Saint Eyes: The Magic Doctor

Chapter 312

"No." Just as the message was about to go out, a man\'s hand pressed the manager\'s action.

"President Luo." Next to the manager is a very young man. According to the address, it should be the person in charge of this hotel, that is, Luo Chengxing, Luo Feifei\'s cousin who separated.

"Since my brother-in-law has this pleasure, don\'t disturb him. I think he should have his own plan, otherwise he won\'t come to the hotel like this." Luo Chengxing said faintly, pushing the gold framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing a meaningful smile.

"But, Mr. Luo, it\'s not good..." the manager over there was full of worry on his face, but after seeing his boss give him a threatening look, he had to put away his mobile phone as if he didn\'t know anything.

Just as she was about to leave, Luo Chengxing hugged her and pasted it in her ear, saying faintly, "well, yes, I like the taste of this perfume..."

With that, his hand had moved up from the manager\'s waist to the restricted area, and was acting wantonly there.

888 box belongs to the VIP transfer area. Only special people can come here, and the waiters here are also carefully selected by Luo Chengxing. He is particularly satisfied with his appearance, figure and loyalty.

Just like now, he and the mature and beautiful lobby manager came on the spot, while the waiters in cheongsam still kept their professional smiles, as if they didn\'t see anything.

The manager, who was controlled by Luo Chengxing, flashed a touch of sadness on his face. Then he could only show a charming smile, stick it to Luo Chengxing\'s chest with a weeping voice, and said, "president Luo... Mr. Wu is inside, which is not good for you..."

Hearing her words, Luo Chengxing\'s actions in his hands paused, and his face showed a disappointed look. He said in a deep voice, "you\'re all right, but you\'re too smart."

"Mr. Luo, I just don\'t want your efforts over the years..."

"I know. Go down." Luo Chengxing was no longer interested. He waved his hand and ordered to leave while sorting out his clothes.

The lobby manager hurriedly left here.

After she left, Luo Chengxing stared at the door of the box, then directly pulled over a Miss etiquette standing on one side and walked to an empty box next to it. Before entering, he also ordered the Miss etiquette outside: "remember, no matter what sound is made inside, don\'t come in."

"Yes." These etiquette ladies looked very indifferent and answered.

But when Luo Chengxing closed the door, their eyes were all full of sadness, but they only accepted their fate. The salary here was ten times higher than that in other places, but this also meant that they almost became Luo Chengxing\'s women.

Wu Lai, who ordered vegetables in the box, noticed the movement outside. While ordering vegetables, he watched the scene outside the door with perspective. When he saw that Luo Chengxing was so reckless, his face sank. When Luo Chengxing pulled the welcoming sister over there into the box with a very tough means, he put down his pen and did not continue to order.