Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1033

The situation in the universe is changing. After hundreds of millions of years of stable environment, the war is triggered again. The degree of chaos is like a thread mixed together, and disputes among various civilizations are interspersed.

The destruction of the stellar system is only at the thought of the major civilizations, and hundreds of millions of lives disappear in an instant and turn into cosmic dust.

At a time of chaos, several events are particularly eye-catching.

The most maddening thing is the destruction of the underworld civilization. Countless civilizations are like hyenas released from starvation for hundreds of millions of years, while the underworld civilization is more like an elephant dying on the grassland, unprepared.

Countless civilizations rushed forward, began to bite and share food.

Among them, the black pupil civilization, white star civilization and Raytheon civilization are the most profitable.

The star regions of the three families have risen sharply and become three worthy giants.

The dark forest civilization, another god level civilization, was also completely determined to split during this period. The dark forest civilization microcosm was controlled by dinanye, the coup, and declared itself to be the orthodox dark forest civilization. Meanwhile, dinandro led four elite war departments, occupying half of the dark forest civilization, and named it black forest. He denounced dinanye and split the dark forest.

The two sides hardly pay attention to the world.

People who have a bit of a situation will understand that the dark forest civilization is over.

The dark forest civilization with serious division and internal friction is only a little better than the general top-level civilization. In this era of cosmic hegemony, it almost loses its qualification to compete. Some intelligent civilizations began to devour the part of the dark forest that the dark forest civilization had no time to take care of when they were at war with each other.

In addition to the divine level civilization, it has entered the stage of big fish eating small fish.

One of the most striking is the Wuxian civilization, which has always been a low-key one. This time, it is also very high-profile to begin to swallow up the surrounding small civilizations, followed by the alliance of ten cities, and the giant also shows its terrible fighting power.

The endless sea civilization, which has always been peaceful and low-key, announced to the public that the old prophet had left the pass and shaken the universe.

The appearance of the old prophet makes people daydream. Since the beginning of the World War II, the endless sea civilization has existed, and in each world war, the endless sea civilization can avoid disasters, relying on the special ability to predict.

In terms of seniority, even the old chief of the white star civilization is not qualified to compare with the old prophet of the white star civilization. Moreover, the old prophet is very mysterious and his age is unknown. His existence is quite a sea god needle for endless sea civilization.

The appearance of the old prophet made the endless sea civilization jubilate and unprecedented unity. The surrounding people who wanted to move the civilization of the endless sea immediately stopped and did not dare to move again.

Want to compare with other divine level civilization, crape myrtle civilization appears very calm, calm to make people feel confused. In addition to occupying the Hongqiao leading to their star regions, Lagerstroemia civilization no longer has big movements and sticks to it silently. In this chaotic era, it is somewhat different.

Some civilization that can't see the status of crape myrtle civilization can't do it rashly.

In addition, Yunzhou civilization under the rule of Dayun was the top civilization. After the chaos began, he made friends and formed an alliance of top civilizations.

The five top civilizations alliance, the nebula alliance, formed a powerful group in the era of chaos, and its strength rose sharply. After the formation of the nebula alliance, it joined the partition feast of the underworld civilization, and its strength continued to expand, almost only under the God level civilization.

Another force that attracted great attention during this period was the marching ant group.

The red bridge of the Sloan great wall connects the core of the underworld civilization.

When they joined the group of food sharing, the underworld civilization defended the small universe, and the marching ant group captured 1383 Galaxy groups of the underworld civilization with lightning speed.

It took the marching ant colony only half a year to occupy these galaxy clusters.

In the past six months, they have won tens of thousands of wars against several top civilizations. Even when they were eating the underworld culture Star territory, they once fought with Thor civilization and white star civilization.

With its strong style and top-level combat effectiveness, those forces who thought that the marching ants had won the war of the underworld civilization by chance were shut up.

Some iron headed civilizations, thinking that they have powerful legions, want to touch the marching ant group.

But when they got to the star field occupied by the marching ants and found out their arrangement, they were shocked and did not dare to rush forward.

Some powerful generals can see that in the star field occupied by the marching ant group, there is no second Hongqiao within the radius of 1.5 billion light-years, taking the white fog Hongqiao of the Sloan Great Wall as the center, which greatly reduces the difficulty of defensive layout.

And there's a strange correspondence between those clusters. If you want to capture one of these clusters, you have to worry about the support and siege of other galaxy groups.

The enemy armies dare not enter the star regions between these galaxies rashly, or they will be surrounded and killed if they go deep alone.

But if you want to capture these star regions, you need to attack them one by one, and the cost is too high.

Moreover, the marching ant group controls the technology of Space Fortress, which makes space weapons and speed of light weapons effective. They need to face-to-face collision and attack the stars to win those fortresses.With the layout of these galactic fortresses, the Sloan great wall area of the marching ant group has enough strategic depth.

With the defeat of "silver hair" as the top general star, plus the battle Department of Mingda, leading the strong and powerful to join hands, no more forces want to fight with them.

There are 1383 galaxy clusters in hand, among which the connected cosmic star field, more than 3 billion light-years, has doubled the field of marching ant colony, which has only two star regions of Pisces and Cetus and the great wall of Sloan.

When the outside world saw the marching ant group's War Department in full swing and was furious, thinking that they would continue to expand, the marching ant group's expansion stopped abruptly.

The outside world doesn't care.

They did not pay attention to why the marching ant group suddenly stopped expanding, and other civilizations were still fighting for it. The collapse of the underworld civilization is the largest among the forces that have fallen for hundreds of millions of years.

After the fall of the underworld civilization, the empty star field is a star field with a size of more than 15 billion light years. In terms of the three-dimensional space of the universe, the marching ant group occupies less than 1% of the 3 billion light-years. It is no surprise that the strength of the marching ant group is there, accounting for 1%.

Other forces, after realizing the strength of the marching ant group, no longer touch their star regions, but pay attention to other star regions that the underworld civilization may not seize.

The most intense devouring, of course, are the three divine civilizations, as well as the new entry into the nebula alliance.

The three divine civilizations divide up one-half of the astral realm of the underworld civilization, one-fifth of which is the nebula alliance, one-fifth of which is split up by the underworld civilization, and one-fifth of the underworld civilization split up by the underworld civilization.

The "battle of killing gods" lasted for five years before the dust finally settled. One of the seven God level civilizations, the underworld civilization, officially declared its demise.

The only pity is that the main star of the nether civilization, Pluto star, was smashed into pieces in the war. All the top technologies of the nether civilization disappeared with the collapse of the Pluto star, and the rest of the technology was also encrypted by quantum, which was impossible to solve.

After the end of the war, the high-level core of the survival of the underworld civilization remembered the secret base of the small universe. But when they arrived at the base planet, they found that the planet had already turned into cosmic dust.

After the slaughter of gods, the major forces of the universe began to enter a period of collective repair to digest the harvest of this period of time.


The calm of the restoration period lasted for six years.

These six years have been earth shaking.

In the past, supernatural power was the ability only after the awakening of God level life. It was the symbol of noble gene and identity. Countless lives flocked to it, by all means, in order to enable themselves to have super power.

But in recent years, all kinds of super energy development technologies have been blooming everywhere.

The formula of super energy factor published by loino has played a great role. The basic research of super energy has opened a mysterious door, which makes the research of super energy technology of major civilizations break through the bottleneck and enter a new stage.

Each major civilization began to announce its own super energy technology.

Among them, the most famous super energy development technology is the white star civilization. They obtain the magic flame civilization's super power technology, and make their own technical improvement, the success rate is very high, and the ability developed, the probability of having special super ability is also much greater.

The second is the development of the supernatural powers of the black pupil civilization. Like the white star civilization, they have obtained the supernatural technology of the demon flame civilization. In addition, with their own research, as well as the superhuman papers published by loini, they have developed various kinds of super energy technologies for the same body, which makes the universe civilization in an uproar.

The method of Raytheon civilization is unique. The Raytheon civilization uses the technology of demon flame civilization to transform their original technology. Using development reagents, supplemented by the unique electrical stimulation of Raytheon civilization, can greatly increase their development success rate, and the probability of their ability related to lightning is very large.

Among the super energy technologies in the universe, the technology of marching ant group has attracted the attention of many civilizations.

It is said that the super energy technology mastered by the marching ant group can make 100% of the life develop super energy. The special probability is very high, and it is very safe. There is even a legend that the marching ant group has the technology to develop some kind of super power.

Because of all kinds of true and false news, and because they have defeated the underworld civilization, their technology has become the focus of attention of many civilizations.

Unfortunately, the marching ant group has kept these technologies secret to the utmost, and no original agent for the development of pesticides has ever fallen into the hands of the outside world, so the outside world has no idea of the composition of the chemicals developed by the marching ant group.

It is impossible to obtain the super energy agent of marching ant group as a research reference. Some civilization without breakthrough will focus on other civilizations that have successfully developed super energy technology.

Dig technology researchers, buy technology, exchange, war, looting, black market trading, all kinds of means, no need.

In the end, the veil of super energy technology has been completely lifted in front of researchers of major civilizations, and the outside world is no longer in a state of half understanding.

The universe never lacks genius.

After the establishment of the theoretical basis of super energy development, a set of basic system is mature, and numerous super energy development technologies have been developed from the research institutes of various civilizations. Among them, the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies, but there are some very strange ideas of super energy technology.The emergence of super energy technology makes the intelligent life in the universe tend to be equal in a strict sense. Even if it is not the gene inherited by God level life, ordinary life can make itself become as powerful as God level life through super energy technology, and its body becomes stronger and faster.

After the system was changed, some civilizations rose and some declined.

The base number of development is too large. The types of super energy in the universe are growing at a crazy speed. There are only abilities you can't think of, without the abilities that he doesn't have.

However, the vast majority of capabilities have little effect on the combat technology of battle armor system, and can only be used for daily use.

A special era has come.

In this era, the weak wisdom life can defeat the once deterred beast with bare hands; in this era, the super power is blooming everywhere, and the gap of life level is completely disappeared; this era is full of infinite magic.

This is the age of superpowers.