Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1035

Deep in the universe, on an unknown planet, there are some ordinary life.

As far as cosmic civilization is concerned, it belongs to the primitive star field without the concern of life and civilization. Life here is still in the cold weapon age in the early stage of civilization development, and even do not know the existence of cosmic civilization.

Quiet, peaceful and sparsely contested, this is what the planet looks like today.

But in the Secret Forest of this planet, there is a spaceship, obviously belonging to alien life.

"Star master, what is it?" Just out of the spaceship purple rhyme, heard the communication instrument prompt, immediately opened, see the holographic projection of zijunzhi, her cold face did not have much expression.

"Are you by the purple emperor?" Zijun's mouth, voice can not hear joy and anger.

Always indifferent purple rhyme, the eyes appear slightly flicker, did not speak.

She thought a lot at this moment, but from the tone of purple King's determination, she knew that she followed the purple emperor.

"If the teacher is out, you can tell me what you want." Purple rhyme said calmly.

She spoke directly to the teacher, and there was no taboo. As the star master of Lagerstroemia civilization, although the situation of Lagerstroemia civilization is not very good now, he wants to know the information, which should not be difficult.

"I didn't expect that." Zijun sighed, then said: "Purple emperor's communication to me, I have something to talk with him."

They look at each other through the hologram frequency, both silent, waiting for the answer.

"I need to ask the teacher for advice." Purple rhyme speak quietly, the voice is still as cold as before, even if she is facing the star master of Lagerstroemia civilization.


After hanging up the communication, Ziyun hesitated and dialed the communication of purple emperor.

Purple emperor is a taboo to crape myrtle civilization. As the star master, in order to find the purple emperor, he calls her to communicate with her, indicating that there must be something very important.


"The authorities of Lagerstroemia indica civilization, do you come to me personally as a sinner?" Purple emperor cold looking at the holographic projection of zijunzhi, the voice has no feelings, no good feeling for Zijun.

"I'll ask you to do one thing." Zijun's voice is a little tired.

The face under the purple emperor's big cloak, as always indifferent, did not seem to hear his words. In front of him, there are the unique food and drink of the planet, and there are dance performances of the civilization of the planet. The scene is very lively, and other life is jubilant. He drinks himself as if there is no one else.

"You are the star master of crape myrtle civilization. Are you going to invite me as a sinner?" Purple emperor ridiculed: "please I go back to prison or fast?"

"Crape myrtle civilization is on the edge of the abyss."

Zijun's voice is lonely, even some sad, completely not in front of other life in front of a side of the majestic momentum.

Seeing this, Zidi is still indifferent. He has no interest in this kind of thing. It seems that the stage performance in front of him is more important than Zijun's words.

"Very well. This is what I want to see. Are you here to give me good news?" Purple emperor said coldly: "good news, you can roll."

Purple emperor reached out and prepared to turn off the communication device.

"Wait, your parents and Ziqing's body are still with me."

Words fall, purple emperor's hand is stiff in the air.


With the purple emperor as the center, the life around him fainted. The wine bottle on his table instantly turned into powder, leaving the wine scattered around.

"Better give me an explanation." Purple emperor's voice, become extremely cold.

His terrible eyes made Zijun's heart tremble, and he didn't dare to look directly at him. He insisted: "I kept the bodies of your parents and Ziqing in the freezer. At the beginning, they didn't die completely. I secretly used medical technology to restore their body preservation, but the brain was eventually damaged. They entered a strange deep consciousness and could not be awakened."

Purple emperor purple pupil, extremely frightening, always calm face, a trace of excitement.

"At the beginning, I didn't take part in it. After the accident, I secretly replaced their bodies from other people and kept them. I know that's too much. Lagerstroemia civilization is sorry for you. "

"You're not guilty. You thought you would use me one day, so you kept it secretly." The purple emperor's expression did not conceal the sarcasm: "do you know why I did not kill you?"

Zijun's body trembled. Looking back on that scene, a strange fear rose from my heart. The scene at that time was the scene he was most reluctant to recall. For thousands of years, he woke up from nightmares countless times.

"Good at calculation, seemingly weak, but eager for power, you do not participate because you are timid, and the only thing in your heart is immoral and a little clever. You are also the only friend who is good to Ziqing, otherwise you will die early."

Zijun looks dispirited, looking back on the original thing, some guilt.

"Where are their bodies?" Purple emperor asked coldly.

"In the secret room of my residence, the freezer is kept. They are in a bad condition. The dormant warehouse cannot be maintained and can only be frozen." Zijun's feeling is that the purple emperor's eyes can penetrate his heart through the holographic frequency, and dare not lie at all.Just finish saying, purple gentleman's feeling body a relaxed, deeply vomited breath, the fine sweat of forehead already appeared.

"Come on, what conditions." Purple emperor said coldly.

"I want to ask you to kill all the families that participated in that incident, and some other old nobles. I will cooperate with you." One of the purple kings gnawed his teeth, looked fierce, lowered his head and said his requirements, and did not dare to look directly at the purple emperor.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Purple emperor crazy laugh, unbridled, like to hear a big joke, but also like to encounter a big good thing.

"I didn't expect that I, a lifelong criminal of Lagerstroemia, would become the star master, the person under the knife, or the crape myrtle person. Zijunzhi, it seems that you have made some progress in these years, and you have a good tolerance. "

Zijunzhi had already broken the jar, and gritted his teeth and said: "after the fall of the underworld civilization, the forces around Lagerstroemia indica are ready to move, and regard the crape myrtle civilization as the second underworld civilization. If the old noble families are not cleared, crape myrtle civilization is in danger of splitting up, even worse than the dark forest. I don't want crape myrtle civilization destroyed in my hands. "

"Ha ha ha!"

The purple emperor's laughter was ironic.

"How can I believe you? Are you trying to trick me back into killing me

"Now the situation in the universe is very complex. Black pupil and white star have begun to contact with those families. If they are not cleared early, crape myrtle civilization may fall into civil strife for power and profit." Zijun's voice was crazy: "I can give me to you to control. As long as crape myrtle civilization is stable, even if you come back to be the star master, I will give it to you."

"I'm not interested in dirty pits." The purple emperor sneered and looked deeply at the purple King's one eye: "take people to send out my parents and purple Qing's body, I promise your conditions."


Chen Mo is receiving a special visitor.

Dragon fish princess.

Over the years, they have talked a lot on the communication instrument, but it is the first time that the dragon fish has come to the galaxy, which is also the invitation of the year.

From the spaceship, the dragon fish, a gorgeous tight fish scale suit, outlines her perfect figure, noble and generous, very attractive and visual impact. Her tall figure is several times more beautiful than Miss World of human beings on earth.

I'm afraid only Mo Nu can compare with it.

As soon as he got off the spaceship, the dragon fish looked around and was curious about Chen Mo's hometown.

After all, the life that comes out of here is actually from scratch, and has developed into one of the world's hegemonic masters. This planet gives people a sense of yearning, like the former residence of a celebrity.

Most importantly, most of her looks are human like.

as like as two peas before the encounter, she never thought of such a human race, just like their Mermaid after the appearance of water.

"After studying for such a long time, I finally come to your hometown. You are a busy person and have not disturbed your work?" The dragon fish Princess asks, the sound is like the spring.

"No Chen Mo said.

"That's good. The planet in your hometown is very small and delicate." Longyu smiles.


Chen Mo is not sure. Compared with other living planets in the universe, the earth really belongs to a small category.

"Can you show me around your house?"

"I'm afraid this is not very good for the time being." Chen Mo stands out.

"It seems that the husband is still a hen pecked husband." Longyu smiles charmingly and looks up and down at Chen Mo: "then take me to visit your hometown planet, and see the culture and customs here."

"That's OK." Chen Mo said, "you are not just here to play, are you?"

"Sir, it's very clever. This time I'm here to look for the support of my people and explore the way." Longyu smiles and looks at Chen Mo: "your thighs should be thick enough."

While talking, the dragon fish has some fascination.

Today, the universe is in chaos, and mermaid has become a star region coveted by many civilizations, because the life planets there are very beautiful, and all kinds of species are also very beautiful, very special, especially their Mermaid family.

"Now the space war has spread to Mermaid, and the top civilization around us are staring at us. Mermaid's situation is not so good that it can't resist for too long. So I can only come here in advance and ask if you are willing to accept our Mermaid family. If the mermaid civilization is destroyed, my people and I have nowhere to go, so we can go to him."

"To me? Why would you want to join me? " Chen Mo asked in surprise.

as like as two peas, boiling water is the same as human beings. It's easier for us to integrate into you. Besides, the marching ant group is still developing at a high speed. Other old forces have been formed for a long time. If we mermaids go there, the end will not be very good. Either they are kept in captivity and take us mermaids as concubines, or they are marginalized, and they are coveted by interstellar human traffickers and sold. "

Said, dragon fish Princess some sigh.

Their mermaids have the highest proportion of missing people in the universe.One is their beautiful appearance, and the other is their Mermaid. They all have incomparable talent in singing and dancing. Some civilized royal families like to use mermaid as their singer.

A lot of interstellar peddlers, on the mermaid, catch and sell to those royal families.

"You have gone to me and are not afraid that I will keep you in captivity?"

"Will you, sir?" Princess Longyu looks directly at Chen mo.

Chen Mo smiles and doesn't answer. Naturally, his answer is No. He has experienced the feeling of being caught in captivity. He has not metamorphosed to the point of keeping a group of people in captivity to be a pet girl.

"Even if you let us be our concubines, my husband's appearance is the same as ours, and my heart will be better. If your husband needs it, there should be many girls in our family who like him, including dragon fish

Princess Longyu smiles playfully and looks at Chen Mo with her beautiful eyes.

Chen Mo has a puff on his face. If Xiaoyu hears this, he must be able to pick off his skin. He turns his head and looks at the ink girl beside him. The meaning is obvious. He doesn't say anything and doesn't agree.

"I won't tell sister Xiaoyu." Mo female is very discerning and interesting to say.

Hearing their conversation, Princess Longyu giggled.

Now she is sure that Chen Mo is a hen pecked husband, a very interesting human being.

In the era of the universe, especially the overlord of the universe, one by one is extremely powerful. The male power master has a lot of wives and concubines, and the female leader is full of men's favor. This is normal. Chen Mo's strict wife is unique..

Two people chat between, Mo female suddenly pauses for a while, point open the communication instrument in the hand.


"What's the matter?"


Mo Nu hands a message to Chen mo. Seeing the information, Chen Mo immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Dragon fish princess to their sudden situation some puzzled, look at their manner, should be something big happened.

Chen Mo hands the message to Princess Longyu.

"Zidi, the culprit of Lagerstroemia civilization, entered the crape myrtle civilization universe by unknown means. Through mind control, he slaughtered all members of the top ten families of Lagerstroemia civilization and some old-fashioned nobles. A total of 57.93 million lives were found everywhere