Science and Technology Library

Chapter 13

The next day, in the expectation of many people, Qihu official website updates the security guard. Just download the security guard. When you find the "eternal heart" virus, you will be warned and killed in the first time.

The locked computer can automatically unlock the computer screen by downloading the anti-virus software to the U disk and inserting it into the infected computer to run.

This news, let all media excited, the first time to spread the news.

Seeing the news pushed by mobile news, Zhang Hai was ecstatic.

I heard yesterday that the seven tigers company has developed an anti-virus program. I didn't sleep last night, just waiting for the update of Qihu company today.

His computer, there are his engineering design drawings, when the junior high school virus, want to design again, can not complete.

I have to hand in the manuscript today. If I can't, I can't guarantee my work.

Now the wife has just given birth and needs money everywhere. Unemployment at this time, for him, will be a huge blow.

After a hard night's waiting, it's finally renewed.

Zhang Hai felt like crying.

Shaking hands, in the next computer landing seven tiger official website download guard. Just after downloading, he can't wait to insert the U-disk with guards into a computer locked by an iron door.

According to the instructions, after a few taps on the keyboard, Zhang Hai's face was excited when he saw the picture of being killed.

Two minutes later, seeing the familiar computer screen, Zhang Hai laughed wildly.

It works.

A few days of fear, finally passed. After drawing the engineering design drawing into the U disk, Zhang Hai rushed to the company as soon as possible.

This scene is staged in every corner, many people's important contributions, because the seven tiger company's guard update was rescued.

Many people are crying with joy. Some people's important documents and research materials are on the computer. It will be destroyed in half a day. The guard of the seven tigers company pulls them back from despair.

Seven tiger security guard update, just half an hour, has hundreds of thousands of users. It wasn't long before the process of computer killing "eternal heart" appeared on Weibo.

Seven tiger anti-virus software, once again on the hot search, take advantage of the big news headlines. The name of the seven tigers spreads all over China.

With the exposure of major news media, the number of users of security guards is steadily increasing.

In less than half an hour, the updated seven tiger security guard appeared on some foreign websites and forums. In an hour, the number of software downloads will exceed one million.

Anti virus software has also made headlines in the media of various countries, almost free of charge.

Before long, Facebook, twitter and other social media, companies, exchanges and hospitals that were invaded by the virus, published thank-you letters to Qihu.

Qihu company has made a lot of money, its reputation has increased, and the number of users is also rising rapidly. In the area of computer anti-virus software, the market share is also increasing. Along with the increase, there are other software, browsers and other products of Qihu.

This situation, let seven tiger high-level rejoice, at the beginning of the money to buy anti-virus program, how wise decision.

The virus crisis sweeping the world has come to an end in just one day.

The virus crisis has been solved, but the matter of tracking down hacker organizations by security personnel in various countries continues.

The first outbreak of blackmail virus, sweeping the world, now the second outbreak of blackmail virus, more terrible than the last.

No one can say when the third blackmail virus crisis will break out before the hacker can stop it.

Although the scale of the virus crisis is larger than the last one, the hacker organizations behind it are more miserable than the last one. Large scale, but those companies do not compromise with them. Last time, there were more than 100000 dollars in revenue, this time even less, but 100000 dollars.

The biggest beneficiary of this virus incident is Qihu company.

But there is another beneficiary.

Seven tiger company as a cover, deliberately concealed, only a few insiders know that the real solution to the virus crisis is a young man in Binhai city.

In the gym.

Chen Mo was wearing a boxing set and was sweating. The sandbag in front of him seemed to howl under his fist.

The virus crisis seems to have nothing to do with him. He just didn't want to make a big splash in this matter, so he chose to sell the program to Qihu company quietly.

During this time, it is necessary for him to come to the gym every day. After potential development, he is here to adapt to strength.

It's nearly half a month, and now it's adapted to the strength of the body.

Chen Mo also trained for a period of time in the fighting skills recorded in the human potential development technology, and initially mastered those fighting skills.

He feels strong now, but no one does it, and he doesn't know how strong it is. After training for a long time, I stopped and wiped the sweat on my forehead.

Look at the time, Chen Mo eyebrows a pick, hurriedly pack things, rushed back to rent.

After taking a simple bath and putting on comfortable T-shirts and slacks, Chen Mo rode his bike to the dormitory area.This weekend, I have an appointment with Xiaoyu to go shopping.

It's the first formal date with Xiaoyu for such a long time.

He used to spend it in the library, which made him feel a little indebted to Xiaoyu. Now that it's just over, Chen Mo is ready to relax and spend some time with Xiaoyu.

Just rode a bike to the dormitory area, just met Xiaoyu and walked downstairs.

"Almost late." Chen Mo stops in front of Xiaoyu.

His eyes fell on Xiaoyu. Today's Xiaoyu is obviously dressed deliberately.

Light makeup, elegant floral dress, long hair tied up, two dragon beards and bangs in front of the forehead.

Maybe growing up at the seaside, Xiaoyu has a touch of wildness that other girls don't have. This kind of wild temperament and her unique gentleness, the perfect combination of the two temperament in her body, quiet and elegant, elegant temperament, let people never tire of seeing.

Find Chen Mo staring at her, Xiaoyu face a little ruddy.

This is their first real date. Although they have been together for some time, she is still a little nervous. For this reason, she took out her collection of skirts and was teased by Ruoxi several people.

But when she saw Chen Mo's reaction, she was also secretly pleased.

"I'll put my bike away and wait for me here." Chen Mo said to God.

"Don't let it go." Xiaoyu stops Chen Mo: "take me out by bike."

"Isn't that good?" Chen Mo said.

"It's OK. I want to see the night view of Binhai." Xiaoyu said, "is that ok?"

"Yes." Chen Mo agrees immediately.

Xiaoyu went to the back of the bicycle and sat down horizontally, holding out his right hand around his waist. Feeling the temperature behind his waist and hands, Chen Mo smiles.

"Are you seated?" Chen Mo said.

"All right." Xiaoyu gathered her skirt and said.

"Then go."

In Binhai University, where night has just fallen, there are two more figures of abusing dogs.

"Shit, it's not fair. I also have a bike. Why isn't there such a beautiful girl sitting behind me?"

"The winner of life, how can I not meet such a good girl."

"Losers have spring, too."

"This is the legend of sitting behind the bike and laughing, looking at the girl's appearance, very happy and satisfied."

School Road, looking at the figure of the two people, together with envy, jealousy and hate eyes cast. The main reason is that the small fish sitting behind the bicycle is too eye-catching and attracts a lot of attention.

In various eyes, the two left Binhai University. 4646