Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1054

Seeing the war deduction and analysis broadcast by Lei Yu, Chen Mo has to admire him. He is indeed the commander-in-chief of the War Department of Raytheon civilization.

Only by guessing and deduction, they almost restored the whole process of annexing Soren alliance, and summed up a new war mode.

It seems that there are still many capable people in the universe.

"Wrong move."

LAN felt his sharp chin, some pity said.

When Chen Mo controlled the top leaders of Soren League, they were all immersed in the joy of how to annex Soren alliance, but ignored an important arrangement.

They can secretly control the Soren League, as an unexpected pawn, without exposing the means they have.

It's a pity that I didn't think about it at that time. I only wanted to annex Soren alliance, gain strategic depth and miss a good opportunity.

Their habitual thinking of traditional tactics has not yet realized the horror of Chen Mo's ability. When they realized this, it was already late.

This move is not so perfect, and the particularity of their super ability is also exposed.

"What's next?" Chen Mo asked.

"It is necessary to form a team to study the war mode in the era of super power and understand this new mode. Boss, this time, you will tear the traditional tactics to pieces. When stronger models and tactics come, they must be changed. "

LAN some sigh, their war department big fire, consumption is huge, just captured a few galaxy clusters.

As a result, Chen Mo is in a good mood, and takes the nest of others. Now Xiao Li and Black Hawk are still doubting life. It was not only them, but the generals and astrologers of the whole universe were doubting life.

It's abnormal.

"We need to train special super players and enhance the super ability level of the players."

They are responsible for the annexation of the Sauron alliance.

They know how to avoid being influenced and controlled by the mind reader, that is, the super power level is higher than the other side, and their will is strong. At the same time, we also know the role of special super powers.

Special types of super powers, such as mind reading, mind control, modifying and reading memory, controlling consciousness, controlling objects, predicting, space, time, etc., are very powerful powers.

Once these super powers break through to the star level or even the star level, one person is equivalent to a fleet.

"I'm just testing my ability, and I didn't expect to be involved in such a big change." Chen Mo stands out and says helplessly.

Before he started, he never thought about the war mode of the super power age. So many things have been summed up after this action.

"Do you want to keep expanding?" Chen Mo asked.

"It's better not to. Now the whole universe is on guard against our special abilities. If we are not careful, we will be in trouble. First, we should settle down for a period of time, thoroughly digest the Soren alliance, understand the war mode of the super power era, and then use our own advantages to act. "

"Then I will continue to study my hand of God."


In the big wave, the analysis of the cosmic war is triggered.

With the advent of the era of super ability, they have a real feeling on the strength change of each division around them.

However, there is no change in the mode of war, because Jiangxing's previous tactics and inertial thinking believe that the general situation of war will not change too much because of the strength of individual life.

However, Lei Yu's conclusion is that there is a big difference between the war mode in the super energy era and that in the war armour system era.

There is a new mode of war in the era of super power.

In the war deduction, the incredible super power, the extremely weird group control, at the present stage, this kind of means has almost no solution.

Lei Yu's live broadcast reminds all forces in the universe that, with the advent of a new era, a new system will gradually replace the original system. Everything is changing, and so is war.

At the same time, the outside world is more afraid of marching ant groups.

In particular, the forces bordering on the marching ant star territory have scattered all over the star territory. They dare not gather on the same planet and try their best to create the mystery of their whereabouts, so as not to let the outside world know where they really hide.

They had to be careful when they didn't think of a way to crack that capability.

Almost all forces began to look for ways to deal with this open-ended capability.


A spaceship hovers in a spaceport above a humble planet.

The planet is not noticeable, but it takes a lot of formality and censorship to get here.

Grey 21 is on the spaceship, looking at the planet in the holographic screen, his face is cold. If Chen Mo and others are around, we can surely see the familiar temperament in him.

With the passage of time, gray 21 has more and more Jingge temperament, although the appearance and race are not the same, but are the same cold.

The planet in front of us is the place of chaos, the hiding place of the king of frost Empire, Bai Shuang.

The purpose of grey 21's trip is to frost.He has been preparing for this goal for a long time.

The fate of the white frost is related to the future of the land of chaos. They must unify the land of chaos and take the right of speech in the troubled times, which may be of great importance to the marching ant group in the future.

Drop by drop

In the communication instrument, a message's prompt sound rings, using the code language.

Seeing the above information, grey 21 takes back his eyes and armor covers his cold face.


In the spaceship, the body of grey 21 suddenly disappeared in place.

And in the spacecraft below a building on the planet above, a thin armor suddenly appeared, looking around the world, as if a lonely.

In the palace of the planet, the white frost rubs the tired eyes and frowns.

I don't know why, he has a bad premonition, which is not to say, but it is real.

When the frost empire was handed down to him, it was still a weak and advanced civilization, and its position in the land of chaos was at stake. After he took over, he carried out drastic reform and talent selection, and gradually absorbed the surrounding civilization and became the top civilization.

After the dark turmoil in the land of chaos, the chaos began to shuffle, and the accumulated power of their ice empire was released, and then they grew stronger and stronger in the turmoil, and finally the situation today was achieved.

Today's chaotic place is a situation in which the two powers compete for hegemony.

His opponent is the dark star, their predecessor is the force that plans to stir up the dark turmoil, and their strength and technology are extremely strong.

In the past, the other side did not have strong generals to preside over the war, so their advantage was not obvious.

Not long ago, dark star did not know where two powerful generals came out, which made them bear great pressure on the battlefield.

Especially after the March ant group annexed the Soren alliance, he became more careful.

Because the predecessor of dark star is the dark forces, proficient in assassination, it is really possible to behead him. Therefore, he is particularly concerned about his own safety. This hiding place is carefully selected.

Every life that comes in needs a lot of testing and can't carry thermal weapons. He also has a double in front of the public in the palace. Safety should not be a problem, but now there is a sense of panic.

All of a sudden, the white frost felt a throb behind, and a sense of panic swept over the whole body.

Just turning his head, his pupil dilated rapidly and froze in place.