Science and Technology Library

Chapter 621

Pet adventure is on fire.

The magical and dreamy advertisement of Binhai square was thoroughly spread through the publicity of friends circle, microblog and self media.

Some media people began to understand the meaning of the little game March ant group.

To obtain game pets, we need to find and catch them outdoors, and the main places where pets appear include sports fields, parks, leisure squares and other places with good environment, which advocates users to have more outdoor activities.

The energy of sports and low-carbon activities is needed for pet food or decorations for pet nest. In the virtual world, the adventure forest for pet travel is actually the marching ant forest, which is similar to Ali's "ant forest".

The more outdoor activities and low-carbon activities, the more beautiful and powerful holographic pets will be. And holographic pets have artificial intelligence and can communicate with people, which is quite a virtual pet.

A variety of themes are perfectly combined here in pet adventure. This kind of nurturing pet game, after a period of silence, is once again popular all over the country.

Marching ant group has supplied micro holographic projectors to mobile phone manufacturers all over the world. At present, holographic mobile phones have already been popularized and occupied the mainstream market. Anyone who has holographic mobile phones can keep holographic pets. Two holographic mobile phones can be put together to summon their pets to fight.

As a small program, the game is embedded in the "ant nest" account platform like the "ant forest". Anyone who has mobile phones of the marching ant group has an "ant nest" account with sufficient users.

Meaning, theme, audience and entertainment, all fit in with the current youth's preferences and behaviors, so that the game is completely hot.

Game fire, but also to promote the spread of March ant platform "ant nest".

"Better than expected."

Zhao Min was very satisfied with the feedback data.

In just two days, the number of new users has skyrocketed, and the number of online users has exceeded 100 million, which is not the general popularity.

Pet adventure and marching ant forest are just in line with the attitude of modern youth Buddhism and environmental protection. They have successfully attracted the interest of these people, which is the main group of domestic Internet users and the most dynamic group of users.

Now walking on the road, we can see some young people looking for pets with their mobile phones, copying the scene of pocket monsters in those days.

And the pet adventure is hot, and their other goal is to achieve, a series of information is scattered, and the attention on Fusion Technology on the network is plummeting.

They have enough time and space to speed up the deployment of fusion power stations.

The influence of fusion technology will be quietly, imperceptibly, and then be eliminated in the constant adjustment of society. When the outside world pays attention to the nuclear fusion technology again, it may be that the nuclear fusion power station has been widely used at that time, and the overall situation is determined.

The impact of nuclear fusion applications, in the domestic attention drop, their troubles will be less and less, in the domestic, they are successful to get rid of the impact.

As for the trouble abroad, it has nothing to do with them.

They're just a company, they can't manage, they can't manage.

"Next, our company will launch ant payment, ant bank and marching ant fund, all in accordance with the original plan." Zhao Min said.

Their company has a large number of users, involving a lot of very extensive and general things.

"Ant nest" as a platform for them to unify various services and procedures, and now "ant nest" is a chance for them because of the popularity of pet adventure.

The payment market in China is a situation of two superpowers and more powerful ones. UnionPay, home appliance manufacturers and large companies want to enter the market to achieve tripartite confrontation, but they have not been successful. They may take this opportunity to enter the market to form a tripartite confrontation.

Now the pet adventure game is in the hot stage, many people want to catch some rare and beautiful holographic pets.

After the launch of payment, bind the payment account, send a holographic pet, pay once with the account, send pet food and energy, learn from ant forest, and cultivate users' use habits.

These are all in the plan.

Although Alibaba does the same, they can learn from each other at best. Now they are using various rewards and discounts to attract users to use. It depends on who is attractive enough.

The method is easy to use, reasonable and legal, and the cost is small, so they will not let it go.

Ant payment, bank and fund are in the charge of a team organized by Zhang Yi. Everything that should be prepared is ready. Next, it depends on how they implement the promotion. Zhao Min doesn't have much to manage.

"I will take a vacation for a period of time, company affairs, unless you can't decide the project, otherwise your department internal self-confidence consultation decision, or ask Li Lingfeng and Julie them." Zhao Min said.

People at the conference table nodded.

Zhao Min usually works so hard that he seldom takes a vacation. Now he rarely asks for a vacation. Naturally, they won't disturb her.

The application of nuclear fusion is just at the right time. In these two days, the public opinion on their company has gradually disappeared, and the people behind them are sure to know that they can't be stopped, so they don't do anything anymore.

In the next few months, several major powers around the world will have their leaders replaced.The future pattern of the world is full of uncertainty. It's a special time for tuyeres. No one wants to make too much trouble.

Just take advantage of this time, Zhao Min plans to have a good rest and go to space to have a look.

The company's affairs are handled by Li Lingfeng, Julie, Zhang Yi and Lao Luo and the management team. It's impossible for such a huge company to stop operation when she is not in a certain period of time, or she will be busy all these years.

"All departments should carry out business according to your original plan. The meeting will be over and over."

With that, Zhao Min got up from his chair and left the meeting room with Lanxi.

"Mr. Zhao, what's your schedule next?"

"No need to arrange. If you are in the company, please contact me if you have any special and important questions." Zhao Min said, "now arrange a car and go to the boss's house."

"Good." Lanxi immediately dials up the phone and tells to arrange the car.

Matchless is turning a big book in the hall. It's some fairy tales. It's tight with a small face. It looks very serious and lovely.

Suddenly, the movement from the door made her raise her face.

When he saw the visitor, he immediately left his book and ran away with excitement.

"Aunt min."

"Just came in and you found out."

Zhao Min sees matchless rush to come over, immediately stretch out a hand to hold up, kissed on her small face, just put down.

"Aunt min bought you new clothes."

"Thank you, aunt min."

Xiaowushuang takes Zhao Min's dress bag, puts it on the sofa aside, takes Zhao Min's hand and walks towards the piano not far away.

"Aunt min, today my teacher taught me to play the piano. Can I play it for you?"

"So powerful? OK, let aunt min listen. "

Xiaoyu on the sofa is used to smiling at the scene of their intimacy. When Zhao Min arrived, she also put aside some of her business about building the school.

"It's holiday?"

"Well, let go of the company's business and let the following people handle it. It is very important to cultivate a group of outstanding subordinates. I am in charge of the overall situation and general direction of the company. Others let them let go. Take advantage of this time to play in space. Do you have time? "

"Yes, let the unparalleled grandparents come to take care of her for a while, just as the old man also miss her." Xiaoyu said, "I didn't expect that one day I would be so crazy and want to go to space."

"He can't be restrained by the three parts of the earth, so you have to keep up." Zhao Min said jokingly.

Xiaoyu is not sure.

"When to train?"

"I'll take a few days off first, and then I'll go there. I hear it's hard training." Zhao Min said.

"Then stay here for a while. Anyway, when you go back to your villa, you are alone. There are so many people here. You can play with incomparable people."


Zhao Min did not refuse.

The two chatted, matchless has been prepared, seriously sat on the piano stool, began to have a model to have a kind of performance.

Although the notes are intermittent, they are complete. Just one day after learning, they remember the notes and tones of the tune. They look at each other and see the surprise in each other's eyes.