Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 314 Mission Accomplished

Chapter 314Mission Accomplished

A Bradley combat vehicle was traveling at high speed. It knocked off a few vehicles that blocked the road and headed towards the town hall. Behind the Bradley, there were dozens of heavily armed and anti-tank vehicles. The entire road was shaking; the fleet was incredibly intimidating.

On Bradley, a Cuban officer received direct orders from Commander Carnell. He shouted to the other members in the group, “Kill all the Americans at the town hall, suppress all the resistant forces.”

Li Cha, who was at the top of the building, saw the high-speed armored vehicle team coming towards the town hall. However, the mortar and sniper could not do anything to those heavily armored vehicles. He panicked and pleaded in the wireless radio, “Vulture, hurry up! We can’t hold on any longer!”

“Give us three minutes.” The commander of the Vulture replied coldly, “You have to hang in there.”

“Damn it!” Li Cha cursed. He understood that Bradley would be arriving in three minutes. By that time, it would only take a few minutes to destroy the building that they were in. “Take out the smoke shells, we have to hold them. Get the Javelin anti-tank missiles out. We’ll be killed when they are here.”

The seventh action group did not have many smoke shells with them. The officer on Bradley went back into the vehicle. Through the infrared scope, he was still able to see the people on top of the building.

As time passed, more and more armed Cubans calmed down. They were coming from all directions and firing with either pistols or rifles at the top of the building. A cannon was launched from the Bradley combat vehicle. The building was nearly destroyed.

Meanwhile, at the town hall, Carnell at the underground garage received back-up. A platoon of guards of gold storage found him. They were armed with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.

“Put your eyes on this entrance. Fire if anyone comes in,” Commander Carnell was exhausted from running. He pointed at one of the entrances that Zhou Qingfeng might use to set up the defence.

As expected, Zhou Qingfeng was here. As soon as the guards saw someone coming, the heavy machine gun started to roar. The narrow entrance and walls were demolished. At the same time, the guards launched grenades from behind. The entire platoon focused on the entrance.

The underground garage was shaking and it filled with flare and smoke. After around one minute, they stopped firing. The broken pieces of bricks, cement, and the wall covered the floor. Carnell searched the ground and tried to look for Zhou Qingfeng.

While everyone was focusing on Zhou Qingfeng, DogMeat silently came closer in the dark with a Claymore mine in his mouth.

The Claymore mine was already connected to the activator. It was placed on the ground and faced the direction of the enemies.

Meanwhile, Commander Carnell pushed a few soldiers and said, “Go. See if that Victor Hugo is dead.”

The soldiers immediately moved. They covered each other and slowly moved towards the entrance. They tried to find the body of Zhou Qingfeng but they could not find anything. As one of the soldiers was going to return to report, he saw DogMeat.

“There’s is a dog!” The soldier snapped.

Carnell and the rest of the guards were stunned. Following that, they heard the sound of DogMeat running away. As soon as they turned around, they saw the Claymore mine on the ground.

Before anyone could react, the mine was activated by Ellie and Eileen, who were not far away from Carnell. Again, seven hundred bullets exploded from the mine, all the Cuban guards twenty meters away from the mine were killed instantly.

Carnell was lucky that he was right behind a pillar. At that moment, he felt the wave from the explosion. The sudden change in pressure made his ears hurt and temporarily deaf. He immediately closed his eyes, covered his head with both his hands and took cover.

A few moments after the explosion, the Commander had no idea what was going on. He only felt the pain from his injuries. When he opened his eyes, he saw the corpses of his guards around him. There were a few people and a dog standing in front of him.

The underground garage was filled with silence. It was terribly silent. After Zhou Qingfeng cleared all the obstacles, finally, he was standing in front of the final target.

Meanwhile, the red-faced Commander Carnell was embarrassed. He lost everything. He yelled at Zhou Qingfeng, “Victor Hugo, you got me! But I don’t understand, why are you doing this? You’re not even American, why are you working for them?”

“I don’t work for anyone, I only work for myself. I want everything that you have, they would be very helpful for me to get through the cataclysm.” Zhou Qingfeng finished talking, turned around, and walked away. DogMeat barked and followed.

Ellie and Eileen looked at each other, gave each other a high-five, and cheered, “Yay! We did it!”

“Dumb*ss, the cataclysm is over. It’s a new century, a world-changing new century!” Carnell shouted, “Where are you going, dumb*ss? Aren’t you going to kill me?”

Zhou Qingfeng continued to walk and his voice reverberated in the underground garage, “Mr. Carnell, you made two mistakes. First, this is only the beginning. Second, you’re already dead.”

At this instant, Carnell realized the pain in his chest. As the pain grew, he lowered his head and saw the bullet hole in his chest.

Meanwhile, outside the town hall, the seventh action group led by Li Cha was still struggling. Two of the Javelin anti-tank missiles did not work on the Bradley combat vehicle. The building was nearly destroyed and it could fall apart anytime. The seventh action group could be eliminated anytime.

“Damn it, Vulture, we can’t hold on any longer. You’re watching us die, aren’t you?” Li Cha was stressed out by the bullet rain. His wife and his son were beside him. All three of them were in huge danger.

“We’re here.” Great news came out of the wireless radio. The Lockheed AC-130U gunship arrived at the top of the town hall. As soon as the guns on the aircraft fired, the enemies’ vehicles were all destroyed.

A laser-guided artillery shell was launched and it directly hit the Bradley combat vehicle. Following that, five of the V-22 Osprey military aircraft arrived and another five streams of bullet rain were created.

The news was being spread with the radio system, “Now I announce, Commander Carnell from the Cuban North America Strategy Committee has been confirmed to be dead. The other eleven key targets were destroyed. The beheading tactic has achieved a complete success.”