Science and Technology Library

Chapter 247

At the signing ceremony of the March ant strategic cooperation, there were more journalists coming from the news.

In the hands of every reporter, or long guns, short guns, or mobile computers, all the instruments that can be used for recording are used.

Not long after Apple's autumn launch, the news of Siri's upgrade is in full swing. What do the marching ants want to do? Many media have smelled the special smell of gunpowder, excited, and naturally rushed to get the news at the first time.

As time went by, many reporters were talking to each other about the purpose of the ceremony.

There has been a rumor that the March ant company will authorize multilingual intelligent assistants. However, there is no specific information about which company is authorized. Some spread Hua Wei and glory, while others said Rice and opal.

All kinds of rumors, but no agreed answer.

During the discussion, all of a sudden the scene was quiet, and everyone looked up to the stage.

Time seems to be still. After seeing the people clearly, people's faces gradually become inconceivable. There was a commotion and a final uproar. All photographers, as if beating chicken blood, aim their cameras at the people on the stage.

They are sure, not hallucinations.

Zhao Min, Yu Chengnan, Lei Jun, Chen Mingyong, Fan Wei, and Zhao Changming, President of glory.

It's the first time that the leaders of several mobile phone companies have appeared on the same platform.

Just now, the reporter in the discussion suddenly realized that the March ant didn't sign an authorization agreement with a certain mobile phone company. It was likely to sign an agreement with five mobile phone companies.

For a while, there was more and more discussion and many reporters were excited.

Big news, absolutely big news.

It's just that the heads of five companies appear on the same stage, which is big enough news. If something else happens, the news will be even bigger.

The taste of good play.

Qiao Liang licked his lips and his eyes were excited. He began to think about how to write the manuscript.

Apple just announced Siri's smart upgrade, and now it's happening. Obviously, it's for apples.

The mobile phone products of marching ant company have not entered the international market on a large scale for the time being, but several other companies have been involved in overseas business. Is marching ant trying to block apple with the help of several other companies?

Huawei, glory, rice, vivo and opal, the five largest mobile phone brands in China, account for most of the domestic mobile phones.

Is this a one-time full authorization? The March ant company always seems to like to play cards in a different way.

But that's the biggest news.

Six schools besieging apple? 》


March ant company alone, enough to rival Apple, no siege.

May the mobile phone industry reappear Huashan's sword? 》Qiao Liang was thinking about the title, and when Zhao Min gave a speech, he was also writing the manuscript.

Zhao Min, with a smile on his face, stood on the small platform, reading the prepared manuscript.

Five companies want a signing ceremony with a clear purpose of building momentum. It must be a big news to use the influence of marching ant company to build momentum and hype, plus their five companies.

After the success of the campaign, it will be good for the upcoming mobile phones of their five companies, as well as for the marching ant company.

So they proposed to have an open signing ceremony. Instead of refusing, Zhao Min asked people to release information and invited reporters to come over.

Cooperation between the two sides, a signing ceremony, should have existed, which is beneficial to both sides.

Zhao Min's speech is very simple. He thinks of the past brilliance, describes the present situation and looks forward to the future. Five minutes after the speech, the process officially entered the signing ceremony.

After signing and exchanging the authorization contract, there was no accident.

When the representatives of six companies put their palms together, the shutter sound of countless cameras joined together, and the flash was brighter than the light.

The signing ceremony is over, and it's just beginning.

Most of the leaders of mobile phone industry appear on one stage at the same time. This has never happened in the past, but this time, at the signing ceremony of marching ant company.

Five companies were also awarded smart assistants.

This news, let whole network be in a uproar. Many netizens are already boiling with blood. It seems that a good play of the year is on.

"I'm a melon eater waiting to see a play! Raise your paws like I do. "

"Marching ants take a step forward and authorize multilingual intelligent assistants to several companies, which is just like making them more powerful. Once it becomes a scale, it is likely to squeeze out the original mobile phone market of marching ant company. "

"Zhao Min once said that they are not afraid of competition. A market without competition is a backwater. It is the truth that the fittest survive when nature chooses. If a market is stagnant, it is easy to be eliminated. Only competition and constant innovation can bring vitality to this market. "In addition to the ideas of netizens, more and more expert media are also participating in the discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of March ant company.

At this juncture, the signing ceremony with the five major companies and the practice of marching ant company are like pouring a ladle of water into the already boiling oil and exploding in an instant.

However, this is just the beginning.

Shortly after the signing ceremony, Huawei announced that the launch of a new generation of flagship aircraft would be held in ten days.

Now when the news is at its hottest, Huawei announced the news and poured a handful of oil on the fire. Then, rice also released news that a new press conference will be held in half a month.

Then came vivo and opal, who were unwilling to fall behind.

After several companies announced the new aircraft conference, they pushed the hot spot to the climax.


In Apple's president's office, cook looked at the news, his face was hard to see.

It's not easy for Siri to make a breakthrough in intelligence. They can raise their eyebrows. I wanted to take advantage of this time to build momentum for S3. Maybe we could get a bigger order for S3. As a result, we were slapped hard by marching ant company.

March ant has licensed smart assistants to five mobile phone companies, apparently not to make them feel better.

In the international market, the mobile phone business of marching ant company is very few, which can be ignored almost. It did not pose a threat to Apple originally. But he didn't expect that marching ant company would authorize such an important technology as intelligent assistant, which caught them by surprise.

But they have nothing to do with marching ant company.

Over the years, China's mobile phone quality and design are catching up with them.

The emergence of Huawei's smart chip and marching ant system has got rid of the short board in chip technology and operating system, and let the two companies catch up with them.

After the emergence of smart assistants, they have been in the downwind in terms of competition. Last year and the first half of this year's mobile phone sales are the best evidence.

Apple's market share is shrinking. Because Android can use smart assistant to make the experience of mobile phone better

I thought Siri smart upgrade could bring back a city.

As a result, the March ants authorized multilingual intelligent assistants to the five major companies, which was deadly. Next, the mobile phone business in the international market, Huaxia's companies, especially Huawei, will be their biggest competitors.

"Inform the production department to increase the production capacity, pre-sale orders, and start shipping the day after tomorrow." Cook said. Now we can only make more money when a few new machines don't appear, so as to avoid the impact of other companies' new machines.

"OK." The assistant answered and left the office with the papers.

After the assistant left, cook knocked on the table and thought about what to do next. He is not alone in worrying about it.