Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 47

When Ma got up early in the morning and saw that tiffanya hadn\'t woken up, he planned to go out and look around.

Out of the door, when Ma looked at the village in the morning, the early blacksmith was working and the early businessman was placing goods. The whole village was quiet and plain.

Seeing the strange face of dangma, the people in the village didn\'t pay too much attention and discrimination, but just greeted friendly.

All this, until when Ma planned to help them work, his attitude changed.

Tiffanya rarely slept for a long time. After all, she consumed too much magic yesterday. She didn\'t go out to check until tiffanya remembered that Ma was still here.

After walking out of the door, tiffanya realized that it was noisy outside.

When I went out, I saw that dangma was helping others. Dangma didn\'t seem very suitable to help.

He helped the blacksmith catch fire and was knocked down by the iron felt on the ground. He almost threw the wood on someone else\'s head.

Help other businessmen put their goods, because stepping on the cloth on the ground will directly overthrow the things put by others.

He helped others to lift the goods, bumped into pedestrians and almost broke the goods in his hand.

Although dangma made many mistakes, people saw that he didn\'t mean it. Dangma always wanted to do these simple things well.

Therefore, the people in the village did not blame him, but looked at dangma with sympathetic eyes.

Tiffania felt what kind of person she was when she lost her memory.

"Well, come with me and don\'t disturb others here." tiffanya held back her shyness and pulled dangma away.

Tiffania blushed at the noise of the villagers.

"Did I do something wrong, Tiffany?" when Ma scratched her head innocently.

"It\'s all right." tiffanya looked at dangma and felt it necessary to examine him carefully with other eyes again.

"Tiffanya, your life is not very good." when Ma can see, tiffanya\'s life is very simple. After all, she is a goblin and life is very simple.

"No way, I don\'t have any special skills." tiffanya remembered that with this person at home, life is much harder than before, so she should worry about life.

"It\'s all right. I have an idea."

"Is that what you said?" Tiffany looked at dangma for some time in the kitchen. Take out some bread.

"Yes, I don\'t know why. When I go into the kitchen, I think of a lot of things."

After all, he inherited the memory of the two scholars. Even if the memory is forgotten, the body has not forgotten it.

"Delicious." tiffania ate a completely different bread for the first time.

"Right, just sell the rest," dangma said to Tiffany with a smile.

Time accelerated split line

In recent days, their life in the village has been gradually maintained through the bread of dangma and the popularity of tiffanya.

On an ordinary day, when Ma got up early to prepare materials and make bread, tiffanya helped sell. When Ma\'s bad luck triggered, she accidentally threw the dough on the guests. The two apologized together, and the villagers made a fuss. Tiffanya shyly pinched Ma with her hand and continued to sell things when Ma ate pain. The day passed.

In addition to Louise, who has been looking for worry free outside, she has been worried about worry free.

At night, all the people who ended everything, when Ma packed up everything and followed tiffanya home.

After a few days together, tiffanya understood that when Ma was not as evil as she imagined at the beginning, she was a simple unlucky person.

"But one day he will recover his memory." Tiffany\'s face will deteriorate when she thinks of this recently.

"What\'s the matter, Tiffany?" Ma asked anxiously as she looked at Tiffany.


"That\'s good."

Every night, tiffanya thought to cast magic on dangma again to deepen her magic influence, so that dangma would never remember.

"How could I have such an idea? It\'s too much." sometimes Tiffany would be distressed by the idea.

But when you think about it, everything is good for her

In this way, under the communication between tiffanya and her conscience, the night passed.

The time passed two weeks unconsciously.

During this period, Princess allietta became the queen of doristin. Louise was still looking for worry free and gradually approached tiffanya\'s village.

And tiffanya and dangma have to face their first crisis.

"Welcome." as usual, tiffanya greeted the guests who came to buy things. Only when the guests didn\'t say anything, tiffanya paid attention to the guests.

Three men with sharp ears like her.

"You are!" tiffania cried out in surprise as she looked at the visitor.

"Tiffanya, who is there?" the goblin man asked tiffanya in a bad tone.

"Not here." tiffania can\'t even lie. Others can see it at a glance.

"What\'s the matter, Tiffany?" when Ma came out, he broke the embarrassing scene.

"Go to hell, devil." without saying a word, the leading man directly hit dangma with an instant magic and directly hit dangma.

"Don\'t, don\'t hurt him." tiffania reacted and stopped them.

"What are you doing? Hurt others for no reason." when Ma was hit, he stood up safely.

"Go away, ordinary people." seeing the villagers still watching, the leader drove them away directly.

"Don\'t hurt them." when Ma ran directly to stop them, he was kicked away by one of them.

"Really weak." the leading goblin found that dangma was weaker than he thought.

"When Ma, go, they\'re here to kill you." tiffania tried to stop them, but her ability was too weak to be ignored by them.

"Don\'t hurt others for no reason and disturb our life. I won\'t let them go."

"Hum, naive." the leading goblin once again sent a magic to directly solve dangma.

Seeing the magic hit his head, he subconsciously raised his right hand.

A surprising thing happened. After the magic touched the right hand, the magic was directly eliminated.

"What!" the leader was surprised to see that dangma eliminated the magic with his right hand.

"This is." when Ma looked at his right hand, he suddenly had confidence.

"I don\'t believe it." the leader continued to flash several ice cones to dangma, but they were all eliminated by dangma with his right hand.

"What kind of monster are you?" the leader watched when Ma eliminated his magic and began to retreat in surprise.

"You\'re not a monster. I\'m dangma. I\'m Tiffany\'s good friend." dangma rushed directly to the leader and hit him in the face with a heavy fist.

Unexpectedly, when Ma\'s right hand was stronger than expected, he hit the leader with one punch.

"Leader." two other men went to help the leader.

"When hemp." tiffania looked at the hemp at this time, and her heart could not help shaking.

"Don\'t come here, I\'ll fight this boy alone." the leader stood up again and looked at dangma.

"I can\'t wait."