Science and Technology Library

Chapter 554

Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition.

This is a biennial exhibition of weapons and defense, held in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Emirates.

Since the first Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition in 1993, it is held every two years. It is the largest military equipment exhibition in the Middle East and one of the five largest defense exhibitions in the world. It is known as the most important event in the world's military manufacturing industry.

Most of the most cutting-edge technologies of the world's military equipment are made their debut here.

In addition, it brings together the world's top defense companies and defense experts to conduct defense seminars.

This is a five-day "feast" to show the latest and most comprehensive equipment and weapons in the world, and invite buyers from the most authoritative and most "local tyrants" from all countries to participate. The popularity is obvious.

Today is the opening day of the International Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi.

Zhong Lei, dressed in formal clothes, walked towards the Abu Dhabi National Convention and Exhibition Center. Behind him were his assistant and two soldiers equipped with ants.

Wang Hai presided over the company's overall situation and business affairs in tanzani. He was relatively flexible, so he took charge of the Defense Exhibition.

In their early years, they worked as security guards around the country's great people, and they had seen and learned a lot. None of them, Taishan and Luoyu are mediocre.

Now Chen Mo has given them a platform to use their accumulated knowledge and experience. They have grown rapidly and will soon become generals.

The assistant next to him, Luo Xin, is in charge of helping with the exhibition.

Luo Xin is the first group of people in the company to follow them to tanzani to create a situation. They are loyal enough and good management and auxiliary talents, so they are reused by Wang Hai and Zhong Lei.

The exhibition has not officially opened, but as the staff of the exhibitors, they can enter the exhibition area first.

After checking the work card and identity, several people smoothly entered the National Convention and Exhibition Center.

The bright hall and the narrow red carpet extend from the gate to the depth of the exhibition hall, dividing the hall into two large areas. On both sides of the red carpet are exhibition areas of some countries, displaying various chariots and weapons.

At present, the equipment for the exhibition is mainly American, British, legal and Russian equipment. Each country's exhibition area is specially divided, surrounded by the staff of the exhibitors.

When Zhong Lei and Luo Xin pass the exhibition areas from Europe and the United States, they can clearly feel the attention of the staff.

"Look at their eyes with precaution."

Luo Xin looked at the staff of European and American military enterprises who were watching them.

"It doesn't matter if they can't prevent it, we can't get their equipment and technology, a group of people suffering from persecution, paranoid cancer and advanced stage."

Zhong Lei smiled and continued to focus on the equipment on display.

Helicopter model, fighter model, warship model, submarine model, radar, tank, all kinds of land platforms, UAV, anti tank weapons, all kinds of weapons and ammunition, flying in the sky, walking on the ground, swimming in the water, all of them are dazzling.

It involves combat platform, anti-terrorism, security, investigation, rescue, transportation and infrastructure, covering the most comprehensive equipment types.

Zhong Lei is sure that this is the day when he has seen the most kinds of weapons and equipment, and it is almost a paradise for military fans.

"Brother Zhong, how many orders do you think we can get this time?" Luo Xin whispers beside Zhong Lei.

"Depending on the situation, it shouldn't be less."

Zhong Lei is still looking at the equipment on both sides with interest.

"We have the head office as the back, standing on the shoulders of giants, and we can't look too low. Our goal is to be a world-class arms supplier, and this is just the beginning.

Although the company's current equipment is not large-scale equipment, it is the most practical. The name of marching ant group cannot be looked down upon by others.

At the critical period of the company's development, we should also strive for some orders, not all funds, but subsidies from the head office, otherwise it would be too humiliating. "

Luo Xin nodded softly and listened to Zhong Lei.

Before long, a few people came to the exhibition area in Africa where the soldier ant equipment is located.

The soldier ant equipment is represented by tanzani, the only company in tanzani. Because soldier ant gear is registered in Tanzania. Although it is actually controlled by the marching ant group, the soldier ant equipment does not belong to the exhibition group in China.

There are relatively few exhibitors in Africa. This exhibition is divided into one exhibition area with products from participating countries and enterprises.

Zhu he is strolling around the exhibition area of soldier ant equipment. She has just arrived, and the opening ceremony has not yet begun. She comes to see the exhibition area of worker ant defense. If you are free, you can come to see the soldier ant equipment.

Seeing Zhong Lei coming, Zhu He walked over with a smile, and they had a simple hug.

"Long time no see, Reggie."

Zhong Lei looks at Zhu He and finds that he has changed a lot. He is more mature than before and his temperament has begun to change.

"How is it? Are you ready there? ""Good enough." Zhu he pointed to the exhibition area opposite.

The most prominent position of soldier ant equipment in Africa exhibition area is on the roadside, next to the Chinese exhibition area, worker ant defense is just adjacent to them.

The logo style of the two countries is similar, one spear and one shield, and the decoration of the exhibition area is the same.

If it wasn't for the Middle Road, they would be almost a company.

As you all know, the two companies are actually one, and the United Emirates knows the situation of the two companies, and deliberately arranges them to participate next to each other.

Standing in the exhibition area of soldier ant equipment, you can see the most prominent and central position opposite, standing in awe of the war robot.

There are two models, one male and one female, with camouflage coating. The eyes are designed as sci-fi glasses. Instead of traditional sensor cameras, the face and mouth are sealed by the designed masks. Only the outline is invisible, with more mystery.

This is the export version of the war robot.

In order to export the war robots, Zhu he spent a lot of effort.

It can't be made into a fake real person. It has been greatly reduced in weapons and performance. At last, Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to make several changes according to the above requirements, and finally determined the export version of the robot.

"Is the robot here a model or a real one?" Asked Zhong Lei.

"Here is the model, the real machine is on its debut in the exhibition area."

One of the highlights of the exhibition is the first exhibition area, in which the equipment products appear for the first time at the Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition, which will attract a large number of visitors to learn.

It's the first time for soldiers and workers to participate in Defense Exhibition. All products are new. For the first time, in addition to the exhibition area here, the two companies also have some products in the exhibition area for the first time.

It's enough to attract more eyeballs and make their war robots amazing.

"Before I came here, I was given a list of countries where I could accept orders, which is very interesting." Zhu He's voice is a little mysterious, with a smile.

"Can you tell me?" Asked Zhong Lei curiously.

"According to the regulations, of course, it cannot be said." Zhu He laughs and shakes his head: "when they buy relevant weapons and ammunition from you, they will know."

"To my taste." Zhong Lei smiled: "look at your mysterious appearance, guess I can guess both of them. I don't know how war robots will behave in the real battlefield. I'm looking forward to it. "

"Even if it's an abridged version, the performance is terrible." Said Zhu He.

As time went by, the Defense Exhibition officially began.