Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 174 Collusion

Chapter 174Collusion

If there was no government, build one. If there was no army, form one.

It was such an ambitious dream for the careerists in the last phase!

The disappearance of the people from the government, companies, and so on created more opportunities for them instead. Apart from that, all sorts of resources including food, drinks, and fuel were still there. The only problem was just the transportation. Therefore, a lot of people thought that they finally had a chance to be successful.

However, it was easier said than done! The journey trod when one fought for their dreams was tough and full of hardships….

Johnson from the Brotherhood of Steel was one example. Due to the fact that he successfully took over Manhattan, he was promoted from Senior Assault Unit Leader to an Area Commander. But now, Mr. Commander sat in his office while facing tons of emergency issues and problems. The point was, he could not handle all of them.

The vice commander was reporting to him, “Our ‘behead’ project suffered a total setback. Four of the special forces teams failed; it’s a huge loss for us.”

The so-called ‘behead’ project involved sending a few powerful mercenaries to kill the Big Five of Skull and Bones. The low cost but high pay idea was thought out and suggested by Johnson.

However, the reality threw cold water at him. The real U.S. elite forces were already gone, and the substitutions he found were not up to par at all. The first four special forces team consisted mostly of professional killers or gangsters. It was nearly impossible for them to kill the leaders before thousands of soldiers.

From what Johnson saw, the special forces he sent to Skull and Bones were groups of more than ten men. All of them went to the enemy’s area with high-profile, but all of them failed due to all sorts of reasons. Most of them were eliminated, and only a few managed to come back in embarrassment.

“It’s hard to fight face to face, and even the assaults failed. War of attrition again? Our resources aren’t enough! What are we supposed to do to solve this situation?” Commander Johnson sighed, his thoughts entangled.

As the cataclysm emerged, one of the branches from the Brotherhood of Steel occupied the National Guard of the United States Camp. They locked up the entire Staten Island, promoting white supremacy and attracting a bunch of strong forces. They were developing pretty well.

Skull and Bones was not that bad too. It comprised thousands of criminals. They accepted all kinds of forces out there, and after they occupied a few military barracks and arsenals, their weapons and equipment became more than sufficient. Even though their members were similar and were not as good as those from the Brotherhood of Steel, all of them together were extremely powerful.

Both sides could not do anything to each other. Both of them struggled!

“Right, I thought we have six units of special forces?” Commander Johnson suddenly realized that there were two other mercenaries. “How are they doing?”

“Uh….” The vice commander paused for a while, before continuing, “We lost track of Team Guzman after they went to Brooklyn. As for Team Hugo, they… they….”

“What are they doing?” Johnson asked with a cold face after looking at the vice commander’s expression. He already knew that the two teams would not get along smoothly.

“Victor Hugo is doing some smuggling businesses.”


Commander Johnson sprayed his coffee from his mouth, the liquid splashing on the table. Astonishment filled him, and he asked, “Say that again, what’s that Chinese man doing?”

“Doing business.”

“What the hell. I didn’t care about his skin color nor identity, allowing him to join the Brotherhood of Steel with honor and glory. And that’s what he does in return?” Commander Johnson was confounded.

However, the vice commander quickly explained, “I contacted Victor Hugo. He said it was to gain Skull and Bones’ trust. He’s trying to get closer to the target. He also commented that your ‘behead’ project is too rushed, so it will succeed.”

“What….” Commander Johnson’s first reaction was to think that Zhou Qingfeng lied to him. However, all the other special forces he sent had failed, and instead, the weakest Team Hugo was doing very well.

Even though Johnson was mad, he suppressed his anger and asked, “Did that b*stard say how long it’ll take?”

“Uh… he said around a month,” the vice commander replied.

“That long?” John felt very unsatisfied. “No, I’m gonna give him more pressure. Tell that Chinese man that he has fifteen days. I’ll cancel his qualification to be a mercenary if he produces no result by then.”

“Roger that, I’ll tell him.” The vice commander nodded his head and left the office. As he walked out of the command post of the Brotherhood of Steel in Staten Island, he went into a vehicle nearby.

Inside the vehicle, wearing an attractive smile, Lena Fox spoke to him, “Mr. Vice Commander, thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I’m happy that you’re willing to help me install a tapping device in Commander Johnson’s office. I’ve got what Mr. Commander meant. This is your reward; I’ve asked someone to keep it in the warehouse at the port.”

The vice commander took the list, looked at the resources on the list, and laughed with satisfaction. “Miss Fox, you’re too generous. You deserve to be the leader of the foundation that once controlled over billions of dollars. Commander Lawrence’s suggestion was right.

“Would you mind seeing the other commanders from the Brotherhood of Steel? They have some stuff to get rid of as well. They need a professional to provide the sales channel.”

Lena Fox smiled and slightly lowered her head. She was roaring in her mind, B*stards! You’re saying that all you’re doing is in the name of righteousness, but it’s all selfishness! I was almost a goner because of all of you, and now you’re begging me for advantages? It’s not fair if I don’t take more out of you!

While Miss Fox raged inwardly, Zhou Qingfeng worried. He returned to the black market in Kennedy Airport with a large amount of his military canned food. However, how to sell them out safely was a problem.

Previously, Butcher killed seven men with just a pistol. Both of them were famous in the black market now. When people saw them, they would talk and point their fingers behind the pair’s backs.

“There he is, the big guy. He’s pretty good.”

“I know right? That bald guy and his six men were all killed by him.”

“That Asian guy was just a cover, he’s walking at the front just to act. In fact, he’s useless. If you’re going to mess with them, don’t be cheated by that shorty; just be careful of that big, tough guy.”

Zhou Qingfeng’s ears were very sensitive, and he was very angry with those comments. He complained in his mind, It’s called the battle formation, okay? What do you know, bakayaro, konoyaro!

“Bunch of blind idiots, am I really that short?” Zhou Qingfeng, with a height of 180 cm, was not happy about that.

Butcher, whose height was over 190 cm, said, “You’re shorter than me.”

While both of them were mumbling to each other, a dirty little boy ran toward Zhou Qingfeng once again. This time, Zhou Qingfeng hardened his face and growled lowly, “Hey, kid. I remember you. Don’t try the same trick with me twice. Do people think I’m some kind of sheep?”

Surprisingly, the kid did not try to steal from him. The little kid spoke softly and secretively to Zhou Qingfeng, “Sir, are you interested in some good stuff? They’re really good, and you’ll surely be satisfied!”