Science and Technology Library

Chapter 419

"This year's Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Chen Mo, a Chinese scientist, for his extraordinary contribution to the exploration of geomagnetic and space microphysical fields, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Tuesday."

The news that he won the Nobel Prize in physics made the whole world boiling.

Among the Nobel prizes, the physics prize is the most important one, and it is also the most concerned one among all the physics prizes over the years.

Since the seismograph came out, Chen Mo has won the Nobel Prize, but there has been no news. Today, there is news, as expected.

In history, many Chinese have won the Nobel Prize in physics, but the winners are not pure Chinese scientists or even Chinese nationals.

Chen Mo is the first Chinese born scientist.

The physical mechanism of the combination of the detection of geomagnetic anomalies and the monitoring of space physical field of seismograph makes seismograph, which can forewarn earthquakes, which is a technology for the benefit of human beings.

Chen Mo won the Nobel Prize, which is also popular.

The Nobel Prize in physics has excited countless Chinese people.

This award is a barrier in the hearts of many Chinese people. Now Chen Mo has finally broken this barrier and opened the door.

March ant company was founded by Chen mo. although Chen Mo has not won any international awards, Chen Mo is the authority in the academic fields of computer, materials and optics.

Now, with the grace of Nobel Prize, he has become a living legend in the hearts of ordinary people.

"Congratulations on winning the Nobel Prize." Chen Mo is in the laboratory. Zhao Min's holographic projection video falls in front of him. Liu Mei is in a happy mood. Obviously, he is in a very good mood at the moment.

"Thank you." Chen Mo nodded softly.

"Why are you still not so hot and cold?"

Zhao Min's reaction to Chen Mo is a little hurt. Chen Mo has always been calm and confident. It's rare that his mood fluctuates too much. Ming Ming is younger than her, but calmer than him.

"This is the highest award in the field of research. Shouldn't it be exciting, exciting?"

"Not bad! When will the "chenmo Award" become the highest award in the field of technology in the world, it should be happy. " Said Chen moyou.


Hearing the answer, Zhao Min stroked his forehead, and the guy pretended in front of him.

Chen Mo laughs at himself.

His research, in addition to the design and development technology assisted by Mo Nu, and those technical theories, are all taken from the science and Technology Library.

The technology in the science and technology library is too avant-garde, many of which are top-notch technologies, so Chen Mo will not publish any papers to the outside world to avoid technology leakage.

Because he doesn't need those papers to help him increase honor and R & D funds, he rarely publishes papers.

"If I want to win the prize, I'm building a star ring. The technology in it can cover the Nobel Prize in the next five years." Chen Mo said.

"How dare you say that." Zhao Min laughs bitterly and says nothing, but what Chen Mo says is also a fact.

If other people dare to say such words, Zhao Min must think that he took the wrong medicine, but from Chen Mo's mouth, she can't refute.

Zhao Min knows that the technology inside the star ring is the normal temperature superconductive material and the liquid metal of the divertor, which are all Nobel prize level technologies. There are still many breakthrough technologies that she doesn't know. Chen Mo said it's really possible to win the Nobel Prize in the next five years.

It seems that the Nobel Prize is not difficult for Chen mo.

"One more thing, Binhai University sent an invitation to invite you back to give a lecture and set an example for your younger brothers and sisters."

"Is that so?" After thinking in silence, he nodded and agreed: "yes, go back. This Saturday afternoon, I'll be out for half a day. "

"Well, then you're busy."

Chen Mo ends his holographic video call with Zhao Min and goes to xinghuan laboratory. Now he dreams that [star ring] will be built successfully, which will enable him to conduct research on controlled light nuclear fusion as soon as possible.

Just arrived at the star ring laboratory, the people in the team, as well as Wan Yuanxi, all expressed their admiration and admiration.

Chen Mo won a Nobel Prize which symbolizes the highest technology and is also the most important field of physics. Chen Mo is younger than them, but he has already picked achievements that they may not touch in their whole life.

At first, they were all postdoctors. In front of other peers, they were all talented people. Now they find that for Chen Mo, they are all ordinary people.

There is no harm without comparison, which is the luck of the same era with legend and the sorrow of the same era with legend.

"Thank you, everyone. Let's put the prize winners in advance. In this period of time, we should try our best to build the star ring as soon as possible, which is the top priority. " Chen Mo looks at the semi-finished [star ring] device in front of him and says.


When hearing Chen Mo's words, all the people are more energetic.

At present, the star ring is the top priority. The Nobel Prize is just to announce the name of the winner. It's two months before Chen Mo stands on the podium.These two months, enough to do a lot of things.

"Next is the installation of the diverter. Follow the steps of the holographic demonstration. This is very important. When you install it, you should pay special attention."

The researchers are again immersed in building the star ring.

"Academician Chen, can't you really show the conductor material in the" Star column " Wan Yuanxi comes to Chen Mo with a thick old face.

"Not for now." Chen Mo shakes his head.

"It's OK to talk about it. What are its special properties and functions?" Wan Yuanxi rubbed his hands, looking eager.

He is one of the persons in charge of the construction project. Chen Mo even keeps him mysterious, which makes him so strange. In order to see the particularity of those materials, he threw out his old face.

Anyway, many of the powerful technologies in China today are created by the teachers of the past generation, who naturally learned the skills of being cheeky.

"Now it's not time to announce the answer. Don't worry. You'll find out soon." Chen Mo doesn't care about Wan Yuanxi's curiosity: "how is the theory digested?"

"It's OK. There are also decades of experience in the study of high temperature plasma. This theory is similar to the original one. The harvest is not small. We need to find an opportunity to sum up the practice." Wan Yuanxi said.

"That's good." Chen Mo said.

He doesn't have fusion talents for the time being, because technology is very important, and the less contact with outsiders, the better. Therefore, in the future, maintenance depends on WAN Yuanxi and others.