Science and Technology Library

Chapter 440

"Mr. Chen Mo, do you think it's too early to talk about the future city?" Standing up to ask questions is a Western elite, look at the appearance, is the management of a company.

After Chen Mo's speech, the audience below began to be restless. For many people, the smart city described by Chen Mo is still far away.

"No sooner, I will give you a concept of time. In the next five years, if there is no accident, Binhai will be the prototype of an intelligent city."

Chen Mo denied shaking his head and said.

"Artificial intelligence unified platform has appeared. Our company's" artificial intelligence + "platform is to build an intelligent core. City brain, artificial intelligence + traffic, artificial intelligence + building, artificial intelligence + electrical appliances, artificial intelligence + office, artificial intelligence + life, etc. are not movies anymore.

Our company headquarters, as well as staff dormitory, have realized the concept of "artificial intelligence +". This concept is being promoted to Binhai city and even the whole Chinese city.

According to our statistics, the average waiting time of citizens at the sidewalk traffic lights in Binhai city after the start of the intelligent transportation project is 15 seconds lower than before, which is a terrible figure in the city of millions of people.

The traffic jam rate in Binhai city is more than 70% lower than that in the same period of previous years. Even in the rush hour, there will be no large-scale traffic jams. Urban road infrastructure, under the analysis of big data and artificial intelligence, is fully utilized. Next, as long as driverless traffic is popularized, the basic prototype of smart city will be formed. This day, it won't be too far away. "

Chen Mo's words caused a commotion below.

Looking at the hands raised by the crowd, Chen Mo orders another person to stand up.

"Mr. Chen Mo, we all know that gates, musk and other tycoons have many experts' comments, and they are worried that artificial intelligence will bring a crisis to mankind. Why are you so sure that AI will not bring a crisis to mankind? To build an intelligent city, don't worry that artificial intelligence will control and destroy human beings? "

"Why am I more certain than them? Because I am more professional than them. Let's be crazy. Marching ant company's AI is the most advanced at present. I am the one who knows AI best. "

Chen Mo gives an answer. This question is not the first time he has heard it.

"Ai brings crisis to human beings? It is possible, but the probability laughs pitifully. There are countless things that destroy human beings, such as a special mutated infectious virus, a big meteorite hitting the earth, nuclear war, the earth's own climate mutation, radiation from the universe, or the sudden emergence of three body aliens.

There is a probability that AI will destroy human beings, but according to statistics, this probability is almost the same as that tomorrow is the end of the world. You need to know that it's impossible for human beings to hand over nuclear warheads to artificial intelligence control. Science fiction movies are deceiving.

It is up to human ability to decide whether it will bring crisis to mankind. Strictly speaking, artificial intelligence is just a tool created by human beings, a tool to make human beings powerful.

In the barbarian era, the ancestors created tools to survive and evolve by defeating nature, created swords and guns and killed in war. Did swords and guns destroy human beings? No, these tools just make people stronger. What destroys human beings is their own desire and madness, which has nothing to do with tools, even if they are advanced tools.

People will die if they wipe their guns or lose control of their cars. The first time for human beings is to find out the cause. It is impossible to let the damaged tools lose control freely. Will human beings waste all their cars because they occasionally lose control and crash into people? impossible.

The artificial intelligence in the movie is totally out of control, making robots to kill people, and the probability is almost the same as that of all nuclear bombs suddenly exploding together.

In the future, space exploration, artificial intelligence are the best tools. If we want to be stronger, we can't know the infinite stars by our weak bodies and limited forces. Artificial intelligence is an inevitable trend. You are worried that AI will destroy human beings. It is more practical to worry about whether AI will replace your job tomorrow. "

Applause from below. Chen Mo's metaphors are just right, irrefutable and persuasive.

Soon, another figure stood up. After receiving the microphone, the person who stood up began to speak.

"Mr. Chen Mo, as far as I know, you are the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in physics. Why are there so few natural science Nobel prizes in your country? Does this mean that education in your country is backward? Is technology backward? " The person who opens his mouth has a kind of ridicule in his voice.

Suddenly jump to this question, Chen Mo slightly Leng, did not put the other side's sarcastic tone in mind.

"In fact, this is also the question I want to ask. I dare to ask you, why does our country receive so few Nobel prizes? Are we backward in education? Is science and technology underdeveloped in our country? "

Chen Mo shook his head directly.

"If China's education lags behind, why does China rank among the world's top scientific and technological achievements and economic achievements in just over 40 years of opening up? Or even some technology? Is this the achievement that education falls behind? Those who say that China's education is backward do not know China, but are just frogs in the well who follow the crowd. "Chen Mo's words, through simultaneous translation, spread throughout the venue. Hearing the irony in the answer, the person who stood up to ask the question blushed, and felt that the eyes around him were full of ridicule, as if they were looking at the clown.

Ignoring his reaction, Chen Mo continued to speak.

"As for why China won fewer Nobel prizes? Have you thought about the reason? "

Chen Mo pauses for a while, and everyone falls into silence, thinking about Chen Mo's words and reasons.

"First of all, natural science is a tree of science and technology, with education and economy as its backbone. Its achievements include branches and branches, leaves and flowers. The Nobel Prize is just a better and sweeter fruit that was inadvertently lent from the science and technology tree. Will you deny all the fruits of this tree because of the few good ones? "

Chen Mo's voice fell. Many people nodded and clapped loudly.

The Nobel Prize is just one of the outstanding scientific achievements, not all of them. They recognize the Nobel Prize, but they all know that the Nobel prize does not represent the overall level of a country.

Sweden, Switzerland and other countries have won more Nobel prizes in natural science than Russia, let alone China. But does this mean that these countries are more advanced in science and technology than these two countries? It's impossible.

And some of the things in the Nobel Prize, Chen Mo is not easy to break.

In the 40 years after the October Revolution in Russia, and in the more than ten years since the US and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony, the Soviet Union's Nobel Prize for natural science was completely blank. Especially during the cold war, the Soviet Union surpassed the United States in scientific and technological strength, and a steady stream of new technologies were discovered. However, none of the Nobel prizes was awarded, and the United States won many prizes in the same period.

These are very clear evidence.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's relations with all parties improved and won the blowout awards, which became more obvious.

It is said that science and technology have no national boundaries, but scientists have nationality, and it is impossible for them to do so.

There are no Chinese scientists in the Nobel Committee. Why are there few Chinese Natural Science Awards? How can we win the prize if we don't talk about technology and even a person who recommends and speaks for it? Western prejudice against China is not two days a day.

In many people's eyes, the Nobel Prize is not fair, but a prize affected by politics.

Chen Mo will not say these offending words publicly on this stage, just put them in his heart.

"The second reason is that the research and development of modern top technology is no longer the era of personal heroes. The winner of the Nobel Prize can only be shared by a limited number of two or three people. As far as I know, the R & D in China's top technology field is mainly based on teams. A top team has five or six people less and hundreds more.

The achievements of the team are attributed to two or three people, which is not in line with the reality.

Take insulin as an example. When Huaxia synthesized insulin that year, because the number of R & D team members exceeded the upper limit of the Nobel Prize, Huaxia did not apply for the Nobel prize that year. It is unacceptable to attribute the collective achievements to a few people.

Now one or two people have developed the advanced technology leading the world's science and technology, which is rare, especially in the context of our emphasis on team cooperation in Huaxia. I'm an exception. I can't measure the background of the mainstream of China based on my own situation, and I can't deny the education system of China because there are few Nobel prizes. This idea is very ignorant. "

There is another reason, Chen Mo did not say.

The top technology in China, except for some unrelated basic theories and other core technologies, is not allowed to be published as a paper because of the fear of technology leakage.

The paper leaking technology is not new.

Most of the top domestic teams are R & D teams within the official system. They will not publish the top-level technical papers in order to win a Nobel Prize.

This time, everyone was silent, and many scholars nodded in their hearts.

Because they all know that the Nobel prize does not represent the highest level of technology in the world, but only more advanced and practical technology.

The world's top technology fields, such as nuclear fusion, quantum technology, artificial intelligence, satellite, laser, etc., are all team work. And the most advanced technological achievements in the world rarely appear on the stage of Nobel Prize.

Even the epoch-making theory of relativity didn't win the Nobel Prize in that year. Hawking is known as a generation of giants, but until he left, there was no Nobel Prize.