Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 338


Even Shanchuan couldn\'t help but retreat two steps. Looking at Wu Lai over there, his eyes were full of vigilance. He kept this scene in his heart. He had secretly decided not to go to Wu Lai! This guy, if he goes crazy, no one can resist! Even he... Even the leader, I\'m afraid he doesn\'t want to face such Wu Lai?

This is also a thriller that only a guy like Wu Lai can do.

The left and right close their eyes, and the pain on their bodies is constantly stinging their nerves, but they are much better than lianshanhai over there, and they have no extravagance and hope. At most, they just pray that this pain does not fall on them.

Wu Lai bit by bit crushed the bone of even Shanhai\'s hand, completely crushed, and even Shanhai\'s eyes were about to protrude. His eyes were full of blood, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. However, he had no ability to resist. The silver needle on his body controlled all his big holes, and his bones were also broken by Wu Lai\'s violence. He was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered all the time.

Wu Lai clapped his hands, walked to the other side and said, "OK, now it\'s your right hand. Are you ready?"

Shanchuan finally couldn\'t help it and shouted, "Doctor Wu, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, are you willing to bear the pain for him?" Wu Lai turned his head. At this time, his eyes were red and his breath was particularly dangerous.

Just at this glance, Yamakawa subconsciously shut up. At this time, Wu Lai was like a great beast, full of threats and violence. At this moment, Shanchuan felt that everything he had was seen through by Wu Lai.

In particular, he also noticed that there seemed to be something in the center of Wu Lai\'s eyebrows, as if there were the heavenly eyes of Erlang God.

It\'s just that you don\'t really see it, sometimes it\'s not, like an illusion.

Wu Lai, who is it?!

This is definitely not what the body of Nine Yang can do. Even at this time, Wu Lai did not use the power of the body of Nine Yang! At this moment, as he faced the angry leader, he was like a baby and dared not resist.

Seeing Shanchuan shut up and didn\'t continue talking, Wu Lai looked at Lianshan sea on the ground again.

Ka Ka

He decisively crushed Lian Shanhai\'s other hand.

At this time, even Shanhai\'s eyes passed out in pain.

"Is this dizzy?" Wu Lai shook his head and muttered, "it\'s too fragile. It\'s just an appetizer, so I can\'t help it. I\'m so disappointed."

With that, he woke up the mountains and seas with a congenital Qi.

"Don\'t worry, you just experienced the pain. Next, you have to experience the greatest torture in the world." Wu Lai looked at Lian Shanhai and waved his hand. The silver needles that had been inserted into Lian Shanhai suddenly changed their positions.

Even Shanhai\'s eyes looked at Wu Lai dully. His body was no longer his. Now he was just the existence that Wu Lai used to vent his anger. He could no longer speak.

"Don\'t worry, the next thing you want to experience is not pain. You must have been numb to pain? Next, you will be very comfortable, very comfortable." Wu Lai said that a subtle force of Nine Yang had been injected into lianshanhai\'s body.

Even Shanhai didn\'t respond. After the power of Nine Yang was injected, he didn\'t feel any difference.