Science and Technology Library

Chapter 406

"Bloomberg News: the United States announced a total ban on March ant companies from entering the market. On the morning of the 25th local time, the president of the United States signed document 13, banning all products of marching ant company from entering the U.S. market on the grounds that marching ant group threatens the national security of the United States. The contents of the document include... "

A stone stirs a thousand waves.

Tokyo University just hinted that marching ant company was behind the Satan virus, and now the United States directly announced sanctions on marching ant group. Countless people began to suspect that the United States also identified marching ant company as the behind the "Satan" virus.

"Damn Huaxia company, pay for their greed!"

"The president is crazy. Only the termite system in the world can resist the" Satan "virus. At this time, will the marching ant company be punished? Can't we wait for the crisis to pass? "

"I don't sympathize with the bankruptcy of such a damn company as marching ant company. I hope he goes bankrupt early. Now I dare not play games with computers. Even if I quit playing games and die of Internet addiction, I will not play games with the termite system of marching ant company. "

"What kind of sanctions did Americans use to threaten their national security? This ridiculous excuse. "

"It's time to restrict their Chinese companies, thinking there's no way to have technology."


The news that the United States released sanctions against the March ant group at this time made public uproar all over the world.

In this eventful autumn, one wave is not flat, another wave is rising.

Shortly after the US decision, Australia also made a decision to refuse to enter the Australian market for March ant products.

This scene jumped out and let other countries begin to see the play. Countries that have no tension with China are not in a hurry to jump out.

The top officials of all countries understand that it's only one side of the island country's word now. Before the final result is determined, it's not a wise decision to offend the marching ant company.

Because at present, only the termite system can resist the "Satan" virus. At this time, the global sanctions against the marching ant companies, the marching ant companies are crazy, and the global Internet will become an island state.

Once this happens, every day's loss is incalculable.

"The president is crazy." Seeing the news, Chen Mo is a little speechless.

This is not the first time that marching ant companies have been banned from the market in the United States. They don't have a lot of business in the United States, and such sanctions, for their companies, don't matter.

But at the time of the outbreak of Satan, the intention is obvious. It's based on the frame up of Tokyo University and refuses the termite system to enter the United States.

"Let's go home tomorrow!" Xiaoyu said.

These two days, the news is all about the marching ant company, while Chen Mo is on her honeymoon. She always feels very inappropriate.

"Don't worry, there's nothing important in the company." Chen Mo suddenly saw through Xiaoyu's mind.

"It may be better if you come forward with such a big event now." Xiaoyu said, "if you are on your honeymoon, you can make up for it next holiday."

"It's not as serious as you think. Despite the fierce call on the Internet, in fact, the company's share of termite system is increasing, especially in the corporate office market. People who understand, naturally understand, pretending to sleep is human, and you can't wake up.

Those who make a lot of noise don't expect them to bring any benefits to our company. We are not listed companies, and public opinion does not have a great impact on the company. It's just a bit of trouble to rely on the forgery of Tokyo University. It's impossible to cause substantial harm to the company. "

Chen Mo patted Xiaoyu on the head to show her peace of mind.

"If you can't let go of your honeymoon now, take a few days off. I'll pay attention to the progress of this matter these days, and I'll accompany you when the truth of this matter comes out? "

"Good." Xiaoyu nodded and said, "I'll get some snacks. You are busy first."

In the conference room, Zhao Min, who is studying how to respond to the US sanctions, receives Chen Mo's call and decides to let the people on the stage discuss freely. She also leaves the conference room.

Unconsciously, Chen Mo has become her reassurance. As long as there is Chen Mo's news, any event will make her full of confidence.


"Is it convenient to talk?".

"Well." Hearing Chen Mo's calm voice, Zhao Min responded.

"How is the company doing now?" Asked Chen mo.

"Step by step, no big problem. Splashing dirty water on Tokyo University has brought us a lot of trouble. It said that they would send personnel to investigate and walk through the field. I have also contacted Secretary Yao on the phone.

Although the public opinion is not good, the market share of termite system is still rising. It is estimated that we stole the market of Microsoft, umbrella company and apple company. Only when the Americans are in a hurry can they impose sanctions. Now we are meeting to study how to respond to US sanctions... "

Zhao Min will report the latest situation of the company.

"What's the matter, then?"

"We are ready to completely withdraw from the U.S. market and do not consider entering the U.S. market until their sanctions are lifted. Their long-term restrictions, our market in the United States is not big, exit from the U.S. market, little impact on the company. " Zhao Min said."Well, you decide." "Another thing," said Chen Mo, "is that the Satan virus was created by the Institute of artificial intelligence of Tokyo University. They planted us, presumably to divert the target and let us carry the black pot. I'll send the specific evidence to your mailbox later. "

Chen Mo tells Zhao Min the truth.

It must be very troublesome and I don't know how long it will take to find out the truth. He is also glad that he did not help the islanders solve the crisis at first.

"Institute of artificial intelligence, University of Tokyo?" Zhao Min's face coagulated.

"Yes, the essence of Satan is an artificial intelligence. Viral AI, with some intelligent programs of clown virus. Now it is the subroutine that locks the computer desktop, rather the tentacle that is cut off. If the team of the University of Tokyo re runs the source program of that intelligent core, the digital Facebook will speak like artificial intelligence. "

Zhao Min's pupil shrank, with a look of horror.

She now knows that this is not a computer virus crisis at all, but an artificial intelligence crisis. If the news broke out, I'm afraid there would be a storm.

"If so, I'm afraid it can't be announced. After all, the impact of artificial intelligence is too great. If there is a global AI panic and public opinion forces the state to restrict AI, I'm afraid our company will become the number one target. "

Zhao minshen gets up.

Now there are many statements about the threat of artificial intelligence to human beings, especially after it is determined that "Satan" is an intelligent virus.

If it is announced again, the essence of Satan is artificial intelligence, which may cause a global panic on artificial intelligence. After all, in the movie world, the idea of AI and robot destroying the world is very real.

"You deal with it." Chen Mo nodded: "this global crisis should not be prolonged."

"To solve the crisis, at least there must be a killing procedure. Now the team is looking for ways to crack "Satan". In a short time, I'm afraid it's not so easy to work out. You said that. It's artificial intelligence. "

"Then let them crack it first. It's really not good. You can tell me later. I'll solve it." Chen Mo said.

"I knew you had a way. You don't have to fight for the moment, but not now. At least let the outside world clean up our march ant group. Otherwise, once the killing procedure comes out, the world won't thank us, but we'll get darker and darker. We are the black hand in spreading the virus. "

Zhao Min's voice is very unpleasant, not only to Tokyo University, but also to the United States.

"Well, I'll talk to you then." Chen Mo nods and agrees.

Hang up. Zhao Min's heart is broken.

With the protection of Chen Mo, her mind is now stable, at least with a bottom in mind. Back in the conference room, Zhao Min glanced around: "this is the end of the meeting. Just now, I discussed with my boss. The sanctions against the United States have been decided. Next, I will hold a press conference. I have something to announce. "