Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 355

"Never!" Hearing Wu Lai\'s words and seeing Wu Lai\'s serious face, Tang Zhan hurriedly shouted.

Wu Lai\'s expression doesn\'t look like fraud at all! He really took the initiative to find the moon god sect and the trouble of moon white!

"You can\'t deal with the power of the moon god sect alone! Especially the moon white and the strength of Dharma protector are unfathomable. If you pass, you will die!" Tang Zhan said eagerly, for fear that Wu Lai would do something stupid.

Hearing what he said, Wu Lai nodded and smiled, "don\'t be nervous, just kidding. I won\'t go there and die."

But the more he said it, the more he couldn\'t believe it. Wu Lai\'s expression and expression clearly meant that he was ready to go to the original Longtan.


"Wu Lai?" In such a large room, a man dressed in a moon white robe was sitting at the table. His long hair had hung on the ground and his face was very handsome. Even his eyebrows were silver.

On the other side of the table, a man in black robes stood with his head slightly lowered. When he heard the white browed man talking, he should say, "well, I don\'t know his identity for the time being. Our intelligence network can\'t find his information. It\'s like a man out of thin air. I\'ve never heard of him."“

"Never heard of it?" The white browed man took the glass of red wine before he got up, shook it in his hand, and glanced at the chandelier on the ceiling: "do you want a cup of romantic candy?"

The man in black didn\'t reply.

Bai Mei chuckled and said, "it\'s really a person who doesn\'t know how to enjoy. For a long time, with heroes, the moon god teaches the upper and lower levels, and only you are more suitable."

"I\'m not a hero. I\'m just the Dharma protector of a month old deity." The man in black was unmoved, and his voice was extremely calm.

Bai Mei gulped down the red wine in the glass, put down the goblet and got up.

"Moon white." The man in black looked up for the first time when he saw his action.

As soon as I looked up, I saw the man\'s face.

Listening to his voice is very young, but his face is extraordinarily vicissitudes, as if it has experienced decades of wind and frost, wrinkled, like an old man in his fifties and sixties.

"Bu Mian, this face, over the years, has always been my biggest knot." Seeing his face, the voice of the crescent moon became very sad and walked slowly, as if he wanted to reach out and touch the wrinkles on his face.

When Bu Mian saw his action, he subconsciously stepped back.

The crescent stretched out his hand and pulled it back. He put away his expression on his face and shook his head. "This time, it seems that I need to do it myself."

Hearing this, bu Mian hurriedly said, "crescent moon, you are the current leader. You can\'t show up easily. Just leave these things to me and Yue Wei."

"I\'m not at ease..." Yueya shook her head. "It\'s OK for you to do it, but those little guys of Yuewei, I really don\'t trust them, and you, I\'m not willing to let you do it again."

Hearing this, bu Mian knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice, "master, I hope you understand that my Bu Mian is now just a Dharma protector, a Dharma protector that helps the moon god cult clear all troubles. If I should do it, I must do it."

Hearing this, Yueya frowned and shook her head, "forget it, I\'ll do it myself."

"Crescent!" The sound of walking and sleeping increased by three points.