Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 57

"It\'s a very correct choice, uncle Zhou. You won\'t regret it." Wu Lai said as he put the nine huge plasters three or four times larger than the general dog skin plaster in Zhou Jianguo\'s words. He took one and came to Zhou Zhiwei\'s bed.

"Zhouzhiwei, one hundred thousand, don\'t tear it off because you can\'t stand it." Wu Lai said faintly.

Zhou Zhiwei didn\'t understand what Shi Qing meant and didn\'t answer.

Wu Lai hehe smiled. The plaster in his hand was pasted on Zhou Zhiwei\'s leg. After a little adjustment, he said, "OK, that\'s it."

Zhou Jianguo nervously looked at Zhou Zhiwei over there for fear of anything strange. What he just applied for made him quite concerned.

Wu Lai stood beside Luo Feifei with a thief smile and whispered in Luo Feifei\'s ear, "wait for a good play."

"What? What did you do?" Luo Feifei also hurriedly asked while Zhou Jianguo and his wife over there didn\'t pay attention to them.

"Being told nonsense!" Wu Lai immediately denied, "I\'m a qualified doctor with medical ethics. How can I do anything? But since I want to cure quickly, of course, I have to pay a certain price. You\'ll know later."

Luofeifei nodded vaguely.

Lying in bed, Zhou Zhiwei also looked at the plaster on his leg. When it was just pasted, he felt very cool and comfortable. He was still thinking about Wu Lai\'s inexplicable words just now.

A few minutes later, he suddenly felt a little warm on his legs, and the dog skin plaster was no longer cool.

He thought it was nothing, but

Then, the warmth turned hot! And where his leg was broken, he began to have severe pain! The pain was like countless knives constantly scraping on his legs, as if his legs were breaking and recovering countless times!

He seemed to go back to last night. He was well and broke his leg for no reason!

"Ah ah! It hurts! It\'s hot!" Zhou Zhiwei\'s scream resounded throughout the ward.

President Ma\'s face changed and hurried forward. Zhou Jianguo also hurriedly asked, "son, what\'s the matter? What happened?"

"It\'s so hot and painful... It\'s hot!" Zhou Zhiwei pointed to the place where he was sticking the plaster and shouted frantically. His hands grabbed the sheet. His veins were exposed, his face was white, and sweat began to emerge constantly.

"This is..." President Ma frowned and said uncertainly, "is the black jade intermittent cream beginning to work?"

"Doctor Wu!" Zhou Jianguo turned and looked at the scoundrel, his face not very good.

"Uncle Zhou, don\'t worry, it\'s okay. Since you want to get well as soon as possible, you must hold back. It\'s not a minor injury to hurt muscles and bones. If you want to recover as soon as possible, you must stimulate the self-healing ability of the human body to the greatest extent, and then work together with the medicine. In this way, you can recover quickly. And this pain and scald must be experienced, but only the first two times will be stronger, and the later will ease down." Wu Lai explained that he was not worried at all.

Hearing Wu Lai\'s explanation, Zhou Jianguo had to be a little relieved, but his son\'s scream still made him feel a little uncomfortable. He asked involuntarily, "Dr. Wu, is there any way to alleviate his pain?"

"There is no way to relieve the pain, but I have a way to make him feel no pain." Wu Lai came to Zhou Zhiwei and asked, "do you want it?"



Wu Lai knocked him unconscious with a punch.