Sage of Humanity

Chapter 1104: secret

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At that time, Lu Ye stood in front of the stage, and he lived in seclusion behind the scenes. The combination of the two sides gradually eroded the power of Haotian League and Wanmoling. One day, there will only be one camp left in this Kyushu.

At that time, there will be no more confrontation between the two camps, and there will be no endless fighting and killing.

For this goal, he kept his name incognito and had been preparing for decades, and now he has waited for Lu Ye, a person who is favored by heaven.

When Taishan was thinking about it, Lu Ye was also pondering.

He was thinking about how to showdown with Taishan. He didn\'t have so much patience and time. Conspiracy and tricks were not his thing. The experience and knowledge of the blood refining world was his unique advantage, so some things, It\'s better to go straight.

Just like the strategy when dealing with Yu Huajin.

So he opened his mouth and said, "Senior Taishan, I have offended you."

Taishan looked at him with a puzzled face, wondering why Lu Ye suddenly called him senior brother. Such a title is not a random call, especially since his subordinate Yu Daiwei once captured Lu Ye and detained him in a small secret realm. under the premise of several months.

Lu Ye stared at him with burning eyes and said calmly, "You have a birthmark the size of a fingernail on your left buttock near your waist. There are three hairs on it, one long and two short, the longer one is darker in color. "The smile on Taishan\'s face suddenly became stiff, and the corners of his eyes twitched visibly. _o_m

Yu Daiwei, who was quietly cooking tea, couldn\'t help but raised her head, her eyes widened, she looked at Lu Ye, and instinctively felt that Lu Ye was fooling around, but the details of the teasing were a little unusual.

Turning his head to look at Taishan, his face revealed the meaning of consultation. If he is not determined enough, I am afraid to ask if it is true.

Taishan noticed her gaze and turned his head to stare at her. Yu Daiwei hurriedly lowered her head and continued to cook the tea.

Curiosity is burning.

"What is the little friend talking about?" Taishan frowned. The development of this conversation was completely different from what he expected. When he wanted to come, Lu Yeji might ask himself some more secret things, or ask the disc. The mystery of this, he has already thought a lot of words, and will not hide too much from Lu Ye, because he feels


Lu Ye now has enough qualifications, but Lu Ye\'s opening was secret enough, but it turned out that his own secret Lu Ye continued to reveal his old bottom: "Senior brother has a sword wound under his third rib, It was when you were thirty years old when you were injured by a sword cultivator of the eighth level of the Divine Sea, and it was only an inch away from being fatal. At that time, the senior brother also suffered other injuries, and he was in a coma for a day and a night before he woke up.

"Senior brother once liked a woman named Mei\'er, but the woman thought that the senior brother was plain-looking and of ordinary background, so she didn\'t like the senior brother. In the end, she went with a handsome and good-looking big sect disciple. As a result, in the first war, both When he died, the senior brother was sad for a long time and even shed tears. "So since then, the senior brother has despised those young girls, and the senior brother prefers more mature women, who have more charm." Yu Daiwei, who was listening with her ears, hurriedly straightened her body, her chest was high, and intentionally or unintentionally, all kinds of amorous feelings were revealed.

"Also, senior brother can\'t drink enough. If you don\'t use spiritual power to get rid of alcohol, you will get drunk in a pot. Every time you drink too much, you like to brag, and then find someone to fight. After the fight, just find a place to lie down. One time, my senior brother accidentally entered a farmhouse and was picked up by a widowed woman." "Enough!" Taishan hurriedly interrupted Lu Ye, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he really didn\'t dare to let him continue. Besides, how can I still have the slightest prestige in front of my subordinates?

"I really didn\'t know before, Nian Yuexian is a long tongue woman who likes to chew people\'s tongue behind her back" with a cold snort.

Lu Ye looked at him calmly: "Senior brother thinks, senior sister Nian told me these things. "Or else?"

"Senior brother really thinks that Senior Sister Nian can know so many secret things? "I have worked with her for many years, and we are like brothers and sisters. What is there that she doesn\'t know?" Having said that, there is still some doubts. Ordinary privacy Nianyue It\'s not surprising for Xian to know, after all, they have been with each other for so many years, but how long or short the hairs on his birthmark are, how can Nian Yuexian know

In addition to yourself, only one other person knows about this kind of thing, remember it. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 1104 Secret

In a war in 2008, when the blood was washed away in the river, the man stretched out his hand and plucked out the three hairs.

Thinking of this, my heart trembled, and I looked at Lu Ye in disbelief. Lu Ye said lightly: "It seems that senior brother has some guesses.

Taishan\'s expression changed, and his breath began to fluctuate endlessly, and Yu Daiwei\'s face was also solemn. She had never seen her own respect like this before. "Impossible," Taishan drank in a low voice.

"Everyone who knows Senior Brother thinks that you have been dead for many years, but in fact Senior Brother is still alive and well, and Senior Brother can get away with fake death, why is it impossible for others."

"His bones were buried with my own hands." Taishan stared at Lu Ye. Lu Ye said: "The senior brother knows, how did I know your name taboo? I didn\'t mention you at all in front of senior sister Nian." After saying this, he slowly stood up, walked to the soldier, raised his hand and nodded. in the heart of the soldier.

Yu Daiwei said vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

Lu Ye said, "The refining method of this kind of Taoist soldiers is flawed, so the refined Taoist soldiers have very low intelligence, and if there is a special method, it is easy to make them like this."

As soon as the spiritual force urged, the soldier suddenly closed his eyes, fell limply on the ground, snorted, and fell directly into a deep sleep. Taishan watched quietly, even if his mind was as calm as him, he was in a state of confusion at the moment, because he was shocked to discover that something that seemed impossible to him seemed to be the truth. It made him unbelievable.

"Senior brother, if you still don\'t believe me, I can make an oath!" Lu Ye sat back again.

Taishan didn\'t say a word, trying to calm down the clutter of his mind, before he said after a while: "Do you think the Tianji Oath still has the ability to restrain you?"

Lu Ye frowned, "Brother, what do you mean by that?"

"Tianji claims to be fair and just, but in fact it is biased, especially for someone like you who is favored by heaven, there is always tolerance.

If you don\'t believe me, you can try it. "

He didn\'t say that Lu Ye didn\'t care too much, but when he said that, Lu Ye remembered something. When he made the oath of heavenly secret before Yu Daiwei, he really did not feel the restraint of the heavenly secret. He turned his head to look at Yu Daiwei, opened his mouth and said, "Lu Ye of the Jade Blood Sect, I respectfully invite Tian Ji to witness. The disciple loves this woman very much.

After waiting for a while, nothing was out of the ordinary. Yu Daiwei stared at him.

Lu Ye looked embarrassed: "I originally thought of a secret oath to win my brother\'s trust, but now it seems that this method doesn\'t work, I don\'t know how my brother can believe me "I believe"

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise.

Taishan said: "Only me and him know the refining method of Taoist soldiers in this world."

"It could also be that I got some handed down Codex or something like that"

Taishan shook his head slowly, "He won\'t be so boring, he recorded these things." He looked up at Lu Ye: "He is really still alive."

Taishan showed a puzzled look, "Since a person like him is still alive, how can the Jade Blood Sect be so lonely, and why hasn\'t he stirred up the situation all these years?" "Because he is no longer in Kyushu."

"Where is he if he is not in Kyushu"

"A realm called the Blood Refinement Realm." Lu Ye took a sip of the tea in front of him, "Brother, have you ever thought about why I lost contact for more than two years after I was detained in that small secret realm last time? Where have I gone?"

"You went to the blood refining world" Taishan noticed. Lu Ye nodded, "I was detained in the small secret realm that day. Dao Shisan guarded the exit of the secret realm. I had no way out of the trap, so I thought of breaking the foundation of the small secret realm. Knowing that when the small secret realm collapsed, instead of returning to Kyushu, the situation of being sent to the blood refining world and the blood refining world was revealed to Taishan along with Lu Ye\'s eloquent explanation.

Hearing that Feng Wujiang raised the banner over there, creating the only human race.

In the Pure Land, even the dozens of long-established seniors were under his command. Taishan couldn\'t help laughing, showing a look of relief worthy of him, and even a hint of fascination. He also heard that the survival of the human race in the blood refining world is difficult, and the Jade Blood Holy Land has to experience the encirclement and suppression of the blood race every few years, and the expression is also solemn.

Yu Daiwei was even more dumbfounded.

Her cultivation is indeed higher than that of Lu Ye, and her knowledge is also better. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 1104 Secret

There are many, but she has never experienced such a bizarre experience as Lu Ye.

I finally understood why UU Kanshu respected Lu Yiye. For someone like him, who has been favored by heaven, has experienced things that are unimaginable to ordinary people. When a lot of information from an entire realm was presented in front of Taishan, the last doubt in his heart disappeared.

What Lu Ye said was too bizarre, but after careful investigation, there were no flaws. Lu Ye would not deliberately make up such a realm to deceive him. Without personal experience, these things could not be made up. After a long time, Lu Ye finished talking about all kinds of blood refining world.

Taishan is keenly aware of the problem: "As you said, the siege of the blood clan will continue, but the outer defense line of the Jade Blood Holy Land has been broken, so it will be very dangerous when the blood clan strikes next time."

"That\'s right, so I have to rush back before the blood clan encircles and suppress the Jade Blood Holy Land, and I have to bring a group of people back. The Jade Blood Holy Land has no shortage of top combat power, but the number is lacking. So Senior Taishan, if you still Thinking of the relationship with my senior brother in the past, I would like to ask you to help me. @ Essence\/Book House*First update~~

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Chapter 1104 Secret