Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 160 Joyous

Chapter 160Joyous

Tianyang City was simply too poor and the windows of the hospital were still old iron railings. With enough strength, it could be easily opened up to create a new entrance to the hospital. After Zhou Qingfeng came in, he could see that Fang Ruhu was completely horrified. He lied on the bed and kept struggling to sit up.

"Commissioner Fang, you’ve always wanted to meet your brother, right? I’ll just take you to find him now then," Zhou Qingfeng reached out and gently squeezed Fang Ruhu's neck. After a moment, he fell into a coma due to lack of oxygen and died. In the end, he picked up the corpse, which was now worthless, and returned to Wasteland.

Zhou Qingfeng was originally driving his Pika when he disappeared from the streets of Manhattan. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared in the streets of Manhattan with a corpse. He took away the stent and bandages on the neck of his body and yanked the artificial throat out from the corpse.

A big hole was instantly visible on the neck of the corpse. Blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain and all the muscle fibers could be seen in the artificial throat. It looked extremely bloody and horrible.

Zhou Qingfeng cleaned the artificial throat with water from his personal water bag. He then whispered to himself in a deep tone, "I’ve finally got the artificial throat. Mox, wait for me."

It was in the middle of the night. Zhou Qingfeng returned to the base of the Armed Nun Society and he immediately headed to the medical district. He happened to encounter Butcher, who was also just returning from search operations, handing the various medication and devices which he had collected during the day to the medical team.

“Doctor Belford, will Mox recover with these?” Butcher was exhausted and his clothes were soaked in blood. He had killed a lot of people while getting all these medical supplies.

“I can only do my best.”

Belford was a professional surgeon in his mid-forties. He was bald and he wore a pair of glasses. He handed over the completed material documents to his assistants and it seemed that he was not answering Butcher’s question seriously.

“Best? I want not only your best, I want your guarantee!” Butcher suppressed his own anger and expressed his strong desire with a low contempt.

However, Belford remained indifferent, "I'm a doctor. I can only say I'll do my best. I can't tell you that I'm 100% sure about something. Based on the medication and devices that you’ve collected, Mr. Mox’s tracheal repair shouldn’t be too big of a problem."

“What about his throat?”

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Mox's throat was completely crushed by bullets. It must be replaced with an artificial throat, but, we lack that kind of thing now."

"I’ve searched almost the entire Manhattan but I couldn't find the thing that you said. Can't you think of another way? Are there no other alternatives?"

“I’m very sorry……”

“Stop saying sorry, I don’t like it!”

“But that’s the only thing I can say now. I’m sorry.”

"Bloody hell!" The bear-like Butcher had enough of it. He lifted Dr. Belford's neck by his collar and the pressure caused the doctor to immediately suffocate. "Can’t you just say something else?"

“Butcher, that’s enough!” Zhou Qingfeng arrived just in time and stepped forwards to save the poor doctor. If he were to arrive just a second later, the poor doctor’s neck might have already been crushed by Butcher, "You should know that that’s the way doctors speak. They will never guarantee you anything. He would be a liar if he actually gave you his word just now."

“Yes, I understand that. But still, I’m very angry.” Butcher sighed, before finally taking a step backward.

Although Dr. Belford was already bent over and coughing badly, he did not seem to care much about Butcher's rudeness. With a wave of his hand, he said, "Don’t worry about it. I’ve already experienced tons of similar stuff like this throughout my career."

Zhou Qingfeng looked at the doctor again and gave him the artificial throat which he had brought back from his original world, "I just heard you say that we’ll need an artificial throat. Will this come in handy?"

This is definitely the work of God. Butcher and the doctor stared at Zhou Qingfeng's hands at the same time. The doctor took over the artificial throat and after examining it carefully, he said, confused, “This is indeed an artificial throat, but it was a model from many years ago. And... and ...."

Butcher was anxious. He asked eagerly, "Just tell me, will this thing work on Mox?"

"It can be used, but the size does not suit Mr. Mox very well. His throat is obviously bigger than this one. If this artificial throat is used, Mr. Mox’s speaking ability might be affected after his surgery." He then smelled the artificial throat, and in the blink of an eye, his face changed dramatically. "This artificial throat seems to be..."

Zhou Qingfeng was very calm. Butcher instantly figured out the origin of the artificial throat, but he did not bother. He immediately yelled with joy after hearing from the doctor that the artificial throat can be used on Mox, “Hooray….. Wonderful, Victor! You’re the best! Mox can finally stand up once again. I need to tell Mox about this good news as soon as possible. He’ll be so happy.”

Butcher laughed and ran to Mox’s ward. He woke Mox up, who was in the middle of his sleep and told him the good news. He, however, did not tell Mox about the after-effects of the artificial throat. Mox was like a rock anyway. As long he was allowed to breathe, eat, and battle normally, it would be alright even if he were to be mute for the rest of his life.

“Dr. Belford, is everything alright?” asked Zhou Qingfeng.

"You guys are crazy," Dr. Belford seemed a little uncomfortable. But, he calmed himself down after a few minutes, "Everyone that managed to survive in this world is just crazy."

“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a madman.” Zhou Qingfeng patted the doctor's shoulders to show appeasement before he headed off to Mox's ward. Butcher was shouting with joy and Mox had a smile on his face. Mox even gave him a flying kiss when he saw Zhou Qingfeng come into his ward.

"Oh, my God," said Zhou Qingfeng with a disgusted expression. "Please, I'm not gay. I'd rather you give me a bear hug when you’re fully recovered."

Mox had not been this happy since his tragedy. He had lost all hope. Even though he was as strong as a bear, he had to admit his fate once he got shot in the throat.

They were in the midst of the cataclysm, and life was difficult, especially when treating such trauma. However, miraculously, in just a day or two, his companion gave him all the supplies he needed for his treatment. It was not only that, according to Butcher, Zhou Qingfeng had done something very difficult in order to lay his hands on the artificial throat.

“Look, Victor. Mox is moved to tears by your effort. I’ve known him for over twenty years and I’ve never witnessed such an event. I’m pretty sure that if he has either a daughter or sister, he’ll force them to be betrothed to you,” Butcher smirked by the side.

Mox, too, was laughing and he did not care if his companion was actually teasing him. Instead, he wrote on the whiteboard, My parents didn’t give me a sister. But when I’m fully recovered, I’ll find a woman, marry her, and then give Victor a few of my daughters.

“Really, I’ll wait for eighteen years then.”

There’s no need for you to wait for eighteen years. The ladies from our motherland can be pursued as long as they’re over the age of fifteen.

“Actually, if you’re really impatient, you could even choose to pursue them once they’ve turned twelve.”

“What am I? An animal?”

“Everything’s acceptable as long as you’re gentle with them.”

The three shameless men gradually walked away from the previous haziness of pain and they continued making dirty jokes in the ward.