Sage of Humanity

Chapter 1051: 00,000 military exploits

【The Great Sage of Humanity】【】

After falling tens of thousands of feet into the sky, Lu Ye barely regained control of himself.

This height is the limit of his ability to fly in the sky. Going up, no matter how hard he exerts his strength, he will not be able to fly up. It seems that there is an invisible binding force that binds him.

But Lu Ye was still letting himself fall down, only urging his spiritual power to protect him.

Because although he has the ability to fly at this height, it is too laborious and consumes too much of his own spiritual power. He has to find a height that makes him comfortable and labor-saving.

Therefore, when a cultivator travels in the wild, it does not mean that he can fly as high as he can, because the higher he flies, the greater the consumption of himself.

Especially when the cultivation base is insufficient, they generally do not fly too high, and it is easy to encounter some strong people who are stronger than themselves.

After falling straight to a height of nearly ten thousand feet, Lu Ye stabilized his figure. This height is undoubtedly acceptable to him, and it is also the height that most of the cultivators in the Divine Sea Realm will choose when they travel in the wild.

Looking down at the scene below, my heart is surging.

Kyushu, I\'m back!

This trip took a long time. It took two years for him to leave. When he left, he was in the realm of the seventh layer of the real lake. When he returned, he was in the sea of ​​​​divine, and his strength increased greatly.

Of course, if he was in Kyushu, his cultivation base should improve faster, because there is a spiritual lot that can be used.

But in terms of cultivation, it is useless just to improve his cultivation base quickly. In the past two years, he has been running around in the blood refining world. Although his cultivation base is not too fast to improve, each level of realm is extremely solid, especially when he is promoted to Divine Sea. In the next few months, after experiencing the hard work of dozens of seniors, the harvest is huge, how can it be compared to the improvement of pure cultivation?

Dao Shisan didn\'t come back with him, which made Lu Ye feel a little pity. It wasn\'t that he wanted to abandon the other party. It was just that he said it didn\'t matter. Nothing can be done.

In the blood refining world, he will go back!

The words I said to my senior brother before I left were not just casual words.

The Jade Blood Holy Land has experienced the siege of the blood clan this time, and the defense line of the outer islands has been torn apart, and the battle damage to the Holy Land is not small this time. The next time the blood clan makes a comeback, the Jade Blood Holy Land may not be able to stop it.

He had to find a way to go back before the next blood clan siege the Jade Blood Holy Land, and help the elder brother and the others.

If you can bring a group of helpers, that would be even better.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this, but since Kyushu Tianji can send him once, he can be sent twice.

Lu Ye believes that Tianji will not sit back and watch the Jade Blood Holy Land, otherwise there is no need to send him over this time. Tianji\'s intention to send himself over this time is very obvious, to use his own ability to help the Jade Blood Holy Land resist the blood clan army, and he is barely counted. If it is done, whether it is the control of the blood clan soldiers, or the formation of the same spirit, they have all made great contributions in this battle.

He can\'t stay at the Jade Blood Holy Land and wait, because he has to find a way to improve his strength as soon as possible, so he has to return to Kyushu. Before the next blood clan army strikes, try to improve himself as much as possible, try to find a way to go back, and try to bring a batch of A trusted helper.

There is still some time to plan slowly.

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【The Great Sage of Humanity】【】

I will not consider these for the time being, since I return to Kyushu, I must first determine my own position.

Lu Ye hurriedly took out the Shifen map to investigate, but the result surprised him, because the place where he was was actually Liyuan.

It is near the entrance to the Secret Realm of Sword Artifact Sect.

It was a coincidence.

There is no need to look for the secret realm of Sword Artifact Sect. The foundation of the secret realm has been destroyed, the secret realm has collapsed, and it has long since ceased to exist.

Just when Lu Ye was thinking about how to get back to Haotian City, the battlefield mark was slightly hot.

Lu Ye has not felt the movement of the battlefield mark for two years, and hastily immersed himself in the investigation.

The name is Lu Yiye.

Status: Disciple of Jade Blood Sect, Commander of Law Enforcement Hall.

Cultivation: Divine Sea 1st layer.

The location is far from the original.

Merit: 972,812 points.

Merit: One million points.

The change in his own battlefield imprint is not small, the first is his identity.

He remembered that he used to be behind the disciples of the Jade Blood Sect, the captain of the law enforcement hall Ding Jiu, but now he has become the commander of the law enforcement hall.

This is the position of his captain has been removed

Thinking about it, there has been no news for two years. There will always be a person in charge of the Ding Jiu team. It is impossible to wait for him all the time. It is a matter of course to change the captain.

In the Ding Jiu team, the third senior brother Xiao Xinghe was the strongest. If nothing else, he should have taken over the position of captain.

The merits have not changed much. During the mission, Lu Ye went back to the sect, sold a lot of materials to the treasure house of heaven, and collected nearly one million merits. After that, he didn\'t use it much, or he didn\'t have the chance. use.

The change in battle is huge.

How many military exploits he had at the beginning, the specific number is not clear, but it is generally known, it should be more than 200,000.

But at this moment, a million military exploits have broken the record again.

Millions of military exploits can\'t come out of thin air. This is obviously a reward from Heaven\'s Secret for his trip to the blood refining world.

Because this is what Lu Ye spent two full years harvesting.

Moreover, in the siege against the blood clan army, the blood clan Taoist soldiers under Lu Ye\'s command have made great contributions to providing the same qi and even branches, not to mention that he also killed many blood clans with his own hands, including the existence of Divine Sea Realm. .

Of course, there is no way for Tianji to specifically coordinate these achievements, because Tianji knew nothing about the situation of the war at that time, and it may be precisely for this reason that the reward for this time will be rounded up to give him a whole number.

However, Lu Ye was also satisfied, something was better than nothing, and it was still such a huge amount of military exploits.

Just when he checked the mark of the battlefield, the mark moved slightly again.

This time, someone came over.

He only returned to Kyushu with his forefoot, and there was someone calling for a message, so you don\'t have to think about it, it must be Yiyi.

Only Yiyi has such a quick response. It\'s not that he has a spiritual connection with Yiyi. The main reason is that he has a pet bond with Amber, and he has also concluded the technique of life essence and the method of beast seal. As Lu Ye\'s natal monster , Lu Ye returned, and Amber must have noticed it immediately.

And Amber and Yiyi are inseparable, if Amber knows, Yiyi will know too.

Looking for information, sure enough, it was Yiyi\'s subpoena.

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【The Great Sage of Humanity】【】

"Lu Ye, where are you when you\'re back?"

As Lu Ye flew down, he replied, "This side of Wanmoling."

\"Why are you there and where have you been in the past two years\"Although it is possible to judge Lu Ye\'s life and death by the imprint of the battlefield, but there has been no news for two years, and Lu Ye\'s imprint has been in a state of incommunicability. Worrying.

\"It\'s a bit complicated, I\'ll tell you in detail later, everyone is okay\"

"It\'s all good, but a lot has happened in the past two years. You just came back, you must be careful. Now Kyushu is full of Zerg."

Lu Ye didn\'t have time to respond, because he had already seen the Zerg, and a large group of mosquito-like things flew towards him. The key is that these mosquitoes are all ferocious, and they are so big that almost every one of them is the size of a slap.

Their individual strengths are nothing, and they only vaguely evoke the spirit of Lingxi Realm, but the fierceness of the gathered worm clouds permeates them, which is impressively worthy of reaching the level of Divine Sea Realm.

In terms of quantity alone, I am afraid it will not be less than tens of thousands.

Lu Ye has never seen this kind of Zerg, but Zerg has a characteristic, that is, it is extremely sensitive to the fluctuation of spiritual power. Obviously, it is the trace of his spiritual power that attracts this group of Zerg.

To deal with such weak individual strengths, but very powerful things that can be gathered together, the means of military repair are very limited. It can be said that such a Zerg has a strong restraint on military repairs in the ordinary sense.

The strength of Bingxiu lies in the one-on-one attack. Even if Lu Ye can kill dozens or hundreds of such Zerg with one knife, once it is wrapped in such a cloud of insects, how many knives can he make?

Fortunately, he is not a military cultivator in the general sense.

At this moment, he hadn\'t realized how terrifying the information Yiyi had sent, otherwise, he would definitely not have any thoughts about this group of Zerg.

Raising the hand and holding it, the palm\'s spiritual power surged, the yin and yang duality quickly outlined the fit, and in the blink of an eye, an oval-shaped, spiritual power converged on the palm of the hand.

At first glance, it looks like an egg, and the surface is burning brightly.

With Lu Ye\'s spiritual power, the flame egg broke open, and the cry of Qingyue sounded The fire phoenix with a wingspan of thirty feet sprang out and fluttered its wings to meet the swarm.

To deal with such a swarm right now, the method of Fa-cultivation is the most suitable.

In the past, when his strength was insufficient, Lu Ye still needed to use himself as the foundation to build the fire phoenix spirit pattern, but now that he has reached the sea of ​​​​God, there is not so much trouble.

The huge fire phoenix collided with the swarm head-on. Lu Yeben felt that the entire swarm could be burnt out, but a scene that surprised him appeared.

A large number of Zerg perished. With the extinction of Zerg, the size of the fire phoenix was also rapidly shrinking. After taking a closer look, I realized that before the death of the mosquito-like Zerg, they were desperately devouring the spiritual power in the fire phoenix and weakening the fire. The power of the phoenix.

The fire phoenix was destroyed, and about 60% of the swarm remained.

Lu Ye was about to take another shot when a buzzing sound came from below.

Looking down, I couldn\'t help my scalp go numb, and I saw a large number of Zerg rising densely below, all gathered here, obviously attracted by the spiritual power fluctuations just now.

The sheer number of them is unbelievable.

And during the flight, these zerg are constantly gathering, the worm cloud is growing, and the power is also increasing rapidly.

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【The Great Sage of Humanity】【】

In the field of vision, it was pitch black, and the earth was nowhere to be seen.

Lu Ye has no desire to take action anymore, in this situation, the only option is to escape!

Peeping in one direction, Lu Ye turned into a long rainbow and flew over there, and the insect cloud was chasing after him.

Fortunately, the speed of the insect cloud is not fast, Lu Ye flew for a while, and finally got rid of it.

After a while, he found a hidden position and fell down, restraining his breath.