Royal Love – I Fell In Love With CEO

Chapter 59 - First Date Part 1

But when he scanned her from top to bottom his body instantly felt hot and his eyes turned dark.

His throat withered, screaming to devour her full.

How can he control himself when she looks this sexy and delicious.

And when it comes to that, who wants chocolates?? His girlfriend is more than enough for him and he knows for sure that she tastes better than anything in this whole world.

Dressed in a black thin crop top and shorts, her slim waist and perfect navel are all on display for him to devour with his eyes.

But what caught his attention was a beautiful mole on the right side of her waist. It is like a jewel adorning her to look more alluring and sexier.

If he was allowed to devour her right now, he would kiss that mole over and over again till he gets satisfied, which would never get satiates!!

He is sure that this mole would be remain as his favorite for his whole life. Something which he wanted to see and touch all along his life.

"Come here." Louis urged and opened his arms to hug her.

With an affectionate smile, Brina hugged him right away and snuggled in his warm embrace. However, she felt shy as she sensed his heated gaze on her.

She knew that she looks alluring in his eyes., Tanya always said that crop tops suits her the best.

In addition to that, while she is cooking, she made a stupid mistake and as a result, flour fell on her.

She managed to clean up the powder on her face and changed her top but she forgot about her neck and waist.

She thought of cleaning herself properly before Louis come. However, he was here early by an hour and this didn\'t leave her with any time for her to clean up.

Meanwhile, Louis, of course didn\'t fail to notice the tiny powder particles on her neck. As soon as his eyes fell on her neck which is decorated with whitish powder, his whole  body screamed to lick that off.

Unable to control himself anymore, Louis attacked her neck.

Sucking, nibbling and licking it, he made a hickey for the first time in his life. And, despite being a novice, his tongue and lips acted expertly on her sensitive skin sending Brina to heaven and then back to earth whenever he stopped.

She felt her body go numb with excitement while her heart started to beat erratically. She lost all her strength as he continued attacking her neck and shoulders again and again. Occasionally, he would devour her lips and caress her face with his lips.

Brina reached her saturation point and couldn\'t help but wrap her hands around his neck and enjoy the pleasure he is giving to her.

After god knows how long, Louis finally stopped his kissing. When he saw Brina in such an alluring state, he truly lost his all rationality and self-control.

He couldn\'t keep his words that he would not cross the line until she reciprocates his feelings and confess her love.

Louis sighed and reluctantly detangled himself from her. By that time, Brina\'s face was bright red and his hickeys on her neck are screaming red.

He felt his control gradually slip away, but with a lot of effort, he controlled his lust. After taking his time to get back into a normal state, he looked back at her.

"Come, I will help you with the cooking." He said as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"No, I said that I will cook for you, right!" Brina denied instantly but her hands continued caressing his cheeks.

"Let\'s share the work, hon. It is evident that you suck at making desserts." Louis teased her as he wiped away the flour powder on her waist. He, of course, didn\'t forget to skim his hand on her navel making Brina hold her breath.

"All right, come on in." Brina agreed as she took his hand which was placed on her waist and led him to her messed up kitchen.

When Louis saw that, he couldn\'t help but laugh at the plight of kitchen.

She truly sucks at cooking.

Who could blame her? Right from the start, her brother used to cook for her and after he changed countries, Tanya was the one who did the cooking while Brina\'s job was to chop vegetables

This is her first time cooking such complex dishes.

"Don\'t laugh." Brina pouted.

Louis tried to control his laughter but failed miserably. It\'s her face that made him laugh.

She looks so cute when pouting. Especially with her swollen lips.

\'Don\'t worry Brina baby, after we move in together, I will cook for you.\' Louis thought as he lovingly gazed at his girlfriend who was busy cutting onions for the salad.


After an hour, Louis helped Brina to move the dishes to the table in the balcony.

The scenery outside was so beautiful and serene that they decided to have an outdoor dinner. The moon illuminated the night sky along with the warm breeze that made the scene even more peaceful. In an attempt to turn the romantic aura up a notch, Louis lit up some candles on the table and started playing a piece of melodious music.

Brina couldn\'t help but smile. Looking at him, moving around so comfortably in her house made her imagine how great it will feel to live together.

"You coming?" he asked as he placed the plates on the small table which will fit for two people.

"Just a second," Brina said and hurried inside her room to tie her hair.