Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 47 Memorial Hall

Chapter 47Memorial Hall

The fragments in Zhou Qingfeng’s back made it more difficult to be cleaned thoroughly. Some smaller fragments required not only a professional doctor, but also certain types of equipments. Lena Fox soon indicated that she could no longer carry on, “You have to find yourself a doctor in order to clean your wound up thoroughly.”

“Finding one would not be a problem.”

Zhou Qingfeng had to consume a large amount of food and liquid in order to accelerate his body’s regeneration. Due to the wound on both his back and thigh, he had no other choice but to change his clothes.

“You have quite a good figure,” Lena Fox was interested in his Herculean physique. A perfect figure had always been able to attract sights from the opposite sex, “How did you actually train your body?”

“I’ve never actually trained,” Zhou Qingfeng took water and clothes out from his bag. He then wore his equipment after roughly wiping his body.

“I don’t believe it. People from the upper class of society have always wanted a perfect body. They’re willing to invest a lot of money and time on it.” Lena Fox sized him up and realized that his face was somewhat neutral. She felt that he was the kind of person who was easy-going, instead of bold and powerful.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”


“Is it because you’re autistic?”

“It’s because I’m poor, and I have little confidence in myself.”

“No confidence? Ha ha ha.... That’s impossible! You’ve fought against the NYPD, and now, you’re here telling me that you have little confidence in yourself?”

“I had no other choice,” Zhou Qingfeng said innocently.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Lena Fox still wanted to continue chatting, however, all of a sudden, he raised his hand, signalling a warning. She immediately shut her mouth and glanced around in all directions.

A Rotorcraft UAV was flying above the vehicle. There were two passengers in it and a clear 'NYPD' sign could be seen on the drone. It was indeed a drone from the New York Police Department.

Zhou Qingfeng was currently at the Riverside parking lot near the Columbia University. They landed the helicopter in the middle of a tennis court. They even tied up the unlucky guys who were playing tennis at that moment and stole their car. Zhou Qingfeng then drove the car out of the tennis court, but, they did not go too far.

“Listen up, Lena. We’ve probably been discovered by the cops and they will find us in no time. I have to express my gratitude to you. If it weren’t for you insisting on escaping via the sky, I would’ve been blocked inside the sewer, for sure. I might have died long ago.”

“I’m extremely satisfied that we were able to delay their operation. However, I believe that from now on, the cops will rearrange their formation in order to capture me. By that time, I wouldn’t have the time to look after you. Hence, you better stay in the car and surrender when necessary.”

Zhou Qingfeng spoke seriously, but Lena Fox was confused, “Where are you going? I could have originally gone to the Caribbean Seas. However, I gave up everything and followed you. And yet, now, you’re still trying to leave me behind?”

“You should look at it as God’s will. I truly had no other choice. To be honest, I really wanted to befriend a pretty girl like you. However, now i must say… Goodbye!” Zhou Qingfeng took a deep breath. After observing his surroundings and finding out that the drone had flew past him, he swiftly opened the car door and jumped out of it.

The final thirty-minute-countdown started now. Their lives depended on it. Zhou Qingfeng kept moving in and out of the trees in the park in the effort to hide himself from the sight of the drone. However, he soon realized that he could no longer escape any further. A bark could be heard from far away.

It’s a damn police dog!

Zhou Qingfeng left a lot of clothes and personal items behind when he fled. In addition to being used for verification, these things were of great use to the police dog to track him down. Although his tracks could no longer be seen, he was not able to hide from the nose of a police dog. He actually thought of spending his last thirty minutes inside the car. However, it seemed like he was fortunate enough to not get shot cold turkey by the cops.

Zhou Qingfeng saw the cops when he looked around the park. He did not want to be surrounded by them. Thus, he quickly rushed into a building inside the park. He needed a cover in his final hour.

General Grant National Memorial was a sturdy 100-year-old stone building of nearly 50 meters in height. It was actually the tomb of Ulysses Simpson Grant, the general, as well as the president of the United States.

Grant's message was displayed above the main entrance: ‘Let's enjoy peace’. Zhou Qingfeng thought to himself, I hope that the cops wouldn’t be too excited and rush directly towards me. The Civil War star might actually jump out from the coffin if they were to initiate a crossfire inside the mausoleum.

Dome Hall was located right behind the column of the Memorial Hall entrance. Mr. and Mrs. Grant were buried in the middle of the pit. There were even a few visitors and guards inside the hall.

Zhou Qingfeng shot directly in the air after he entered the hall. He shouted, “This is a terrorist attack. Get the fuck out of here!”

The bullet landed on the frescoes above the dome and debris dropped from it. A guard tried to pull out his gun once he saw Zhou Qingfeng, but nevertheless, he was the first to be shot to death. Death and blood have always been far more effective than gunshots. A group of visitors then screamed in terror as they tried to hide and escape. The cops who chased Zhou Qingfeng were thus temporarily blocked from entering the entrance.

Zhou Qingfeng, however, cursed after pacing back and forth inside the Dome Hall, “Fuck! Why did I choose such a broken place?”

There was only one hall inside the Memorial Hall. He had no place to hide other than in the pit in the middle of the hall, as well as behind some columns. Hence, Zhou Qingfeng could only crouch behind the column and aim at the entrance of the Memorial Hall.

Cops of New York city, I beg you guys to not act so blatantly. You guys need back up; you guys need companion; you guys need to report to your superior. So please, don’t rush into the hall so quickly! Let me endure the final thirty minutes, okay?

Zhou Qingfeng murmured to himself. He put both Bernese M4 shotguns and two reloaded USP45 in a handy position. He also held a SCAR rifle in his hand as he got himself ready to face against the attack of the cops.

According to Zhou Qingfeng's train of thought, even if the police wanted to attack, they would, at most, throw a few smoke bombs or shock bombs. However, who would be able to predict that they would first send a police dog in? The cops released the dog chain so that the police dog would be able to chase him as he probably ran too quickly.

Damn dog, I wouldn’t be hiding in this Memorial Hall and accompanying two coffins right now if it weren’t for you!

Zhou Qingfeng fired a close shot and killed the police dog on the spot before it could pass through the entrance. A scream could be heard after the dog’s death. A cop cursed Zhou Qingfeng for killing his precious dog.

Zhou Qingfeng soon realized that his idea of persuading the cops to request for back-up had failed.There were footsteps on both sides of the memorial hall. Apparently, around twenty to thirty people were assembling outside the hall.

A voice from a loudspeaker could be heard from the outside, "Listen up, people inside the hall! Give up resistance, for you can no longer escape. Put down your weapons immediately and raise your hand as sign of surrender! You’ve caused us enough trouble, so leave the hostages alone if there are any. Otherwise, we’ll take further action!"

Zhou Qingfeng pouted once he heard the voice. He cursed, I don’t really have much experience as I’ve never been the bad guy before! Why didn’t I take a few hostages? Now, I can’t even delay their attack. I’m so stupid!