Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 79 Jenny Plea's

Chapter 79Jenny Plea's

The floor was five thousand square-meters and it was actually very spacious. Therefore, Ivan and the rest required some time to search the floor thoroughly. Meanwhile, Zhou Qingfeng was planning his escape before his enemy reached him.

Escape was his only choice. He initially planned to attack the mobsters with his strength in numbers. However, his subordinates were the ones who got attacked. The group of mobsters were led by the ferocious Ivan. They even got themselves some reinforcement, and were sparing no effort in the search for the remaining people in Zhou Qingfeng’s team.

According to Jenny Braun, it was very easy to open up the elevator shaft. All they needed to do was to insert a dagger into the seam of the elevator door and pry open the door with force. However, Zhou Qingfeng and the other two were arguing about their direction from there.

“It’s better to go downwards. Going downwards would be our only way to escape,” said Jenny Braun. She was still thinking of persuading Zhou Qingfeng to accompany her to save her daughter.

However, Zhou Qingfeng shook his head and said, “We’ll be going up. I still need to kill those mobsters. They’ll immediately realize that we’ve escaped via the elevator shaft if they couldn’t find us. They’ll then figure out that we’ve escaped by going downwards. However, in actual fact, I didn’t even leave the building.”

“But, there’s so many of them, and there’s only three of us,” Jenny actually felt despair about her own team’s combat ability.

“That’s more reason for us to go up.”

Zhou Qingfeng looked at Mobutu, “What do you think?”

There were only a few suspension ropes and cables hanging around in the pitch black elevator shaft. Mobutu peeked around. He still wanted to escape the building. However, Zhou Qingfeng insisted on killing those mobsters. Hence, he could only support his decision, “Let’s go up then. Mr. Hugo is right. No one would guess that we’ll be going upwards.”

“But, I’m scared!” Jenny covered her face and cried once again. “What if I can’t grip the ropes firmly? I’ll fall down!”

“I’ll carry you,” Zhou Qingfeng pulled Jenny. He took a rope out of his tactical backpack and tied the blonde, busty lady on his back. He handed his tactical backpack to Mobutu.

Jenny was one point seven metres in height and she was not considered light. She grabbed onto Zhou Qingfeng’s back firmly as she tried to suppress the fear inside her heart. She was leaving her fate in the hands of a young man who she had just met less than an hour ago.

Zhou Qingfeng leaped into the elevator shaft and gripped the cable inside. He then started to climb upwards. In the initial stages, there were still rays of light inside the shaft. However, when the elevator door closed after Mobutu jumped in, the shaft was completely dark.

Only the heavy breathing of the two men could be heard inside the elevator shaft and a faint light was able to penetrate through the seam of the elevator door. Fortunately, Zhou Qingfeng was strong enough. He was able to climb steadily even though he was carrying Jenny on his back.

Each floor had a maximum height of four to five metres. After reaching the tenth floor, Zhou Qingfeng tried his best to extend his leg to step onto the verge of the elevator door. At that instant, Jenny was extremely nervous. They would be dead for sure if they fell down by accident.

Zhou Qingfeng truly had twice the physical fitness of the ordinary. He was able to open elevator door with just the tip of his toes. He then swiftly entered the tenth floor. He saw a long corridor when he entered the tenth floor and the voices of the mobsters could be heard at a distance.

Zhou Qingfeng put Jenny down promptly and turned around to give Mobutu a hand. The three of them were like thieves finding for a hiding spot.

“Follow me, I know a spot on this floor that’s suitable for hiding.” Mobutu was the security guard of the building. Thus, he was deemed the most useful among them. He led them to the personal lounge of the BOSS. The lounge was located inside an ordinary compartment.

This so-called ‘lounge’ was actually a small suite. It came with two rooms plus a bathroom and a balcony. It was quite well-facilitated. As far as one could tell, the original owner of the lounge enjoyed life in the room. Mobutu randomly picked a room and entered it. He finally got a chance to rest after rushing the entire whole day. He was immeasurably exhausted.

Zhou Qingfeng found a fridge and a gradevin in the mini living room. He also found some food and wine. He placed them on the table and said, “Come, let’s have some food.”

Jenny had been starving. She first drank a whole bottle of milk. She then ate a whole box of chocolate and three sets of sandwiches. However, Zhou Qingfeng ate even more. He finished half the food inside the fridge. He even finished drinking a bottle of grape wine.

“This grape wine tastes good indeed. I used to think that all grape wines taste sour,” Zhou Qingfeng looked at the brand on the bottle after he finished drinking.

"I think it’s made in South Africa. Some valuable products are occasionally produced in that area," Jenny Braun seemed to have an extraordinary understanding of the upper-class.

"South Africa? I thought only the French produced wine."

Zhou Qingfeng turned his head around and looked at the grape wines displayed in the cabinet. He shook his head. "I only know the text written on the bottle, but, I can’t tell which is good or bad. "

Jenny glanced at it and said, “I can take a look for you. I’m an expert in the identification of wine. I’ve also studied the culture of wine before."

"No, I don’t need to know about its culture and identity," Zhou Qingfeng closed the gradevin. He finally walked into the bathroom after walking around in the suite, "Wow… the people downstairs are desperately looking for drinking water, and for some reason there’s a tub full of water over here. "

Jenny followed him and entered the bathroom too. She saw Zhou Qingfeng fiddling with the water inside the tub. It seemed like the original owner of the lounge was planning on having a good rest after work. However, the owner had disappeared after filling up the tub.

"Maybe, we could take a bath," Jenny took off her mini cheongsam and revealed her alluring figure. She walked to the side of Zhou Qingfeng and took the initiative to get closer to him. She even slid her hand past his crotch.

"No, now is not the time to take a bath," Zhou Qingfeng calmly rejected her.

"Then, I’ll take a bath alone, would that be fine?" Jenny did not want to give up easily.

"Of course you can," Zhou Qingfeng did not reject her this time around.

Jenny entered the bathroom and took a bath for quite a while. She then came out from the bathroom wearing only her bra and panties. She sat beside Zhou Qingfeng and tried to look for an excuse, “I think I can’t wear my shirt anymore, that’s why I came out like this.”

Zhou Qingfeng was sexually aroused when he looked at the blonde, busty lady with a big butt. Even though he already knew that Jenny was trying to seduce him, he still could not help but throw a few extra glances at her.

“I think we could….” Jenny started talking, but Zhou Qingfeng stood up immediately and entered the room. “I’ll find you a set of clothing. There might be some in the room.”

The original owner of the lounge had left a few sets of sportswear in the room. They were unsuitable for women.

"Is it because I’m disfigured? That’s why you......." Jenny let her hair down to cover up the scars on the left part of her face caused by the stray bullets from moments ago. Zhou Qingfeng gave her a simple treatment while she changed her shirt to avoid wound inflammation.

“You’ll be alright. Find a good plastic surgeon and you’ll return to your normal appearance in no time,” Zhou Qingfeng tried to comfort her.

“Then, why do you hate and reject me?” Jenny stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhou Qingfeng by his elbow. She begged him, “Or, is it because I’m not pretty enough, that’s why you hate me?”

"Now is not a good time to talk about this," Zhou Qingfeng kept his first-aid kit away. He then said, "How about you go into the room and have a good rest? You look sleepy.”

Jenny ignored him. She whispered in his ear after thinking for a long time. "Victor, could you help me with one more thing?"

"Don’t ask for something that’s too demanding."

"Could you go to Upper Manhattan with me? My daughter is all alone at home." Jenny cried and said, "She’s only eight years old and without my care. It’ll be extremely difficult for her to survive. Please, save my daughters, would you?

“That belongs to the category of requests that are too demanding.”

“No…!” Jenny instantly burst into tears.