Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 162 Spies

Chapter 162Spies

It was already the third time Richard entered the community controlled by the Armed Nun Society. The community was safe, comfortable, well-stocked, and most importantly, they offered reasonably good social services. It might just be the best shelter one could find in the entire Manhattan… or even in the entire New York. Joining the community was the ultimate dream for the majority of the people.

However, Richard was not there to seek shelter. He had another purpose.

The whole community consisted of dozens of high-rise buildings. All the streets nearby were blocked by various abandoned vehicles, and there were also quite a few armed men guarding those streets. Richard could vaguely remember that the guards were not that strict in the past.

Some tried to get into it to seek shelter; some wanted to join them as they could no longer afford their rent; while some were just trying to sneak into the place and steal something from it.

Richard knew a professional thief, one who could always use the loopholes in the security of the community to infiltrate into their area and steal all kinds of resources. Sometimes, the thief would even resell the stolen items back to the Armed Nun Society. The thief boasted of his ability to the others and mocked the stupidity of the Armed Nun Society.

However, the thief was caught yesterday.

The streets of Manhattan were very narrow, and the dilapidated buildings often dealt people a bit of a daze. There was a long queue in front of the entrances of the armed community. The citizens of New York City had lost the glory of their past. They were now just a bunch of refugees who do not even dare to lift their heads.

Richard mixed into the crowd and slowly moved forward. According to the others who were queuing up, he knew that Zogar was the leader who was guarding the entrance today.

There were two leaders from the Armed Nun Society whose main responsibility was guarding the entrance. One of them was Roma, who was quiet, but compassionate. It cost ten rounds of .223 caliber bullets or items with equivalent value to enter the community. If Roma was the one guarding the entrance, he would allow people, especially women, to pass through even if he was provided with an item of slightly less value. After all, women always got some special privilege anyway.

However, if Zogar was the one guarding the entrance, one might even need to provide an item with an extra value in order to get into the community, and women were no exception. The others usually called him the ‘flattery king’, saying that he was an incompetent person and that he was a leader only because of relying on Mr. Victor Hugo.

Victor Hugo could already be considered a mogul. Through the propaganda of the Cataclysm Journal, almost everyone in New York now knew him. Although the people’s impressions of him were mixed, his popularity was still extremely high nonetheless. Whether one liked him or not, no one could actually ignore his existence.

A sturdy barricade was being set up in the entrance to the armed community, and when it was Richard’s turn, he put his self-defense weapon into a safe and paid another twelve rounds of bullets. Zogar, who had received the bullets, was very satisfied. He smirked and even patted Richard’s shoulder as he said, “I like you.”

Richard laughed in order to entertain Zougar, but then he saw the thief which he mentioned earlier. The guy who once boasted that no one could ever catch him was kept in a cage. He begged everybody who entered the armed community for some water. He was not given any food or drinks, and since he was exposed to the scorching sun, it seemed that he could only live for two more days at most.

There were several exact same cages, and all of them were placed at the entrance to the armed community. The people who once provoked the authority of the Armed Nun Society were all trapped inside those cages. The people from the Armed Nun Society did it on purpose to urge all the people who entered the community to become more compliant.

One could find restaurants, hospitals, pawnshops, markets, and sometimes even job opportunities in the armed community. Each job opportunity meant a stable life, and hence, countless people had been fighting to get one.

However, Richard did not join the community to look for a job. He saw two heavy-duty armored vehicles parked at the intersection road of the community and could not help sighing. This organization has become more and more powerful. It used to be only a fat sheep, but it seems that this fat sheep has now grown some new sharp teeth.

“But still, their teeth are not sharp enough.” Richard laughed in silence, “Hehehe…. All these things will belong to us once the army of Skull and Bones arrive.”

Ever since Lena Fox put on the advertisement in the Cataclysm Journal, the Armed Nun Society had become widely known. As a result, Skull and Bones, who had occupied the northern region of Queens, had subsequently paid more attention to them. Skull and Bones, who transformed from a mere bunch of criminals into a ruling body, wanted to occupy Manhattan as well. They wanted to obtain the manpower and resources of the area.

Richard was actually a spy who worked for Skull and Bones. He came to their hospital last time, trying to hook up with Nancy, the supervisor of their medical service department. He tried to establish some kind of intimate relationship with Nancy by sending some gifts and sweet talking her, all in the effort of transforming her into some sort of traitor.

However, his initial genius plan did not work out. The naive lady suddenly decided to cut off her relationship with Richard. He was frightened by this sudden incident, and so he decided to escape from the community area.

Richard later learned that he had picked a completely wrong target. Nancy Stephanie, the supervisor of the medical service department, seemed to be some sort of captive of Victor Hugo’s. Nobody in the entire community would dare to pursue her.

What the hell!

“I’m pretty sure everything will be fine from now on. I’ve returned, and there’s no way I’ll leave this place anymore. Nancy Stephanie’s breasts and *ss are so huge, and most importantly, she’s so pretty. This time, I’ll make her my sex slave, and I’ll let her kneel before me.” Richard was still brooding over his previous incident, for which he had to escape from the community in a difficult situation. He was eager to avenge himself.

Richard sneaked around the community, trying to find the loopholes in the security. He was counting the number of armed personnel in the entire community as part of the process in identifying the community’s firepower.

“This time around, we’ll be attacking Manhattan with two tanks, ten armored vehicles, and five hundred infantries. This will be a force that no one in Wasteland will even come close to…. No one will be able to stop us! We don’t even have to worry about not accomplishing our goal. We’ll only need to think about how to manage all the stuff here, and come up with a way to prevent future infiltration by the other forces.

“One day. All we need is the period of one day. Tomorrow, our army will conquer this land.” Richard already considered all the resources of the Armed Nun Society as his own property. He drew out the internal routes of the entire place and labeled the vital locations of the community, such as hospitals, warehouses, barracks, and headquarters.

However, there was still one thing that made Richard worry—the recent emergence of two new armored vehicles. He had heard from the others that Victor Hugo had gotten himself more than two heavy-duty armored vehicles. However, the whereabouts of the other armored vehicles were unknown.

Even though he had been searching for the entire afternoon, he did not find any information regarding the other armored vehicles. Richard was hungry, so he decided to first head to the restaurant. He exchanged two rounds of bullets for a bowl of spaghetti.

“This spaghetti tastes so bland, can I please have a plate of ketchup?”

“It’ll be three rounds of .223 caliber bullets.” The restaurant's chef threw a packet of McDonald's ketchup in front of Richard.

“This ketchup costs even more than a bowl of spaghetti?” Richard expressed his dissatisfaction to the chef.

“Are you planning to reject my offer?” The fat, muscular chef took out a shotgun.

Richard had no other choice but to pay the additional three rounds of bullets. However, he cursed in silence, Just wait and see, you bunch of fools! How dare you demand me to pay you bullets? Once tomorrow arrives, I’ll put those bullets through your skulls!

Richard stuffed all the spaghetti into his mouth in hatred. However, once he finished eating, he lifted his head and saw Nancy standing at the entrance of the restaurant. She felt shocked once she saw him.

“Hi, Nancy!” Richard showed an infatuated expression on his face. “It’s nice to see you again.”

However, Nancy was horrified, looking as if she had encountered a ghost. She turned around and left in a hurry.