Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1031

A nearly perfect body came out of the capsule.

On the body's magic pupil color pattern, as if one eye, is gazing at you, the soul stirring, the timid dare not look directly. Uniform body line, muscle outline.

He came out and let the potion run down his muscles to the ground.

Everything is full of power beauty.

Even the super developers around them are amazed at the data in front of them, and their eyes are full of ecstasy. They can really feel the change of the experimental body.

At first, the weak appearance disappeared and became what it is now.

"How do you feel?" Asked the chief, hequil.

Herro shook his hand, looked around and said, "I want to go to the training ground and try it. I can't do it here."

Training ground.

Helo showed a total of three different new abilities, which made everyone in the field ecstatic.

Ordinary super talents can have two abilities at the same time, which is already a top talent. First of all, helo developed three different abilities. Although these three abilities are chicken ribs for the battle armor system, he is really different.

This shows that many of their super energy development technologies are effective, and helo is evolving. He was a black pupil who did not wake up to the super ability. He was willing to participate in the experiment because of his pursuit of power. He changed from a weak black pupil to what he is now.

"You did a good job." Tong Qing nodded with satisfaction: "hequil, is your team capable of dividing another group to study advanced methods of super energy? All resources are given priority to you. "

Said, Tong Qingshen feeling with yearning.

White star old chief alone destroyed the planet, let him feel the pressure. The kind of life beyond the current understanding of Weili, is his real pursuit of the goal, did not expect to be realized by the old chief.

It can be said that the present white star civilization has reached an unprecedented height and cohesion.

If we let the white star civilization master the "God making" technology and develop the super talents of the white star civilization to that level, everyone will be their opponent.

"Yes." Hequil nodded solemnly: "at present, the basic technology of super energy is being improved. The door is open. The future research will be better than now. There are enough staff in the base. There is no problem for one more team."

"Well, I'll leave it to you."

Tong Qing patted hequil heavily on the shoulder.

After the beginning of super energy technology, every family is catching up, hoping to take the lead in this era. At present, the white star civilization has temporarily taken the lead.


I didn't expect such a strong genius in Heitong civilization.

The old chief read all the important information of the past ten thousand years and exclaimed at the changes of the times.

At the same time, a new system is emerging.

"I can't copy this way. There are many restrictions. First of all, it takes too long for me to achieve it. If other people, I'm not sure if they can. The other is the constitution, which must be strong enough to withstand the pull of the black hole gravity. Although the feeling time is short, the process is terrible and may die at any time. The last but not the most important consciousness, without tenacious consciousness, will go mad in it

The torture of black holes is the most terrible torture.

To the old chief's words, all the people on the field showed disappointment.

If they can replicate this advanced way, their white star civilization will dominate the universe.

"However, we can use that kind of extreme method, supplemented by technology, to develop advanced talents, which will be much better than normal training." Said the old chief.


Lin Shu's eyebrows are clustered together, and his face is exhausted.

Other people around her can change shifts, but she can't. She needs to coordinate the defense technology department and the Armed Forces Department, and build the galaxy cluster defense works according to the original plan of the armed ministry.

A galaxy, with hundreds of millions of stars, a cluster of galaxies, and dozens of galaxies.

If the Ministry of armed forces fails to capture a galaxy, the engineers of the Defense Technology Department will immediately set up various star factories and build the necessary equipment.

They include space interferometers, space jammers, space undulators, antimatter factories, war robots, warships, space-based weapons, war machinery, transport ships, etc. all of these equipment factories should be based on planets, or earth like planets that can provide mineral resources.

Every few hours, on average, a few planets are hollowed out into the equipment needed.

Even with the development of nanorobots, most of the work is managed by artificial intelligence, but the rest is still daunting.

And they need to finish the layout within the specified time, otherwise once other civilizations come, they will have to face more wars.

However, compared with the Armed Forces Department, they are relatively relaxed.

From the beginning of entering this star field, the Armed Forces Department has to scramble for the planned star territory. The war may be in the next second. But fortunately, after the last war, some of the medium-sized civilization's Legion war departments found that they were them, and they would leave with great interest.Every time a galaxy group is captured, their technicians must cooperate with the Armed Forces Department in the construction of the defense system at the first time.

Continuous high-intensity work, even if Lin Shu's body has been developed, but also feel extremely hard.

All of a sudden, a messenger's voice rang out.

Seeing the message from the communication instrument, Lin Shu's pupils shrank and he was overjoyed.

At the moment when the control intelligence of the defense system was activated, Lin Shu was completely relieved. The defense of her Galaxy Group was completed, and the armed forces officially took over the space-based fortifications.

Take a break and you're on to the next cluster.


The microcosm of the underworld civilization.

A spaceship passes through layers of galaxies and enters a small, remote galaxy.

Since the chaos caused by the dark tea spread to the small universe, the small universe has long been no longer peaceful. As soon as the black pupil civilization started, he sent the fleet into the small universe, which was destroying the universe.

White star civilization and thunder civilization are also closely behind, and intend to destroy this small universe.

Now, all the defensive forces have been transferred by ming'a to fight against the black pupil civilization. Naturally, in the humble position of the small universe, no life cares.

However, there is a big secret here, a secret research and development base of the underworld civilization.

Many advanced technologies of the underworld civilization come from this humble galaxy. This base is known only by the core leaders of the underworld civilization.

Today, the underworld civilization is in chaos, and the high-level people are trying to resist the destruction of the three God level civilizations, so they have no time to pay attention to this humble galaxy.

"My Lord, here we are."

Kerry looks at the galaxy in front of him. The light in his eyes flickers slightly, then disappears quickly. He becomes calm and returns to the underworld around him.

"Mm-hmm." Mingdong nodded.

As a core member of the underworld civilization, he knew the location of the research base and had the right to enter the secret research base.

Because it used to be a small universe, the underworld civilization felt extremely safe, so in this base, there was no armed defense at all, but a simple authentication system.

This time, after Corey's warning, he came at a time of cosmic chaos.

With a high-level identity, Mingdong has no barrier to enter the R & D base.

In this era, no one can be trusted, the most credible is the power in their hands.

As long as he gets the technology stored in the base, he can lead his subordinates to rise in a remote corner of the universe and become his own local emperor after the destruction of the underworld civilization.

As for the so-called underworld civilization, he doesn't care.

His family factions are planning how to separate the family from the underworld civilization, so he will not be nostalgic.

"You take all the reserve technology of the base and follow me. Black pupil civilization is coming. It's not safe here." After the scientific researchers were summoned, Mingdong gave the order to leave.

Almost no one questioned.

At this point in time, they all received the news that the three civilizations were besieging them, and they had already entered the small universe. The defense here was not enough for the other three divine civilizations to crack their teeth. If they did not go, they would die.

Seeing many researchers enter the spaceship with the core technology, Kerry lowered his head and bent his mouth.