Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 353

The four of Tang Zhan sat aside, looking at the rich lunch on the table, and remained silent.

Sheng Ziling seemed to be very happy, and from time to time she put a dish in Wu Lai\'s bowl.

Wu Lai, on the other hand, always looked at Sheng Ziling with a smile from the corner of her eyes, and occasionally took a bite of the food in her bowl.

Goo Goo

Wu Lai\'s ear moved, looked at Tang Zhan over there, and jokingly said, "why, why are you staring? So many dishes, do you really expect her to finish?"

Tang Zhan smiled awkwardly. Previously in the room, he had been watching the school gate over there and had never eaten. Coupled with the shock he had just received, he couldn\'t be hungry. Hearing Wu Lai\'s words, he said sheepishly, "that\'s OK, I\'m not hungry..."

As he spoke, Tang Zhan\'s eyes involuntarily fell on the dishes on the table, but soon his eyes were on Sheng Ziling over there, as if he had something to say.

"Don\'t worry, you, congenital stomach, what\'s there, we\'ll talk later, don\'t worry." Wu Lai interrupted him.

It seemed that seeing that the four people were still tangled, Wu Lai added again, "otherwise, I would be angry and the consequences would be very serious."

Hearing Wu Lai\'s words, the four hurriedly picked up the bowls and chopsticks at the same time and began to quickly destroy the dishes in front of them.

Seeing this, Wu Laicai smiled and joined the army of overeating.

On the other side, Sheng Ziling was full, put down the dishes and chopsticks, put her hands on her chin, and looked at Wu Lai crazily. Although Wu Lai acted very rough when eating, it was like the most beautiful animation in the world in her eyes.

Soon, with the efforts of five people, this table and dish disappeared. Tang Zhan subconsciously touched his stomach and looked very satisfied. When he noticed Wu Lai\'s smiling expression, he was a little embarrassed. He hurriedly adjusted his expression and said solemnly, "Mr. Wu, here, we are very grateful to you for saving miss Sheng."

With that, the four got up and bowed.

Seeing this battle, Sheng Ziling looked strange, looked at the four of them and asked Wu Lai, "who are they?"

"They... You\'d better say it yourself." Wu Lai looked at the four people over there, thought about it, and gave Tang Zhan the opportunity.

Tang Zhan took a deep breath again, organized some language, looked at Sheng Ziling, and began to briefly introduce it.

When Sheng Ziling heard that they were actually related to her parents, her emotions instantly got out of control. Her body was shaking constantly, and tears were flowing in her eyes. Subconsciously, he kept Wu Lai, as if holding the last straw, clenching her teeth and saying nothing.

Seeing this, Wu Lai reached out to Tang Zhan and others to stop talking, but comforted them silently.

This little girl, who lost her parents, lost her day, lost the family she should have, has come over silently these days. She has faced too much and experienced too many things she shouldn\'t have experienced. Her accumulated emotions erupt. Now she needs to let her vent.

Looking at Sheng Ziling, who had been holding back from crying, Wu Lai sighed and finally opened his mouth: "Ziling, if you want to cry, cry out loudly. Now, everything has me."