Rise of Rurik

Chapter 294: Bear under the hill

Finally, under the leadership of Rurik, the Ross people officially started the first step in the development of the chrome mine. A huge team with a large number of mining tools smashed the primitive boreal pine forests.

Only a small number of Ross fighters and Corvins stayed to further build Elon Orava Fort.

Rurik even ordered all the small subordinates, and even the "trainee little blacksmiths" who obeyed Kawei and Kamni, are not the children of the Iron Pine Tree tribe, and there are as many as more than 70 armed children in total. They picked up metal spears and axes, and equipped many short wooden bows and iron cluster arrows. Rurik also regarded this line as a very important field training, training for his little fighters.

Children have no right to withdraw from the team on the basis of exhaustion. They must deal with all the obstacles in the training road, even if a group of wild animals appear in front of them, they must take up arms and fight.

Hunting, hunting huge beasts, is the training of warriors.

It seemed that this was a bit spartan, and Rurik felt that his opponents were still too kind; they were after all twenty-five mercenaries with crossbows. More than 80 elite Ross fighters are protecting, what is the danger?

Seeing the children\'s talking and smiling faces, Rurik didn\'t worry about anything anymore.

He even looked forward to the road to the mine, where he could encounter a large number of bears or deer. Hunting them is training soldiers, and the meat he hunted can improve everyone\'s food.

It is the Ross people who maintain a huge team. Once the ordinary beasts are spotted, they will immediately run away.

Rurik had no illusions about the unexpected joy on the road.

At the beginning, everyone talked and laughed, and gradually some people became tired.

Most of the snow in the forest has melted, and a pair of feet stepped on a soft mat of pine needles, but they were met with certain resistance to move forward.

Fortunately, the low mine is right in front. How different is it from seeing it in winter. Under the warm sunlight, there are a lot of grayish-white rocks on the mine. It is completely different from the color of snow, but it is also Outstanding in the dark green forest.

Such small hills are not uncommon in this area. If it is not for craftsmen who are highly sensitive to smelting, they will not be interested in them at all. If you are interested, it is also mining stone to build a house, nothing more.

In fact, the whole hill is a rock uplift extruded by geological movement, and surrounded by gray-white granite is a vein of chromite, which is directly exposed to the air. Mining the ore itself is not laborious, the most important thing is actually how to transport them.

For Kawei and his group of men who are only about ten years old, they can only persist in the dense forest. These children are all carrying a burlap pocket with an axe-shaped iron chisel scraped around their waists. Their task is to excavate the ore and find ways to transport it away.

There is no road here, and there is no waterway directly leading down the hill.

In response to this situation, in the mine development of most countries, the ores were either carried by humans or used envoys such as ponies and donkeys.

"Maybe we should cut down some trees and dig down the roots to create a road. Bring the reindeer over, make some vehicles, and sleighs for winter, and then use the reindeer to pull the ore away..."

Kawei had this idea, and by coincidence, Rurik also deliberately cut a path in the forest.

The team walked for about three kilometers, and the hills were getting closer and closer, and everyone sat on the already dry "pine needle mat" under the dense forest for a while to rest.

Everyone drank clean water with their stomach pouches filled with river water, and some people ate some dried fish to replenish their physical strength.

Rurik sat quietly with his back leaning against a big tree. His pounding heart proved that this trip was clearly an "expedition" with more effort.

Kawei approached with purpose, and then sat beside Rurik casually.

"Are you alright?"

"Well, walking in the forest is really tiring. There is a thick layer of pine needles under our feet, and I feel shaky when I walk."

"Then clean up the pine needles and cut down a bunch of trees. From now on we must set foot on hard land." Rurik gasped.

"You look very tired?"

"I have a little bit."

"Then find someone to carry you back, Rurik, you are a leader, but you were still a child before you became a man."

Child, a child\'s body really lacks strength. Rurik glanced at the real children next to him, and compared to them, it seemed that he was really weaker.

In fact, this is also normal. The Carlota sisters are always in passive "sports". They spend most of their day running, especially in their hometown of Ostara, where they are the granddaughters of the leader. The same is labor. Brothers and sisters Telavis, they are basically little hunters in the forest, they are most familiar with walking in the current environment.

All the Roths took advantage of their rest time, talking about the discomfort of pedaling on the pine needles, telling that they were walking around and drunk.

Those scientific people didn\'t care at all. They have adapted to the land of pine needles since ancient times, and they know how to use their bows and arrows to shoot alert squirrels in such an environment.

Rurik rejected Kawei’s suggestion and said casually: “After we settle down, I will find a way to build a road. I will cut down trees, remove pine needles, and pave the road with gravel. Yes! Let’s do it now. !"

After all, the current construction of the Rus people requires a lot of wood, and Rurik quickly gathered a group of tribal warriors who were impatient and full of strength. He ordered everyone to start logging immediately. Under the roar of everyone, more than a dozen strong men who manipulated the forest axe acted, and the forest was quickly shocked.

The big tree rumbling down, the shaking of the earth also completely disturbed Mechasta\'s thoughts.

This 30-year-old Corvin man, he hurried to Rurik and complained; "Master, I saw you send someone to cut wood. My people had already targeted the squirrels, and now they have all escaped."

"What? And squirrel?"

Rurik was stunned on the spot, and then there was joy on his face, and then he asked: "Did you really see the squirrel?"

"It\'s true, we make a living out of it."

The Alon Orava Fort that is being built is already in the Arctic Circle. The area is too cold. Rurik subconsciously feels that only ferrets can survive here, and squirrels can\'t stand the low temperature. It seems that I was wrong.

"Unexpectedly, we can catch squirrels in the future."

"There are bears!" Mezzasta\'s wide-open eyes revealed endless desire. "If there are squirrels, there must be bears and wolves. This is the case in my hometown, and it must be so here."

"Oh, then borrow your good words."

Rurik wanted to be perfunctory, but Metzasta was serious. Looking at this sharp look, Rurik felt that this guy was in the pine forest and had already entered the "working state" of a hunter. Kewen people, they have a high degree of pursuit of shooting prey with a bow, just like a cry from the depths of genes.

"Master, I heard that you want to cut wood to create a path. But I am more worried about encountering bears. You should make men alert. In the past, when we encountered bears, a single hunter would stay away. Now we are crowded, and... Your magic weapon. We should take the initiative to find the bear and kill it."

Regarding this matter, even if Metzasta didn\'t say anything about it, Rurik deliberately hunted bears actively.

But he realized from this person\'s words how much Mezzasta hoped to find a reason to vent his suffocation for many months. Mechasta felt even more that he needed to lead the few men of the tribe to complete the bear hunt, in order to flatter the new master.

"What do you want to do?" Rurik asked.

"Master, I am a hunter. For some reason, I always feel that we will encounter bears on this trip. I suggest taking immediate action."

Does he really have the sixth sense of a hunter? I\'m afraid this feeling that is based on experience is real.

The more he said this, the more Rurik felt that meeting a bear on this trip was a high probability. what! If you kill ten or twenty heads, it will be a huge profit!

Rurik believed in Mezzasta in general, and because he controlled all the female families of the Corvin, the remaining men really had nothing but hard work.

Mezzasta was willing to be the pioneer of the expedition. After Rurik agreed, he mobilized ten mercenaries under his command to follow along with the winded crossbow.

When the team ended its break, Mezzasta led the 30-man vanguard and quickly advanced to the front of the team. They seem to have disappeared, at least it is difficult for Rurik\'s naked eyes to find the trail of the pioneers through the gaps in the forest trunks.

Mezzasta and the others did not run far, they were about 400 meters in front of Rurik\'s group. The forest has concealed their light and shadow, but a good hunter can easily learn from the pine needle mat that they have stepped on.

Even if they had become slaves to the Ross people, Mezzasta and his men faced the armed Ross warriors, and took a breath as soon as they met.

Now, the men of the Iron Squirrel Tribe can finally transform their marching rods with iron blades. Together with Mezzasta\'s own twenty men, they carry short wooden bows while holding short spears in both hands.

Ordinary people obeyed their leader, and the leader said that there must be bears in front of him.

Because in the past bear hunting operations in his hometown, Mezzasta\'s predictions were always correct, but even if a bear was found, it would be a huge risk to complete a hunting. What once weakened the efficiency of the Kowenmen in hunting bears was their inferior weapons.

This time, the situation changed.

After living in Roseburg for three months, coupled with the time spent in contact with the Ross people in his hometown, Mechasta was forced to learn the common language of the Varangans in order to represent his tribe and talk to the Ross people in the future. condition.

He understands part of the common vocabulary in life. Since this action can be described as fighting side by side, he boldly asked the mercenaries accompanying him in Norse.

what! As long as they saw the crossbow in their hands, Mezzasta thought of the fear of being dominated by it, as well as the shame that the whole clan was trapped in the wall of the mountain fort and could only be beaten passively.

Mechasta wanted to possess the weapon that once shot and killed the tribe, so that his tribe could become stronger.

But he estimated that he could not use the weapons of the Rus.

He still had to try it. What he didn\'t expect was that a Ross man with a crossbow would be willing to lend his weapon.

"Ah! Brave warrior, you really allow me..."

The mercenary did not have a tangled attitude. He taught Mezzasta how to wind the crossbow with a winch, how to install arrows, and how to shoot. Because the mercenaries\' understanding of Rurik\'s order is that in this operation, Mechasta was used as the commander of the team. They are mercenaries, and naturally they have no prejudice against the Corvins, so they simply regard Mechasta as the commander of the hunt. Then the mercenary needs to support the request made by the commander.

Up to this moment, an unprecedented feeling had invaded Mezzasta\'s mind. What horrified this strong man in his thirties was that he could not imagine how sophisticated the weapons of the Russ were.

He didn\'t test fire at a tree for the first time, it was unnecessary. And based on his hunter\'s professional habits, when the so-called hunting state, any hunter can not waste his arrows wantonly, because "you will always feel that you lack arrows."

Mezzastar ordered his men to form a large wall, and the hunters held short spears or clumped arrows on the bows. In fact, the distance between each person is nearly 30 meters, and the situation has really become a "Kevin-style forest hunting". After the so-called increase in the search area, as long as one person finds a large prey, he shouts or eats directly. Whistle, everyone gathered and swarmed up to complete the hunt. After all, in the matter of bear hunting, a single person would die, and it would take more than ten people to be foolproof.

Mezzasta was holding the crossbow of the Ros, and after further inquiries, he didn\'t know until now that the close fighters beside Rurik and those desperately shooting arrows at his castle are not Ros at all!

They are mercenaries, people who regularly collect silver coins and grain to work for Rurik.

After learning the truth, Mezzasta didn\'t want to say anything. After all, he had heard of many things, such as the Finns in the south, and some people actively or passively gave their lives to the Varangans. Those who have defected to the Varangans will even stand in the position of the Varangans and attack their hometown.

For example, the Finn Jeflo, the mercenary captain of Rurik, is also the fiercest short man on the battlefield, that guy is a Finn!

"Now, Jeflo and I are the same. My people are also standing in the position of the Ross people." Thinking about this, Mezzasta was a little relieved. The most powerful enemy he knows is none other than the Roths. Now he is fearless, including a large number of bears in front of him, and he is also fearless.

The vanguards are all mature men, and they are much faster than most of those who have a large number of women and children.

They are approaching the mine more and more, and the woods here are getting sparser.

After the field of vision finally widened, the hunters went to scan the hills with almost eagle eyes.

What is there to say? With luck, you can do whatever you really want!

Bear! Bear infested! The bear is there!

Those are some white and yellow creeping individuals, seeming to be gnawing on something with their heads stuffed.

There are at least ten bears on that low hillside! With such a scene, Metzasta had lived for more than thirty years, and he really lived to see him for a long time, and it completely subverted his three views.

"What\'s going on? Why do bears who always meet and fight have become peaceful? Why?"

The mercenary who lent the crossbow could not understand Mezzasta\'s muttering, so he urged in Norse: "Fight! Now. We are going to present to the master."

Mezzasta immediately came to his senses, his eyes were only about the grandeur of the bear hunt, and he even ignored that almost all members of the expedition he sent were killed here, all killed by the Ross people.

It\'s really that Feng Shui turns around. It\'s only been more than four months, and the two ethnic groups are fighting side by side.

Mezzasta gave an order: "Brothers, let\'s go! Shoot with a bow and arrow, and poke the bear with a spear, just like we did in our hometown."

The men of the Iron Squirrel Tribe began to move. They protruded from the forest and began to gather into a tighter hunting team. Everyone kept their mouths shut and said nothing.

The mercenaries followed, holding a crossbow and waiting to enter the appropriate distance to shoot.

The fur of the polar bears reflected the sunlight, and they became beautiful yellow and white, but when they lifted their heads, they showed red and black mouths. This was very abnormal, but Mezzasta didn\'t care.

The bears either relied on their sturdy figure or the danger of being simply unknown, they raised their heads and did not take any measures.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whoosh in the air.

It was just a moment, a bear fell down amidst the screams, it struggled to get up and continued to roar, but it was completely paralyzed without taking a few steps.

It\'s a crossbow! The salvo routines used by mercenaries complete a shot instantly and in an extremely easy way.

How can the mere bear skin stop the tapered crossbow fired by the steel arm crossbow from penetrating?

Metzasta was eagerly watching the bear die suddenly. When he was so shocked, he immediately used the trick handed to him by the mercenary, aiming at a dazed polar bear and squeezed the delicate trigger.

It was precisely this arrow. Mezzasta was still a European. The arrow hit the bear’s eye at a very fast speed, and then destroyed the bear’s mind, just gently pulling the trigger~ www.novelhall.com~A fierce bear is dead? !

In ecstasy, Mezzasta had forgotten to rewind, he rushed to check his own results happily.

However, when he stood in front of the faintly cramping chest corpse, he saw a terrifying scene. Not only was he nauseous, but he was simply suppressed by reason and did not vomit.

The bear was eating a piece of rotten flesh that was slightly smelly. To further distinguish, the so-called rotten flesh is clearly a person!

As if a thunderbolt is hitting his head!

The crossbow in his hand fell on the ground involuntarily, and Mezzasta was already reluctant to hunt other bears. He suddenly knelt on the ground and yelled in horror.

Just because this dead body is his tribe and a member of the expedition he personally dispatched!

Unexpectedly, after a good hunter died, he became food for bears. Now, Mezzasta is no longer excited about his perfect shooting, he feels that he is revenge! He hated the bear a little bit more!

He suddenly yelled up to the sky: "Brothers! All the bears! All hunted!"