Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 38 Turning Poin

Chapter 38Turning Point

Lena Fox looked at the pistol pointing at her. She had never felt this kind of panic in her life. She thought about death, hell, and the endless abyss. However, all she could do was shout, “No….”

Pow! Pow! Pow! Rapid and powerful gunshots reverberated around Miss Fox. She was frightened and started to scream. She covered her head with her hands and fell to the ground. However, after the gunshots, she realized that she was fine!

Lena Fox looked up slightly and she saw that the arrogant Locke and his gang had all fallen to the ground. A few fully-armed members of the special force in black T-shirts broke in from the windows along the corridor. They were the members of the New York emergency service group. The kidnappers were all killed in a very short time.

The boss, Locke, was lying in a puddle of his blood. He was still trying to lift his big head to say something. One of the members of the special force walked forwards, fired two shots, and killed him.

“Area A clear. Safe.”

“Area B clear. Safe.”

“Area C firing. We need backup.”

Members of the special forces were reporting their current situation through the wireless phone. Some of them went to assist their mates and two of them stayed to take care of Lena Fox.

Miss Fox heaved a sigh of relief. The member of the special force helped her stand up. She kept saying, “Thank you.” She expressed to the special force that she needed to meet social media immediately. She had given out the authority over the Fox company; she must get her property back.

However, the two members who stayed with her said, “Miss Fox, that would have to wait. Our chief will be here very soon. He wants to see you.”

“Chief…. the chief police officer of New York?” Miss Fox was suspicious and asked, “Shouldn’t you let me see a doctor first? I’m safe. Shouldn’t the world know about that? What right do you have to trap me here? I want to see my lawyer!”

No matter how much Lena Fox screamed and shouted, the members of the New York special force did not allow her to leave. They were wearing helmets and windscreens that covered their entire faces. She had an extremely bad feeling about this.

After around five minutes, the tall and bulky Chief Bratton appeared before Lena Fox. He looked serious and solemn. He gave his members a wave and they took a few steps backwards.

“Lena, I’m happy to see that you are fine,” Chief Bratton started the conversation.

With a cold expression, Lena Fox said, “Skip those hypocritical words, Uncle Bratton. You were my father’s best friend. You should get me out of here if you are really happy.”

Chief Bratton agreed. But, with an apologetic tone, he said, “Lena, you are right. I was your father’s best friend. But, your father has passed away and my relationship with your uncle isn’t that bad.”

“Your uncle told me that if I could do him a favor, he would assist me to become the mayor of New York city. I was very interested. That was why I took the risk of sending people here. I had to get rid of Locke and his men to make sure no one knows about it. Also, you are going to die.”

“The media has to only mourn for the fall of a business prodigy. People will forget about you very soon.”

The chief finished talking and opened his hands to express his apology. The happiness that Lena Fox experienced from her rescue instantly disappeared. She bit her teeth and spat angrily, “You bastard, you’re only the chief police officer of New York because of my father. And now, you want to kill me?”

“I have already apologized.” The chief shook his head as if it could reduce his guilt. “This is politics. It’s the same as what your father taught you: cold and heartless. Alright, I’m here to give you a final greeting before you die. Goodbye!”

Looking at the special force member who was going to kill her, Lena Fox suddenly said, coldly, “I think that you should look behind you. There is a witness who could be a potential danger to you.”

“Hahahah…. Lena, you’re still trying to be funny. You were like this ever since you were little. You liked to fool others. That’s why you’re called Miss ‘Fox’. But, what do you want me to turn around to see? Do you think you can run from me? Even if I turned around, turn…. turn…..”

Chief Bratton never thought that Lena could escape from him. He nonchalantly turned his head around and he was shocked. There really was somebody with a rifle standing behind him.

The two special force policemen realized that their chief did not seem right. They quickly turned around with their rifle. However, pulling a trigger was so much easier than turning around. There was only a mere distance of four to five meters, but, the violent, raining bullets had shot them dead.

With a snap, Zhou Qingfeng unloaded the empty magazine and reloaded the rifle with the final magazine that he had. He took a few steps forwards very slowly and looked at the bodies of the kidnappers and the members of the special force. Then, he looked at the chief police officer and the pretty girl who was in shock. He whistled and said, “If it wasn’t for those two idiots who overreacted, I wouldn’t have fired.”

“I was thinking of taking a rest or reading a book. But, suddenly, I heard the loud noises from the guns and I was worried about the kidnappers making trouble. I came out to see what was going on. And then…. in fact, I was just passing by. But, it seems like it’s under control now.”

Chief Bratton was still thinking of what to say, but Lena Fox already started yelling, “Officer Hugo, save me! I’m the real CEO of the Fox Company. I can give you anything you want. I will promise you everything, as long as you take me out of here and show me to everyone.”

Lena has been in near-death situations twice. Even though she was normally calm and steady, she was a little prone to making blunders at the moment. She kept making promises and screaming at Zhou Qingfeng. She hoped that he could help her.

While Lena Fox was talking hurriedly, the firm Chief Bratton spoke, “Young man, let’s talk. This woman is no longer the CEO of the Fox Company. What she promised was meaningless.”

“I’m the one who can help you. I’m the chief police officer of New York. As long as I issue an order, your offence of killing the black robber can be immediately withdrawn. As for the robbery of the patrolmen’s firearms and clothes, they were trivial matters. You can continue with your carefree life and I promise that no one would hinder you.”

“It would be really unwise to put up a fight. Don’t assume that you are in control of the situation, just because you are holding a rifle. You are nothing to me.”

“I’m the chief police officer of New York; I can control your life. You will lower your head when you are supposed to and you will step backwards when you are supposed to. If you killed me, you’ll be wanted by every cop in the United States. Even the entire world would be after you, you can’t escape.”

“Now, I command you to put the rifle down!”