Science and Technology Library

Chapter 139

Li Tiejun sits on his desk, idle and bored, and points to the official website of Junyi company.

Because tracking the news of marching ant company, no matter whether the paper is true or false, it's not him who appreciates and criticizes it. He's just a media person. It's his task to report the news truthfully.

As soon as Li Tiejun's news came out, the number of clicks and reading increased rapidly. March ant company, worthy of being the favorite of the media, has a huge number of hits in just one minute, which is terrible.

It was not only reprinted by Li Tiejun, but also by other media. No one will let go of the opportunity to catch the March ant news.

Less than five minutes after the paper was published, it has been loaded by more than a dozen media.

The robot's heat just passed. Now an earthquake warning is coming out. This shows that Chen Mo is now engaged in relevant research.

At present, the March ants are among the most cutting-edge enterprises. This kind of enterprise, any big event, will become big news.

If the earthquake warning is really based on Chen Mo's theory, Chen Mo will definitely become a great man who has been handed down for thousands of years. Human evolution is the process of fighting with heaven.

Human beings have been able to predict typhoons. Now the biggest natural disaster is earthquakes.

Just before Chen Mo's paper came out, some different voices appeared.

Earthquake warning is too horrible, which is a matter of great merit.

Numerous physicists and seismologists are studying earthquake early warning, but so many years' efforts only advance the warning time by more than ten seconds, which is not very accurate.

Now it's studied by Chen mo. where are their faces? And it's just a theoretical paper.

"Ideas are flying in the sky, but science is a very rigorous discipline. Theories are empty talk without experimental data support. This paper, the whole theory, without any data, how to prove it?

I admit that Chen Mo is a computer genius, but not an all-around genius. Young people, don't get a little achievement to expand, don't be the next Fang Zhongyong, down-to-earth, is your future. "

Things are also pushed to the climax in the abuse.

That's why Chen Mo began to look for authoritative magazines.

Authoritative channels are recognized by authoritative experts, which can avoid the debate among ordinary people and have a greater repercussion. Non authoritative channels, many people will think this is just a joke.

Chen Mo didn't expect that because it was an academic paper, it caused such a great response.

The topic of earthquake is too sensitive and involves too many things. They have experienced too many disasters, and they naturally pay attention to the news.

The day after the paper was published, the front door of marching ant company was once again guarded by reporters from all walks of life, hoping to interview Chen Mo and ask for his answer.

"Do you want to respond?" Zhao Min stands beside Chen Mo and looks at the reporters outside the company. Now she has a headache.

This boss, the ability to make news, is not generally big. As soon as it appears, it is like a magnet, attracting the attention of all parties.

The influence of a paper is beyond her imagination.

"Make a big deal?" Looking at the reporters outside the company, Chen Mo said with a smile, "the next big bet is to bet him 1 billion yuan on whether I can get the seismograph out."

"You're not from the earth, are you? I want to make things small, not to explode the earth. "

Zhao Min looks at Chen Mo speechlessly. If you really follow Chen Mo, the company's influence is not small. You can't joke about it.

"How to make it small?" Chen Mo said, "have you removed the paper? When Einstein's theory of relativity came out, it was not recognized, and time was the best answer. "

"I'm not asking you to withdraw your paper."

Now Chen Mo just doesn't confirm the theoretical conjecture. If he withdraws, he will appear guilty of marching ant company. Then, there must be more sarcasm.

Network violence, from the development of March ant company to now. Some people want to go wrong with the March ant company, and then reach over and tear off a piece of meat to eat.

For the giants, the March ants are alien. A group of hungry predatory wolves, always staring at them. In addition to the attention of the public, there must be a push behind a thesis.

"If you want to give me a response, I'll let it out, as long as it doesn't make a big deal." Zhao Min said.

"Lu Xun said that genius is never understood." Chen Mo shakes his head with great seriousness.

This is a theory from the science and Technology Library. He doesn't think that the science and technology library will include the wrong technology.

Zhao Min was amused by this remark.

"Then I'll respond with that." Zhao Min said.

She's a broken pot now, no matter how big he is, it's big anyway.

A piece of paper, it's not a matter of harm to the world, we can't take March ant company.

"Whatever." Chen Mo said.

"I'll let Xiaoyu pick you up, or I'll deduct her salary." Zhao Min said.

"Hey, threatening the boss? Believe it or not, I'll deduct your salary now. " Chen Mo was also amused by Zhao Min's words.It's a simple joke, and the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

After confirming Chen Mo's determination, Zhao Min left her office. She felt that to manage the company was to wipe Chen Mo's ass.

Not long after Zhao Min left, the official micro blog of March ant updated a message: the boss said: Lu Xun said, genius is always not understood.