Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 39

"Interestingly, the guardian of the world can be divided into two completely different people." the sword saint can feel a powerful magic and full of fighting intention when looking at them.

"Separate." the sword Saint turned himself into four people again and went to them.

"Two each, is that ok?"

"Hum, I can be alone, but forget it, let you two. Be careful, Bai."

Black and white each separated two swordsmen and parried.

Black has no worries. He won\'t just use Yan magic knife to fight with the sword saint. The other hand will turn into a magic hand and harass another separate attack.

White\'s fighting method is much simpler. If you can block it, you will fight with the sword. If you can\'t rebound before it\'s too late, you can easily block the attack of the two people.

"Interesting, it seems that the separation can\'t stop you." the sword Saint retreated directly and cancelled the separation. The green light appeared again and only one part was separated.

"Hum, reduce the number and strengthen the power?" black came out. Now the separation is no different from the noumenon.

"Be careful, white. That\'s the point."

Black and white fight one at the same time, but the pressure is greater than two.

"The speed is faster, so is the strength." the shadow felt that the sword saint\'s attention was more focused and more difficult to deal with.

If you don\'t pay attention, the shadow is scratched by the sword saint.

"Hey, black, be careful."

I saw no worry in the distance, and there was a wound like black on my hand.

"I know, I\'ll be careful." Hei couldn\'t refute, so he had to deal with the sword Saint more carefully.

"It\'s really powerful. Both sides are." the prince of Wales looked at the battle between the two sides in the distance and was surprised. After all, he was the one who forced them away.

"Come on, worry free." Louise prayed to worry free, hoping that worry free could tide over the difficulties.

"That\'s endless, white." the shadow is a little tired of the situation.

"I have the same idea." Bai Ying has the same idea.

"Then, one move will decide the outcome." the sword Saint withdrew and cancelled his separation. Start preparing.

"Then, Bai, look at you."

They turned into light again, integrated into wuchou\'s body, and slowly, wuchou also stood up.

The sword Saint raised his sword to his head. It seems that the blade is different from the storm outside.

"Parallel the sword with the body to enhance penetration."

Wuchou\'s whole body is surrounded by magic, and the sword of Olympus on his right hand is looming.

"Come on, swordsman."

"Sword storm, penetrating." the sword Saint raised his sword, jumped up, took the sword as the front, spiraled and flew towards wuchou.

Worry free magic reached the critical point, the sword of Olympus appeared again, and the color of the world darkened again because of its appearance.

The two swords finally collided, and the two sides were temporarily deadlocked.

However, worry free magic consumed more and soon began to feel hard.

"Come on, wuchou." wuchou seemed to feel Louise\'s call, and the magic pattern on her right hand was flashing.

"What!" the sword Saint looked at wuchou and felt incredible.

"I\'m not fighting alone." wuchou could feel Louise\'s magic coming with the magic pattern.

"For her, I will never lose." the power of nothingness played a role for the first time. Wuchou could feel his sword. Because of this power, greater power erupted.

Broke the sword storm.

"Impossible!" looking at the approaching weapon, the swordsman was not calm at last.

"Ah!" the sword of Olympus finally fell on the sword saint. Wuchou held the sword in both hands and kept exerting himself.

"The wrath of Olympus."

The swordsman was directly surrounded by the fire of Olympus. He was burning all the time. He was directly beaten and flew away. His life and death were unknown.

Seeing the enemy disappear, wuchou finally couldn\'t support the consumption. All his equipment left and fell down.

"Wuchou, you won." Louise finally ran to wuchou, picked up wuchou\'s upper body and said to wuchou.

"Well, it\'s over at last." wuchou finished this sentence and fell into a coma.

Worry free spiritual world

White and black each account for half. They are opposite and compatible.

"Black, will it be a little risky? After all, we all played."

"No way. After all, it\'s just for a while. It won\'t have any impact."

"We need more time."

"But time does not allow, we have to speed up."

"I understand."

Worry free enters the dream again.

He saw himself walking on the beach alone, as if holding a person in his right hand.

They didn\'t seem to know each other, but he saw that the man he was holding was a very lovely girl.

"Be happy, brother."

The girl said this, turned into a feather and left him.

He was left alone standing on the beach.

"Crying." Louise looked at wuchou lying in bed and wept.

"Why?" Louise was about to help wuchou wipe away her tears when wuchou woke up.

Looking at Louise close at hand, wuchou took Louise into her arms and relieved her inner pain.

"Worry free, why are you crying and thinking of sad things?"

"No, it\'s just a dream."

Dreams, sometimes really real, people can\'t distinguish between reality and dreams.

"It\'s great not to say that. You\'re okay." Louise didn\'t care too much.

"How long did I sleep?"

"One day. Since you were unconscious, we followed the prince of Wales to a temporary shelter."

Watching Louise look very tired, wuchou knows that Louise has always been around to protect herself.

"Thank you, Louise. It\'s been hard."

"I am. It\'s hard for you."

They fell in love and wanted to do something when suddenly a guard came in.

"It\'s a bad thing, Mr. Wald. He kidnapped the prince and fled to Albion with the prince."


Without thinking any more, they followed the guard to find the old king who was still there.

"What a blunder. I didn\'t expect that Mr. Wald had been bought off. He was also a rebel. I hope you can help me bring the prince back."

Louise knew that Viscount Wald had taken the prince and was a little lost, so in order to compensate for her fault, she decided to save the prince.

"Don\'t worry, we\'ll save the prince. Let\'s go, Louise."

"Well, leave it to us."

"No worries, but what should we do? We can\'t break into Albion directly."

"I have a way, Louise. Let\'s see mine next."

Looking at worry free and confident, Louise had to put her hope on worry free.

"Next, we need some help to attract the attention of the Albion army and sneak in."


Worry free looked at the floating value city in the distance. Albion had a general idea in his heart.

"Azeroth\'s army, it seems that natural disasters and guards will fight again in this world."

"Leave it to me, my master."

Bai Ying knows wuchou\'s idea and thinks this method is OK.