Rise of Rurik

Chapter 286: Rurik's new position

Finally at the end of April, the ice layer covering the sea like a rock, it finally began to show a lot of cracks.

The wind direction finally changed, and the people of Roseburg could finally feel the presence of a warm wind from the south, which offset the cold of the Arctic and brought hope.

The sea ice that once created wonders is disintegrating at a rapid rate.

Those huge ice packs that were once formed by sea ice stress, they break away from the ice layer, are blown by the wind, or are guided by weak currents. They are large floating icebergs, and they are transformed into a large number of "icebreakers". They rammed around in the sea, accelerating the thawing of positive sea areas.

In the south of Roseburg, on the island of Gotland, the situation has improved greatly.

The freezing period, which is longer than last year, has caused great troubles to people in the south. The floating sea ice finally left a navigable road. The Gotland fishermen can’t wait to push their boats back to the sea, in order to fill their stomachs. They risked being squeezed by the ice and the boat was destroyed and killed.

Their surplus food is indeed running out. If the sea ice has not melted, the famine will kill many islanders.

The situation has become like this. As Gotland Islanders, how much can they think of the new year of the trade season?

trading? Of course, trade must be done. It\'s just that the bigger problem now is living.

If life really becomes difficult, just land in Gotaland and continue to attack the north with the local brothers?

The idea of ​​launching a military offensive to solve the internal dilemma of Gotland quickly spread across the island. Facts have proved that the Svia\'s alliance is not as stable as it seems, and most of those people\'s combat effectiveness is relatively weak.

Except for individual tribes in the alliance, such as the Mellaren people, such as the Ross people are tough.

Since the Danes are willing to support the Gotland of the Alliance and launch an offensive with the help of the Danish forces, if the enemy is violently retaliated, the leader of the Danish Alliance must lead the army to participate in the war.

Once war starts, it is not just a problem for the Gotlanders themselves.

This is the idea of ​​the Gotland people. Their idea is typical Viking, full of out-and-out adventures, that is, betting on the fate of the island.

The elders of the various families gathered together for a meeting while the ice and snow were still there to discuss what kind of plundering operation would best maximize the benefits.

Coincidentally, the Ross people were thinking about the same thing.

Those young people who followed Otto and fought a victory in the "Eastern Land" told their left-behind fellows about their experiences. They exaggerated their achievements, boasted of the enemy\'s strength and how many people they had killed.

The young people marveled at the heroes\' feats. They clenched their swords and axes, eager to become new heroes.

Today there is a young hero who is most admired by everyone.

Arik, he is really an elite of the young and strong faction of the Ross tribe, and a former "war chief" that young people pay attention to.

"We should continue to fight! We must continue to take revenge! We must grab more food, leather, money, and women." Young fighters are always on boring winter nights, recalling the glory of last year, and strengthening themselves. These four major needs of men.

As the ice began to thaw, their calls for a new round of war grew louder. Arik has undoubtedly become the spokesperson for this appeal of the young man, and he has become very aggressive, making Otto a little annoyed.

It\'s entirely because this radicalism suddenly became a bit out of place.

Otto did not completely reject Arik’s decision. As the chief, he had already determined that the main work this year was spent on construction. As for launching a retaliatory war, it is okay, but, like Arik’s previous proposal, don’t even think about sending out a thousand outstanding fighters to sweep Gotland!

Arik has become extremely belligerent. After all, he is a man of the Ross tribe, a hero of battle, and desires more after receiving his first honor. Even to show a stronger self in front of his wife is also his simple appeal.

Who can let Arik calm down a bit and sensibly carry out a limited scale of revenge? Otto naturally thought of Rurik. Because Arik really loves his younger brother.

The ice and snow continued to melt, and the businessmen who paid a commercial tax, some abused the shamelessness of the Ross people, and some could only accept the loss because of the loss. Wanting to make them happy to clap that the Ross people are completely correct in tax collection, that\'s really a brain drain.

It is true that some merchants plan not to go back. Most of the merchants are forced to make a living, so they have to return by boat in the autumn. Because they are separated from the Russian fur trade, what else can they do?

All the people staying in Roseburg are welcoming the melting of snow and ice in their own way.

The frozen Roseburg became lively, and all the streams that poured into the fjord became irritable.

There are a large number of ice blocks floating on the sea, and the golden light of the rising sun illuminates them. The floating ice is like a warrior\'s chain mail. Their dull crash sound makes the Russians full of hope.

The priests are organizing a large-scale sacrifice, which is also a large-scale festival for the Rus after Hanukkah on the winter solstice.

It must be the favor of God. The elderly high priest survived the coldest days, and the south began to blow. She described her haggard body as if she had regained a lot of vitality.

Veria continues to assign Lumia the duties of the high priest, responsible for a series of activities of the sacrifice.

Palla, who has been making soap for Rurik for a long time, is a priest, and she has also begun to lead a group of little maids under Rurik to serve as the lower priests.

Compared with last year, this year\'s sacrificial activities will be more sophisticated.

Not only was the number of sacrifices increased, but also that this sacrifice was not only for the Ruths.

Those people of science and literature and deer breeders have their own gods. Even if they were forced to move to the territory of the Russ, they got the acquiescence of the leader to build their own altars with stones and branches in Roseburg, and began their own sacrifice activities before the Russ.

Because they know that when the ship can sail, each will go to their own destination.

Even if those deer breeders know that Roseburg is the hometown of their ancestors, they don\'t mind if they live by water and grass. The only condition for a deer breeder to be protected by Rurik is to take good care of the deer belonging to Rurik and reproduce them. The ultimate goal is to achieve self-sufficiency in leather and venison.

There has never been such a thing before! The Ross people just watched the strange rituals of these aliens, or the alien slaves of Rurik. The so-called priests filled themselves up like birds, and surrounded the bonfire, beating two wooden sticks while mimicking birds.

The "little warriors" under Rurik will also perform their own sacred performances in the new sacrificial activities.

To put it bluntly, compared to offering sacrificial activities to the gods to get the blessings of the gods, Rurik felt that this idea was too idealistic.

For so many years, Rurik has lived in such an environment. He believes that this is the real reality. There is also a **** who creates everything in the vast universe, and that **** is the singularity of the big bang. God is God. As the saying goes, "Heaven and earth use everything as a dog", and the Ross people can\'t feel that they can get God\'s favor in everything.

Whether anything can be done well, first of all depends on whether you make an effort.

The goal of the sacrifice is not gods, but the vast number of people. To put it bluntly, the sacrifice is for the people of the tribe. Since everyone believes in this, it is normal to do a ceremony to make everyone feel at ease. Based on this psychology, Lurik wants to make this year\'s sacrifice more grand, to improve the self-confidence of the people!

Boys and girls have started a brand new training. They were asked by Lurik to stand in a neat array around the future beach altar. They must walk neatly on the beach and let all the onlookers see that the Ross children are not. The same style.

This matter was within Rurik\'s calculations. As a parent, how unhappy to see your son make amazing actions? A large group of children are doing the line up and there are complicated formation changes. While the children\'s parents are excited, they will also be impressed by the leader\'s wisdom.

When is the day of the priest? It depends on the condition of the sea ice.

On May 5th of the Julian calendar, a number of fishing boats with thick hulls have appeared on the sea full of ice floes. Some fishermen can\'t wait, they just want to go fishing for cod in today\'s bad land reclamation. The others who watched them return with their big fishes also eagerly clenched their own big nets, eager to implement this year\'s trawling work.

Finally, the day of the sacrifice was determined on May 10, which was also the day. When the sacrifice in the morning was completed, the priest announced that all ships could safely head to the sea.

Veria believed that on that day, there would be no more threatening ice floes.

As in previous years, this year Otto must convene a meeting of all respected members of the tribe to formally determine the "Spring Sorgon Voyage" that has been late this year.

In addition, Otto also had to put on a serious face to face his high-spirited nephew Arik.

The wooden house for discussion was extremely warm. After all, the young Rurik was already a real figure in the tribe, and he participated in the formal meeting of the tribe for the first time.

Looking at the bearded old guys around him, most of them knew him, and some of them were familiar but could not name them. They are both old acquaintances of their fathers and the so-called "wise men" of the tribe\'s residents.

It is very special here, undoubtedly Arik sitting cross-legged, and his very unique way of playing.

"Aric. Why are you wearing chain mail?" At the moment of meeting, Otto\'s dull face suddenly became energetic.

Arik hit his chest with his fist: "Big boss, this is my attitude! You understand."

"Yes! I understand..." Otto didn\'t say much, he grinned and shook his head, thinking that I would convince you later.

There is no conference table, everyone sits cross-legged, and there are some dried meat and prunes around them, and the most important thing is the spirit "RUSVODKA".

Based on such a meeting site, Otto’s noble leader image was not revealed, he appeared very approachable, and his deep eyes showed a sense of old-fashionedness.

With a pair of big hands on his shoulders, Rurik was forced to snuggle in his father\'s arms.

This boy is extraordinary. He has beautiful blond hair, an extremely clean white face, and a pair of clear blue eyes. His clothes seem simple but gorgeous, and the steel sword inlaid with gems on the patterned belt is even more noble.

Otto first had a drink and announced the beginning of the most critical issue.

"We have been discussing for many days, the further construction of our Shilla Fortress must be implemented. I will lead a group of people to continue to pay tribute, and I will also examine the wintering situation of our stranded tribes. So I claim some tributes. , Will support those people, I hope you all agree."

"I totally agree." Harrodsson rushed: "It\'s obvious to all of you here that your actions are for the good of our tribe after all. If you can make us stronger, I fully support it."

Others also expressed their opinions one after another. In the final analysis, everyone agrees, and only has a unique but irrelevant opinion on some minor issues.

"Very well, you have made the final decision, which is totally in favor." Otto looked at everyone and mentioned something else. This time, he especially pushed Ruriek to the front desk.

"You see! My son participated in our meeting for the first time, and he will attend important meetings in the future. In the future, they will be the big leaders you need to respect!"

Otto wanted to reiterate the dignity of Rurik, but in fact he was beating Arik and ordered to obey his brother.

Up to now, the elders no longer feel that it is necessary to hold any tribal contest to elect a leader in the future. Since Rurik has received the favor of God, it will naturally be the hereditary leader of Rurik and his descendants in the future. Is there a better arrangement than this?

"I will appoint Rurik to an important position." Otto announced in a deep voice: "I want to appoint him to the official position of war chief."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

Rurik was shocked, then relieved. Sure enough, he is not the leader, and he always solves many affairs on behalf of the leader, but it is the responsibility of the "imperial commission".

Serving as the "war chief" of the tribe, this position is simply the third number of the tribe (the second is the high priest~www.novelhall.com~ As long as the chief does not make new arrangements, this position will be extended indefinitely.

For example, Harrodsson, who is often responsible for important tasks, is the "war chief". In theory, if the leader of the tribe dies in battle, the "war chief" is more likely to be elected as the new "big leader."

Theoretically, this is the case. Now that the system of choosing the leader of the Rus people, everyone can see that it has clearly begun to "family the world."

Hearing this arrangement, it was Arik who performed most intensely, because this young man was waiting for Otto to arrange himself as the "war chief" at this meeting. This is the position of a military commander, and those who receive this position have the right to lead the warriors of the tribe.

Arik was shocked: "Big Chief, are you planning to let your brother... let him lead the war now?"

Otto did not explain on the spot, nor did he appease the suspicious Rurik.

"How? Can\'t it?"

"But he is only eight years old! Big boss, don\'t you object to my idea, just want your brother to participate in it? This... it\'s too early for him."