Royal Love – I Fell In Love With CEO

Chapter 120 - Russell's Mansion 1

The next day, Brina went over to her office and attended all the meetings till noon. After that, she went to her project manager, who is actually her boyfriend and applied for a half day leave.

"Be careful. Don\'t forget to call me if you need something." Louis said before she could leave his office.

Brina chuckled but maintained her indifferent face. She is aware that many people are now staring at her through the glass walls of his office.

"I will call after I reach, sir." Brina said, emphasizing the last word, making Louis furrow his eyebrows.

She is aware that he doesn\'t like it when she addresses him as a sir..

Yet.. Here she is playfully called him \'Sir\'.

However, he could never get angry at her even a slightest bit.

Brina soon exited his office and arrived at her cabin only to find Luke waiting for her.

"Bro Harry told me, for you to call him if anything happens or in case you need any help. He has Sawyer waiting for you just ten minutes away from Russell\'s mansion. Please be careful sis." Luke told her, helping her up with her bag.

Brina let out a sigh. She knew very well that both Harry and Louis have deployed someone in case of emergencies.

But she is helpless towards their unconditional love which is actually very rare. She is really, very lucky that she has people like this in her life.

"I will. Tell him not to worry. Okay?" Brina answered and left the company.

She went back to the penthouse first and got changed into simple casual wear. Later, she went to the organic mart near her penthouse and bought fruits for her grandmother.

She then bought some of her favorite sweets and then started her way to Russell\'s mansion.


After one hour.

Brina\'s car stopped right in front of the main door and she gave her keys to the watchman and asked him to park her car.

And, as soon as she entered, her youngest cousin Neil sprinted to her and hugged her. "Sister, are you really fine? I am not dreaming right?" He asked, his eyes already misty.

Brina smiled warmly and ruffled his hair. She is glad that her innocent ten years old cousin is not yet corrupted by his father and half siblings.

And, she is adamant not to let anyone of those spoil him.

"I am fine Niel baby. See, I am totally fine." Brina said, tapping his nose affectionately.

"Father was saying that you might be dead and that is why you disappeared. I got scared and started having bad dreams about it." Neil said, still hugging her.

Brina patted his back. "I\'m here now. Don\'t be scared. Hmm." she comforted her innocent cousin and kissed his forehead.

"You are the best." Neil chuckled.

\'So, my uncle is now trying to save my cousin by making my \'death\'mvlook natural. At least, he\'s not as despicable as I thought.\', Brina thought.

Meanwhile, her aunt Clara ca e searching for Niel, and when she saw Brina standing right in front of her, Clara\'s face etched with a genuine smile. She is happy and relieved that Brina is alive and safe.

She was really so worried about her niece and in fact, she also had suspicions on her stepchildren and husband.

But who was she to go against those people? She is really helpless and hopeless in front of them.

"Oh, Brina dear. You are fine. Come, give me a hug." she said and Brina happily obliged.

"Thank god those inhumane people didn\'t harm you. I was so worried about you given with the intense conversation your uncle and cousins were having from the past few days. Better be careful, dear." Clara whispered.

All she could do is warn Brina. Except for that, she is as powerless as the butler of the house. To be frank, even the head butler would be having some freedom compared to her.

Her husband Carson was very good and caring towards her, once. He really treated her fair and cared for her genuinely. However, those stepchildren of her started planting the hatred in his heart.

Gradually, it increased a bit by bit with their constant complaints and provocation, leading her to this state. It was all Nadia and Nolen\'s fault that this family became like this. Otherwise, Carson wouldn\'t have been this bad and greedy.

Just with the excuse of being a motherless child, Nadia and Nolen wrapped the whole family around their little finger. This made them grow up without proper ethics and morals. They are soiled and arrogant fools.

Nadia is the biggest stupid who could never see into other\'s thoughts. She just does whatever she wants without even thinking of the consequences.

On other hand, Nolen is a short-tempered and overconfident person with the belief that no one is greater than him.

Heh! They all are full of shit!

"Let\'s go in, aunt. I want to meet with grandmother." Brina said when she noticed that it was already past six in the evening.

She needs to hurry up, or else Louis would get worried.

Meanwhile, when Brina walked into the spacious living room, decorated with French royal style furnitures, for a split second everyone froze.

The house staff gasped and Carson stared at his niece with the complicated expression on his face. He is rooted to his place, his mind blank and his eyes wide in shock.

How.. how can she be alive?!

Didn\'t his son, Nolen, confirm that she is already dead?!

And, even before he could voice out his questions. Her grandfather, Elder Russell walked downstairs with a cane supporting him.

The very next second he noticed his granddaughter, alive and healthy his cane slipped past his fingers and fell down on the floor with a loud \'thud\', bringing everyone back to the mortal realm.

And none of them noticed the smile on his face and they have also missed the eye contact that happened for a brief moment between him and Carson.

Meanwhile, Brina didn\'t mind greeting any of them and she shifted her eyes to her aunt.