Moscow.

In the 1950s, the world's first Tokamak device was born at the Kurchatov Institute. For decades, it was still Russia's most advanced institute of nuclear fusion.

Eugene velihov looked at lortsky excitedly, with a little tension on his face, which was covered with age spots.

He is the president's scientific advisor, one of Russia's most famous fusion scientists, and one of the founders of ITER program.

Now it's over 80 years old and still hasn't retired.

Because Russia's national strength is not in the Soviet era, and its talents are scarce and its national strength is weak, he has to give only a candle light to the national nuclear fusion field, hoping to cultivate more nuclear fusion talents for Russia.

After the successful controlled nuclear fusion in China and the name of ITER project, he focused all his energy on the controlled nuclear fusion project in Russia.

In their country, talent is scarce.

So these years, the top technological breakthroughs are not big, they are eating the old roots of the Soviet era.

Now, the Department of energy brings locksky to tell him that there is a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, allowing them to communicate and use the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence to assist in controlled nuclear fusion research.

Rocchi told him that it might be useful, which is why villihov is excited.

"Are you sure you can? Professor locksky. "

"We tested jielina, which is very powerful. It has made some breakthroughs in the field of materials and helped some research speed up. I can't guarantee that it will succeed in controlled fusion, but it will help

"Then try." Said villihov.

At the same time, the island's Atomic Energy Research Institute in liusucun, Qingsen County, and Yamamoto are also participating in the assistance Research Conference of the island's controlled nuclear fusion reactor.

To discuss the possible contribution of "sky light" to the study of controlled fusion.

Europe, India, all countries with ambitions for controlled fusion research, are starting to get nervous.

The March ant group announced the development of lunar resources, giving them a sense of urgency. China has come to the front. If they succeed in developing the nuclear fusion fuel resources of the moon, they have not yet made a breakthrough. In the future, they can only follow China and eat ashes forever.

Flying ant Space Center.

The goddess and the termite are already at the airport.

All the equipment needed to land on the moon is also loaded into the transport cabin, and everything is ready.

Under the attention of ready-made personnel and the media, Yang Yunsheng and Cai Kang, wearing space suits, waved goodbye and entered the shennu under the guidance of the robot.

To be on the safe side, the two will enter the safety cabin of the shennu. The safety cabin can provide two people with more security. After all, no one can predict the situation of the monthly back.


Yang Yunsheng and CAI kangchao wave to the security camera.

"Take off."

With one command, the goddess took the lead in the air, ten minutes later, the termite followed, disappeared in the sky under the media camera.