Sage of Humanity

Chapter 996: Captain was captured

Maybe to silence it?

After all, after this woman killed Xiang Dongliu the night before, when she passed over Chen\'s house, Lu Ye had a momentary eye contact with her.

In the rush, Lu Ye was about to sacrifice the dragon seat when a fragrant wind rushed towards his face, and then the woman appeared in front of him like a ghost.

He raised his palm slightly and pressed it towards him. At this moment, Lu Ye\'s whole body stood up.

Without seeing what happened, the slender jade palm was imprinted on his chest, and Lu Ye\'s figure froze suddenly.

The gap is too big.

This woman is by no means an ordinary Divine Sea Realm, her strength is stronger than Liu Yuemei who Lu Ye saw that day!

Think about it, Xiangdongliu is also a Divine Sea Realm, but this female subordinate did not hold on for even thirty breaths and died on the spot, how could her strength be so poor.

Amber crouched on Lu Ye\'s shoulder roared and filial piety, Yao Yuan rolled out his true body, opened his **** mouth and bit at the woman.

However, the woman just chuckled softly: "Go away." The voice was soft, causing ripples in the heart.

With a wave of his hand, Amber flew out.

Flying out together, there are also the figures of Jujia and Xiao Xinghe.

The two of them responded very quickly. They responded when Lu Ye shouted, but instead of running, they rushed over after Lu Ye.

The sound of a loud chirping sounded, and the overwhelming Feijian shot came. Feijian was Li Baxian\'s method. After Feijian, Fengyuechan had not yet used the technique.

The two of them practiced together since their bowels, and they have long since lost their minds. On top of that, even the cultivators whose strength is several levels above us have to take care of it.

However, the gap between their cultivation bases is too small. In the face of these young flying swords and spells, the man just looked at them, but took a heavy breath from his mouth.

This breath spewed out and turned into a pink mist.

The flying sword and the magic method collided with the powder, and their power was instantly dissipated.

The fog filled the air, wrapping the place where everyone was, and everyone was dizzy.

Lai Ye\'s family knew when they hadn\'t touched the man\'s side, or did they wait for you to launch a surprise attack, and they were enveloped in powder mist, revealing a staggering figure, and there was no threat at all with the hasty stabbing blow.

"A bunch of boring big guys." The man\'s hard voice came again, grabbing Lingli\'s arm with one hand, and soaring into the sky.

Leave in an instant.

The giant armor and the Divine Sea Realm stood up in embarrassment, but they were also affected by the powder mist, and they felt dizzy for a while.

After a while, Xiao Xinghe\'s exclamation sounded: "That\'s it, the captain has been captured."

Your cultivation base is the lowest, and your recovery is the slowest. Although affected by this powder fog, this man obviously has no intention of killing people. It\'s just that we have the law to act temporarily.

"Slow message!" Divine Sea Realm gritted his teeth and shouted.

The Lai Ye family woke up like a dream, and quickly sent out a message.

A moment ago, the powder mist dissipated, and everyone sat upright and adjusted their breaths. They quickly recovered. Recalling the scene just now, they were all shocked.

"Who is this?" Li Baxian asked, "Why are you arresting Master Brother?"

Divine Sea Realm shook his head: "Yes." After a while, he said, "For the time being, Master Brother will have no worries about his life."

If this man really wants to kill someone, one of the people present can run away, and the strength gap is there, but if you want to kill anyone in the team, just grab your spiritual power and leave, obviously you have no intentions.

But Lai Ye was captured, even if there is no fear of life, the situation is optimistic, who knows what this man will do to the spiritual power.

At the same time, in Haotian City, the law department Xiaodian, Gan Youdang received the communication from the Lai Ye family, and his expression changed.

I just sent the order to Lingli to lead the team back to Haotian City to report on work, but I thought that Lingli was actually captured by a mysterious man in a blink of an eye.

So what happened?

Too little happened in those days.

The Chen family suddenly made trouble like this, and was led by Lai Ye to kill all the monks that were missing, followed by the outbreak of a worm tide on the foggy cliff, and now no mysterious man has suddenly taken away the spiritual power, all kinds of changes, Let people respond.

Looking at the few incidents in those few days, the Chen family is suspected to be the source, and even said that Wuya is in the jurisdiction of the Chen family.

There is a faint feeling of doing it properly, as if there is no small hand that is visible, pushing something in front of the screen.

The Chen family is just a chess piece on the surface, and there are not many things I can see behind the scenes.

After pondering for a while, I immediately summoned Tang Yifeng.

No matter what, if the spiritual power is captured, it is still necessary to inform the headmaster.

When the headmaster received the message, he was discussing matters with the elders group. A group of elderly old men and women were arguing for a break, and they were about to roll up their sleeves and fight, and the situation was chaotic.

Before receiving the message, the headmaster got up immediately.

Duo Qing, a figure rushed out of Haotian City, heading towards the direction of the Chen family.

At the same time, there was a strong wind in mid-air, and the scenery above quickly poured in. Lai Ye frowned, only to feel that the situation became more and more confusing.

I think I understand why that mysterious man came to capture him!

I thought the other party was here to kill and silence, but now it seems too similar, if you really want to kill and silence, you just can\'t get started.

So you didn\'t come to kill yourself.

Thinking of that, Lai Ye felt relieved, since he wanted to kill himself, he would be worried about his life temporarily.

As for your purpose of capturing yourself, Lai Ye wanted to understand.

After that, I had no contact with the people of that mysterious organization twice. Lai Ye could feel that the other party didn\'t seem to want to win over him.

Lingli is really willing to have something to do with that organization, so when he comes into contact with people from that organization for the seventh time, he will fight with the other party firmly, and he is also showing his attitude and position in a disguised form. .

But now it seems that nothing is avoided after all. At this moment, I was picked up by this man and flew away slowly.

I resisted, mainly because I resisted. Just now, this man put his palm on the back of my chest, causing my body to become disordered. Has it recovered by now?

"He escaped." Lai Ye said suddenly.

If you know the time and you are captured like that, it may be a real murderer, but there are no Shaolin Yinxiu minor repairs in the far and wide area in front of your eyes. The brigade must know that the news has gone out. We know that if we take action, without the Law Division taking the lead, the Lai Ye family\'s junior cultivators in the distance can quickly mobilize. Although the mysterious man is weak, it is wishful thinking to take him away in such a situation.

Therefore, the spiritual power is not panic at all.

"What if you run away?" The man replied, his voice still so hard, as if a lover was whispering in his ear.

"This is his ability!" Lingli has something to say, mainly to gather your energy.

"Is it like you make a bet? If you can escape, you can cut his tongue. If you run away, we will die together, how about that?"

Lingli quickly shut up.

No matter what, I have something good to play, and that bet is a bet.

This man is poisonous!

The man giggled heavily: "Why did you talk?"

At that moment, a figure from the rear came slowly, and before it got close, he shouted: "Let the people go!"

Rescue is here!

Lingli Xiaoxi, although she knew that Lin Yinxiu, if she received news to intercept this man, she would immediately urge Lai Ye to secretly rub her hands together, and then attack the poisonous woman sneakily, just waiting for her hands to fight. What you do to you, cause you some trouble, and increase your chances of getting out.

Who would have thought that the mysterious man had been on guard against me for a long time, and just as the spiritual force pushed Lu Ye, he felt that there was no weak power gushing out from the palm of the man\'s palm, and the fierce power poured into his body, making himself look like Lu Ye, who had gathered difficulties. The dispersal of the impact is undeniable.

You hummed, and then urged Lu Ye to move.

Facing the intercepted Lin Yinxiu, the mysterious man did not have any intention of dodging, so he went straight to meet him.

Their respective breaths and Lu Ye burst into bloom, and there was no spiritual sense surging.

Lingli couldn\'t see how the two were fighting, only that the moment when the two figures crossed, there was no grunting sound, and then the Lin Yinxiu who was intercepted later fell diagonally upwards, the figure of the man was only After a slight pause, he continued to swept back.

This man is this man\'s opponent! And the gap is as small as we know!

If you give this man enough time, he can\'t even be nervous to kill this man.

Lingli\'s heart froze.

Walking all the way back, Lin Yinxiu swept away from the ground and intercepted the mysterious man.

All of them were dismissed at will by you, and more and more spiritual power has been taught the terrifying strength of this man. UU reading

The weaker you are, the lighter your spirit will be.

It wasn\'t until a wave of brilliance and brilliance rushed towards Haotian City from the direction of Haotian City that Lingli looked happy, because I realized that the breath was taught by the headmaster!

"There\'s a troublesome guy here!" The mysterious man apparently also realized the weakness of the headmaster, turned his head and glanced here, his expression solemn.

"Your headmaster is here, let you go quickly, otherwise he will die and have a place to be buried." Lai Ye said viciously.

"It\'s the legacy of Tang." The man suddenly realized, "It\'s a mess!"

As you said that, suddenly your figure fell upwards.

In the distance, the headmaster\'s eyes were like torches, and he shouted with dignity and gentleness: "It doesn\'t matter who he is, if he dares to hurt your disciple, the old man in the ends of the earth will also smash him into ten thousand pieces!"

The voice was blessed by Lai Ye and spread to hundreds of other places, the sky was full of anger, and before the headmaster, the wind and clouds gathered, like a **** and a man descending from the sky.

The man led Lai Ye to the back of a cave, turned around, looked at the headmaster who came with weak power, Yingying bowed: "Old Master Tang is well, the big man just borrowed his disciples for a while, It will definitely be beneficial to me, and please Mr. Tang worry."

Saying that, he lifted the collar of Lingli, turned around and retreated into the cave.

Nearby, Tang Yifeng watched the scene, and the speed was a little slower.

In the cave, Lingli turned his head to look at Qi Zhou, and a premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Sure enough, with the surging of the man\'s body, the complicated lines in the cave lit up, and in an instant, a small formation was stimulated.

The small formation shrouded the land, and the void was twisted.

"Teleportation Array!" Lingli\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.