Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1042

"What's next?" While Xiaoyu is treating them, Chen Mo asks.

Purple emperor looked at the door of the ward, motionless, and said, "if you succeed, you should find a small planet to enjoy life."

"Do you think my planet is small enough?" Chen Mo said.


Purple emperor is stunned and turns to look at Chen mo.

"You want to get me?"

"I think so." Chen Mo declined to comment.

"Others are afraid of me like a star beast. Do you want to attract me?" Purple emperor tone with a little surprise: "not afraid I lose control of something?"

"Your emotional control, one of the best lives I've ever seen, can't get out of control." Chen Mo shakes his head slightly, but he is very sure.

A life full of love, he can't go there.

"I have slaughtered tens of millions of life of Lagerstroemia indica civilization, worthy of the name of the God of killing."

"Any battle armor regiment has more than this blood on them. In the era of destroying a planet casually, the standard of tens of millions of lives should still be a kind life. "

"They destroy stars and stars, killing what they think of as low-level life, just like destroying a wormhole, without any psychological burden, even if they feel guilty for a moment, and then forget. And I killed those tens of millions of people, but I killed them as normal life. "

The purple emperor watched Chen Mo carefully. He hoped to see something from the young leader, even if it was about recruiting him this time.

After judging the crape myrtle culture, their goal is to make the Soren Alliance Star field enough chaos, defense line enough chaos.

Thinking, the Black Hawk saw the intelligence officer come quickly, immediately back to God.

The intelligence officer made a salute and immediately reported: "general, the four departments and six teams have come back to the news. The mission has been completed. Three teams, one team, four teams, seven teams and fifteen teams, arrived at the scheduled place. "


The Black Hawk's back was slightly stiff, and his face was smiling.

"Contact General Xiao Li."


"What is their intention to fight?" Sauron 326 looked at the new hologram, his voice as usual, but his expression changed.

When his subordinates heard this, they were shocked. He followed Sauron for more than three hundred and twenty-six years. He rarely heard the king look like this. He was obviously worried about the war.

"Wang, are their intentions not clear yet?" He asked carefully.

Sauron 326 was 6000 years old. In his ethnic group, he belonged to the middle-aged and elderly. His skin was dim, but his temperament was still dignified.

Sauron 326 was the throne of his ancestors. When he was young, the universe was stable and peaceful, which destroyed his ambition for supremacy. Now the universe is in chaos, but his ambition has long been eroded, and now he is powerless.

In the land of thousands of stars, his Soren alliance was already strong. Under his regular governance, although it was not stronger, it did not weaken.

Today, super power is rising and the times are changing. The situation in the universe has been quiet for six years. He thought that the universe would return to stability and produce a new balance system. His Soren alliance can still be passed on in a stable way.

However, the marching ant group will take the lead in fighting against them.

Over the years, the structure of life in the universe has changed. The boundaries of divine life are broken by super power technology, and the once consolidated hierarchy of cosmic life levels dissipates at that moment.

Life level is no longer the bottleneck limiting the upper limit of life in the universe. Countless talented people are constantly on the stage. Emerging forces are constantly emerging to challenge the high-level life race that once oppressed them.

He knows that the Soren alliance has a regular style. If they maintain the status quo in a stable environment, they will not be able to do so in the current situation of the universe.

But it's not easy to change?

Before he made a change, the marching ants attacked them.

Marching ants, in today's cosmic chaos, can stand on the center of the stage, defeat the elite battle Department of the underworld civilization many times, and become the last straw to crush the underworld civilization. This is their strength.

Compared with the Soren alliance, which has been handed down for tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years, this force is as young as a newborn, but it shows incomparable vitality.

Being targeted by this kind of top power, he is now on his back.

He was not sure whether he could stop the marching ants.

From the beginning of the war to now, within a few days, the defense lines in the Soren alliance's star territory are in a mess.

Tens of thousands of defensive stellar systems have been attacked, and they have destroyed very few enemies, but the other side has made them pay a very heavy price, and their defense lines are also disrupted.

The attacks were extremely rapid and haunting, like flying beasts playing with primitive humans. Several times, their defensive positions, in the same hour, several star systems reported being attacked by the same team.

It's got them struggling.

Tens of thousands of defensive stars are attacked and tens of thousands of combat points are deployed at the same time, which is beyond the computing power of ordinary generals. Moreover, the attack routes of the same fleet and the combat situation of their major defense points should be included.AI assisted them to draw the route, but found that everything was out of order.

The opponents are running around like headless flies in order to start a war. They lose a destructive weapon and run away without seeing their purpose.

The more this happened, Soren was more flustered. His intuition told him that there were no mediocre generals in the marching ant group, especially those in the major war departments. Behind this, they must be preparing bigger plans.

But in the face of his subordinates, he can not show that he has no bottom in his heart. Otherwise, the morale of the army will be shaken and even more terrifying consequences will be met.

Soren deeply breathed: "it's just not sure. They don't often play this kind of tactics. They are afraid of any special plot. They just want to take a step more."

"Don't worry, Prince sori's command ability is not weak, I believe Prince sori will certainly be able to break the offensive of the marching ant group." The subordinate must say.

When he heard Prince Soren, King Soren's face was relieved and his heart was calmer.

As a king of the highest power in the universe, his wife in the harem has tens of thousands of children. For thousands of years, he has given birth to enough children to establish a clan. Among his many sons, the most outstanding one is sori.

Since he was a child, he was extremely intelligent. In the era of no super power technology, he mutated into super power and became a god level life. Later, after entering the war academy, he showed his talent again in the tactics class and became a senior general star.

Today, the army of Sauron's alliance is in the hands of Soren. He is now the commander-in-chief of the war department. In the future, it is most likely that he will succeed him and become the prince of Soren's 327.

Just at this time, an intelligence official came in anxiously and handed his war department to Sauron 326: "king, the latest war report is sent back from the front line."

His eyes fell on the moment of the war report, and Sauron 326's hand was frozen in place, as if he were numb.