Royal Love – I Fell In Love With CEO

Chapter 159 - I Am No Longer Your Partner!!

After staying in hospital for a half day more, doctors have let Brina discharge. Though she is weak, she insisted on going and all they could warn her is to eat nutritious food.

After travelling for another half day, they reached the orphanage.

Brina went to see her nephew while Charlotte and Daniel went to L & E. They have organised an emergency meeting on behalf of Louis.

Meanwhile, Rhianna and Hailey went to Brina\'s apartment to pack up her luggage and her essentials. They have to hurry up because Brina has to reach there by tomorrow night.

Harry and Luke also went back to the S & S Corps. They had many people searching for Brina. So, they have to pass in order to terminate the search.


Brina took Will\'s hand and kissed it. She caressed his tiny face and placed his hand on her cheek, his soft and warm hand caressing her cheek.

"Baby, your aunt will be leaving you for two months, okay? She will miss you so much but your aunt is doing this for your future uncle." she said, staring at his closed eyes.

"Didn\'t you ask for a cousin? If you want a baby princess or tiny brother to play with, you have to wake up, okay? You have to fight along with the doctors.. you have to cooperate with them." she said, tapping his forehead lovingly. He always loved that...

"I might not be with you during your surgery but I will be always praying for you, thinking about you, William. You will have my blessings with you, baby.. always." Brina said and kissed his cheek.

"Uncle Remus will take care of you, okay?" she said, kissing his forehead. Her hazel eyes lingered on his face for a while, before looking away with a tear rolling down her cheek.

She stayed back for a while and then fished out her phone to make a call. She pondered for a while but sighed and then made a call to Remus.

Her old, powerful friend with whom she wasn\'t talking for years.

If not for the circumstances she is going to face now, she would have not decided to ask Remus for help.


Remus who just came back after killing his target, sighed in exhaustion and slumped on his bed.

He pursed his lips when his eyes fell on the big photo frame in front of his bed.

It\'s him, Brina and his ex girlfriend.. all of them dressed in black with their goggles pulled up on to their head. They were in the boat, in middle of sea, sailing.

He looked at the girl with violet eyes and platinum hair and chuckled. "Such a traitor you are." he mockingly smiled and his eyes shifted to another girl with black hair and hazel eyes. "You aren\'t any less, left me for mere reason." he spoke.

After watching the photo for a moment, he flipped on his side. He looked at other photo which is taken with his new girlfriend.

He sighed and closed his eyes, deciding to sleep.

However, a special ringtone made him jolt up and sit down.

It\'s Brina!!

That specific ringtone is enough.

Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer.

Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer.

Pain! Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain.

That ringtone truly suits his and Brina\'s friendship.

Remus was flabbergasted but quickly composed himself and swiftly answered the call, his eyes brightening up.

"Sabrina!" he gasped. "You, you called me? I am not dreaming right?" he asked, his joy too evident in his eyes.

"You aren\'t dreaming. Pinch yourself if you want." Brina scoffed.

"Ah!! Always angry.. and stubborn too!! Your pride will never let you cool down, will it?" he chuckled.

"At least, I wasn\'t like you to run away when your friend indeed needed your help." Brina snapped.

That day if he would have been there, things would have been different. However, he surprisingly vanished.

Remus pursed his lips. "I had my reasons Sab. I have been waiting for you to cool down and talk with me.. but you ne-"

Brina cut him off, "I might never forgive you, Remus. And, I am still angry with you.. but, there are chances that I might change my heart if you come forward to help me." Brina said.

"Even if there are no chances, I will still come forward to help you, Sab. That time I couldn\'t.. but now, I will not make the same mistake." Remus told, as he sat up.

He changed his outfits in the meanwhile and walked out of his room, where his people were already standing stiff with their rigid faces, looking straight.

Remus made a hand gesture and they quickly gave him a firm nod and left the corridor in a organized fashion.

He snapped his fingers, making a sharp sound. Automatically, the room started redesigning itself into a sound proof room.

"Tell me" he said.

"I want your help to protect Will. In case if something goes wrong I want you to hide him securely away from everyone. Even Harry and his people" Brina told.

"It isn\'t a favor! It\'s what you owe me for deceiving me at my most needed time." she said, more like ordering him. Her voice omnious and acrid.

Remus frowned.

What would have happened when they were totally in hiding?

It took him almost months to locate Brina and he was able to do it because he is aware that Brina wasn\'t dead.

He was able to locate her just because he knows about Brina\'s extended family.. Harry Smith and his father Thomas Smith. Though she and Seth used to keep it a secret, thanks to their college days together, he was able to meet the other side of Brina\'s family.. which is less dangerous and relatively good.

"Is something wrong, Sab?" Remus asked. This time, worried.

"I am going to the Aletros." Brina said.

"Aletros? Are you mad?" he asked.

"Wait.. wait, is my suspicion right? Louis Cruz.. aka Edward Wright.. Prince Edward, Son of King Edgar and Queen Rhea." Remus told.

"So, you know?!" Brina gritted her teeth.

"I had my own suspicions, Sab. It got confirmed just now." Remus told.

"So, you are still stalking me?" Brina asked, her voice sending chills through his spine.

"Not exactly. But I will do it from now on.. you are after all going to the Kingdom of Aletros! That too just to participate in those mere competitions." Remus said.

"Hey Sab, can you help me to get infor-" Remus was about to ask but got cut off in the middle when Brina snapped, "Never going to happen. I am no longer your partner." she said.


Author nim here...

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As most of you are interested in ONE BIG LONG CHAPTER a day, I will proceed with it, guys.

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