Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 29 Leap Attack

Chapter 29Leap Attack

Zhou Qingfeng suddenly dashed out from the stairs against the expectations of the kidnappers. No one ever thought that he would be so adventurous, as jumping out like this was actually meaningless. Other than acting cool, he will just get beaten like a sandbag.

The leader of the kidnappers admitted the sudden nature of Zhou Qingfeng’s action surprised him. However, he was not afraid of him. He even felt complacent. As the space within the staircase was limited, Zhou Qingfeng will hit the wall in a second. He will feel dizzy after that for sure.

So what can one actually do in a second? No one will be able to aim while leaping through the air!

The three kidnappers can only lie down as they saw Zhou Qingfeng dash out from behind the stairs. As long as they can dodge the bullets, they can shoot Zhou Qingfeng to death after he felt dizzy. Too easy!

However, the three kidnappers were wrong. Zhou Qingfeng was not that simple. His As Quick as Lightning ability was not that simple. Zhou Qingfeng glided through the air and hit the wall. All these things happened in just an instance in the eyes of the kidnapper. Zhou Qingfeng, however, can always get the first attack in, and hence his brief moment can be extended for more than one second. He was the only one that can launch such an attack.

Zhou Qingfeng saw the three kidnappers’ team formation. Zhou Qingfeng saw their shocked expressions. Zhou Qingfeng saw the muzzles that were still aimed at the corpse. Zhou Qingfeng saw them blocking all the possible directions which he can escape to.

However, the three kidnappers never would have thought that Zhou Qingfeng will dash from behind. They will only look up and show their stupefied expressions. Although Zhou Qingfeng was gliding through the air, he managed to aim at those three precisely under the effect of As Quick as Lightning.

Under its fully automatic mode, an M4A1 can theoretically shoot more than seven hundred bullets per minute, and more than ten bullets per second.Zhou Qingfeng pulled the trigger mid-air and shot over thirty rounds of ammunition in a mere instance.

They were only two to three meters apart and the firing dispersion of bullets was less than half a meter. Therefore, those deadly bullets had landed on the three kidnappers’ bodies before they had the time to react.

Zhou Qingfeng emptied a magazine in the blink of an eye and the three kidnappers were seriously injured. As Quick as Lightning’s effect of always get the first attack in only lasted for a second, as he hit the wall after that.

Zhou Qingfeng fell to the ground afterward. He did not fake his fight. In order to survive, he spared no effort and thus, bruises were now all over his body.

Zhou Qingfeng threw away the M4A1 that ran out of bullets. He forced himself to stand up. As he pulled out his Glock 17 pistol and tried to aim at the three kidnappers, he saw them lying in a pool of blood. He took the risk and settled them with one blow.

The kidnapper that lead the team from downstairs was the strongest among them. He was still alive as he seemed to be wearing a soft bulletproof vest. His vest was able to defend against the firepower of a normal gun, but it could not resist the greater firepower of the SS66 rifle.

Zhou Qingfeng saw that he was able to shoot the kidnapper in the stomach twice and once in his chin. His entire jaw had been fragmented and blood constantly spurted out from his throat. He fell to the ground, staring at Zhou Qingfeng soullessly. He was probably wondering how he was beaten by Zhou Qingfeng. It was truly unbelievable.

The other kidnapper only got shot once, but he got shot in his brain. His skull was no longer in good shape and his brain tissue was splattered over a distance of forty-five meters. The entire fire escape was dripping with blood.

The last kidnapper got shot in both his hands. A bullet hit his left hand and tore his tendon into two parts. The bullet then shattered into ten fragments that incidentally hit his right hand. His entire right hand was almost turned into a bonestick after being shaved by the sharp, high-speed fragments.

Both hands of the last kidnapper were incapacitated, and so he had lost his will to fight. However, he was wounded the least. He resisted the pain with great difficulty as he turned around and ran away. Zhou Qingfeng stood up and chased after him after he steadied himself from swaying side to side.

The two stumbled before they finally returned to the third lower ground floor of the underground parking lot. Running for his life, the kidnapper broke through the fire escape door. He was unsuccessful, however, as Zhou Qingfeng kicked him from behind, falling to the ground like some dog’s feces.

Zhou Qingfeng then saw a heart-breaking scene. The little boy named Ronnie got shot outside the fire escape door. The child’s innocent eyes were wide open, and his young pitiful face was exactly the same as when he left.

Zhou Qingfeng exploded in anger after he saw the corpse of the little boy. He rushed toward the kidnapper sprawled on the ground and stepped on his handicapped hand as he angrily shouted, “Why did you guys have to kill the kid?

“He’s only eight or nine at the most. There’s no way he could have troubled you. You guys could have even just scolded him or kicked him if he was really annoying. You guys could have simply beat him up. Why did you guys have to kill him? Why? He’s just a kid, a kid trying to save his mom!”

Zhou Qingfeng's anger was like the eruption of a volcano, flaring out like flames. The handicapped kidnapper screamed in agony as Zhou Qingfeng stepped on him. After a few moments, he completely severed the right hand of the kidnapper.

After experiencing such great pain, the handicapped kidnapper can only beg for his death. He rolled on the floor while shouting, “We were annoyed by the kid’s crying. That’s why we killed him. If you want to avenge him, then kill me, kill me!”

“You want to die? Not that easy I’m afraid.” Zhou Qingfeng hated this group of kidnappers. He raised his hand and shot continuously at the kidnapper’s legs, until both of his thighs were badly mangled and bleeding nonstop. “Scum, enjoy your moment of death.”

Zhou Qingfeng searched the kidnapper’s body and found a few magazines. He then turned around and left the handicapped kidnapper to his death. He returned to the corner where the fight previously took place in, taking magazines, guns, and a military grade dagger from the fallen kidnappers.

The kidnapper who got his jaw fragmented drew his last breath as he saw Zhou Qingfeng take all the useful stuff away from him. In the end, he had no reaction. Zhou Qingfeng also refused to further waste his bullets on him, so he left after he finished looting through the kidnappers belongings.

The walkie-talkie of the kidnapper made a sound right before Zhou Qingfeng left. Zhou Qingfeng hesitated for a brief moment as he heard the guy named Locke questioning his subordinates. He was wondering if Zhou Qingfeng was still alive. Zhou Qingfeng slowly picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the talk button.

“Locke, I remember your name’s Locke. Your subordinates can no longer reply to you. I just killed four of them. Including the two that I killed and the one that I wounded before, I’ve killed seven of your men. I just wanna ask, how many of your men are left to be sent to their deaths by you?”

Zhou Qingfeng’s voice was calm and deep, but strong in murderous intent. He had the urge to fight for justice. The urge had even overcome his fear of the kidnappers and death, thus enabling him to face his enemy directly.

“Locke, you wanna play hide and seek, right? Come on, I’m interested in your dumb head as well. I’ll find you, I’ll remove your brain from your head, and I’ll kick it like a ball.”