Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 336

"Lian Shanhai! You\'re dead!" With the roar of mountains and rivers, all the left and right sides fly backward!

The bodies of the two people who fell on the ground became extremely distorted, and the two people kept spitting blood from their mouths and falling to the ground, and their hands were shaking constantly, and the skin surface was congested.

However, without exception, both the left and right faces showed satisfaction, as if they had completed their due tasks.

They stopped the mountains and rivers, but the price they paid was also very heavy.

Under the power of mountains and rivers, the bones of these two people are afraid to be wasted.

"Even mountains and seas!" Shanchuan felt that his head was about to explode. Wu Lai was his hope! Wu Lai is dead. What about his body? Forget it, this is the guy who the leader has warned thousands of times to ensure safety! As a result, he died in the hands of Lian Shanhai! He could already foresee the furious appearance of the leader after he returned.

Even, next, I\'m afraid there will be an unprecedented struggle between the dragon group and the Qianlong

Shanchuan directly felt soft on the ground, and his eyes were a little empty.

"Shanchuan, do you believe me? If I had died so long ago, what would my Feifei do?" Wu Lai\'s voice sounded. Wu Lai stood there, wiped his neck, and shook his hand with a little more red.

Hearing this sound, the mountains and rivers over there raised their heads and looked at Wu Lai who was intact and ignored over there, very stunned.

"If it makes me burp like this, I\'m too disappointed." With that, Wu Lai looked at the Lianshan sea over there.

"How is it possible?" Even Shanhai looked at Wu Lai, who was completely ignored, with a look of panic. He had just cut Wu Lai\'s throat! But why is Wu Lai still intact?!

Wu Lai took his hand away from his neck, where there was a shallow red line, which should have been cut by a dagger just now.

At the critical moment just now, Wu Lai\'s innate Qi burst out all over his body. Coupled with his special ability, he narrowly avoided the fatal blow at the last moment.

Just a moment ago, Wu Lai felt that his whole body had fallen into hell. The powerful killing machine was far more powerful than anyone he knew. It was more terrifying than when he saw Zhuge Yan.

Zhuge said that it was the crushing of strength, and lianshanhai, this is the feeling of coming out of the sea of corpses and blood, from hell!

Shanchuan also looked at Wu Lai. Although he knew that Wu Lai was also a master now, he never thought that such a young boy could survive from Lian Shanhai\'s hands! General masters at this distance, even the Tiansha of the mountain and sea will die without doubt!

"The body of Nine Yang, the man that nianbing likes, really deserves its reputation. The leader is worthy of being the leader..." Yamakawa said, swallowing his saliva and blinking again, as if he still didn\'t want to believe the reality he saw.

Wu Lai looked at Lian Shanhai that year, and his eyes were no longer those of human beings. In his eyes, Lian Shanhai was no different from a corpse. If there was any difference, it was now Lian Shanhai, and he was breathing.

"Now that you\'ve dealt with Feifei, you should also understand what your end will be?" Wu Lai said, and he had pinched Lian Shanhai with one hand.