Science and Technology Library

Chapter 630

The secret base not far from Kyoto, the island country, is now under martial law and no non important personnel are allowed to enter. Some ordinary workers and researchers are off today and not allowed to be near the AI research institute.

The supercomputer building, which is loaded with AI programs, has been surrounded by armed soldiers.

In the control room of the Supercomputer Center, led by Ma Yiqing, a group of special soldiers stood in silence, with two special safes beside them.

He was sent by the prime minister to supervise the delivery of the AI program.

What's in it is related to the national transportation of island countries. We must send the most trusted people to supervise it.

"Your secret keys are ready?"

Ma Yiqing looks at Xiaoye Zhi and Murakami who are present.

"Let's go."

Several of the AI team's leading researchers looked at each other, then carefully felt out the secret key from the briefcase and inserted it into the interface of the server.

Confirming permission; permission confirmation succeeded

Murakami waterstop in the eyes of the public, click a few times on the screen, start the permission of "Tianzhao" copy.


People began to wait, and Murakami in the middle gave the permission password several times, so the copy went on smoothly. The others were waiting in silence, no one spoke.

"Copy succeeded."

It takes about a minute for the prompt to appear on the screen.

In the eyes of the public, Ma Yiqing unplugs the hard disk of the copy and locks it in the safe.

"Secret key."

Ma Yiqing takes out the U disk from another safe and inserts it into the computer.

Finally, with the attention of the public, Murakami will control the secret key of "Tianzhao" and copy it into the U disk. Make sure the secret key is locked in the safe, and the atmosphere on the field is slightly relaxed.

Tianzhao's program and control key are delivered separately to ensure safety.

"Let's go."

Ma Yiqing waves and asks four soldiers to lift two safes and leave the Supercomputer Center of the base.


"Team 1 has entered Kyoto Expressway and is approaching."

"The tortoise found the rabbit in the back."

A skinny man looks at the convoy passing by and grins with success on a freeway that is necessary for the secret base to go to Kyoto.

He is the samurai, the ordinary island people's appearance, not tall or short, not too handsome or ugly, not any outstanding, left in the crowd, will disappear. It's because of his lack of attention that his intelligence work is like a fish in water.

Spies at the base confirmed that the secret key and program of "Tianzhao" were escorted by two teams, one by helicopter and the other by military vehicle. There were four military vehicles escorted, and one helicopter followed the military vehicle team in the sky.

Two helicopters, four military vehicles, divided into two teams, as he thought, the group was very careful. If the two teams succeed, they will succeed in getting the "sunshine".

"Samurai, two teams of drones lock on the target and arrive near the designated area in about two minutes."

"Team 1 is ready. Team 1 will act as soon as team 2 targets enter the planned area."

The samurai gave orders.

In order to carry out this operation, they even secretly transferred weapons from other countries stationed in the island countries to them. This time, they cannot fail.


In the leading military vehicle of Kyoto expressway, Matsuda, the copilot, smiled and was in a very good mood.

Yesterday, my family called to tell him that his wife, Mei Zi, had a daughter. Hearing this news, from last night to now, his smile has never stopped. As long as the task is completed, he can ask for leave to go back.

He knows that the things in it are artificial intelligence, which is very important, so he will send such a great force to escort.

But in his view, it's completely groundless.

Their island country is one of the safest countries in the world. It is impossible for them to rob their things in Kyoto.

"Matsuda, what are you laughing at?"

"My wife has a baby." When his thoughts were interrupted, Matsuda Wu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "after this mission, I will ask for leave to go back for two days and see my daughter."

"Congratulations, we'll celebrate when you come back." Said the soldier on the opposite side.

"Haha, thank you!"

As soon as he turned his head, Matsuda's happy smile froze. Under his eyes, a van skylight opened, and a masked man was carrying a rocket launcher to them.

"No, enemy attack!"

The smile turned into panic. For almost a moment, Matsuda's heart was occupied by fear.

Hissing and falling, in his vision, the rocket quickly magnified and came towards them.

It's over! This is Matsuda's last thought.



There were two loud sounds in the sky and the ground, shaking the sky. Then there were explosions, gunshots, collisions and screams, all over the highway.……

"Bear, Eagle 1 is hunting."

"Bear, Eagle 2 has killed birds. Birds fall."

"White bear, you wait for the chance to grab the bird's eggs. Group 1 is ready, waiting for the order to act at any time. Let them fight a dozen, and then kill the eagle."

Inside the Kyoto expressway, in front of the explosion Road, Buss, wearing the uniform of the island's special rapid attack troops, is sitting in a car, watching the satellite pictures uploaded from the tablet, as well as the sound of reporting from the headset, with a dangerous smile on his face.

At the next moment, Buss's car makes a sharp turn and goes straight back through the emergency lane.

In the rear of the explosion, on a truck three kilometers away from the explosion, the upper baffle of the container is opened, and four small UAVs with bombs are flying, along the slowly blocked highway, toward the front battlefield.

Two minutes later, the truck came close, and the front was packed with people who were in car accidents and panicked to escape.

With the sound of four explosions, four people in the uniform of the island's special rapid attack force, standing on a single UAV, rose from the top of the container, loaded with guns, flew over the highway, and quickly approached the place where there was a lot of gunsmoke in the distance. A sniper climbed onto the roof and aimed at the battlefield ahead.

Everything is ready.

In this operation, buss is willing to go out, even if they are exposed.

They have to get Ai from the island countries, which is their best chance.

AI programs are very important. They are related to whether they can restore the glory of the former superpower in the future.

If this operation fails, the island countries will surely be more strict in the protection of artificial intelligence, and their opportunities will be even less.


Sitting in the car, the white bear looks at the helicopter smoking in the field nearby, and the helicopter floating over the field, licking his lips and showing a sinister smile.

Knowing that the CIA is also trying to capture AI, they turn their sights on the CIA's people.

After monitoring and tracking, they followed the CIA all the way to the neighborhood. After the plane was shot down, they came here for the first time.

The mantis catches the cicada, the Yellow finch is behind.

Now the island helicopter that the CIA shot down is one kilometer away from them, and the CIA helicopter is also above the plane crash.

The CIA is the mantis. They are the yellowfinches.

He had no idea how the CIA could escape.

Now the plane was shot down and lost contact. According to the distance from the island base to here, at most 15 minutes, the island people will come. But CIA people, who are ambushed not far from the base, may delay the arrival of the rescue plane for a long time and make a wedding dress for them.

Seeing that the safe was hoisted by ropes, the white bear narrowed his eyes and smiled, stopped the car immediately, grabbed the rocket launcher beside him and carried it on his shoulder, aiming at the helicopter a kilometer away.

The team members on the other side also took up the rocket launchers.

The above warhead is their latest developed smart rocket. It is said that it is specially developed to deal with war robots like China. It has tracking function and high hit rate, especially for the trained special team members.

It took them a long time to bring in five warheads. To ensure a higher success rate, the white bear chooses two.

"Good to go, Yankee."

White bear's eyes are fierce, and he pulls the trigger.