Rise of Rurik

Chapter 277: Reindeer Herd of Rurik

The conquest of the Corvins seemed to be over. The Russ achieved a complete victory at the cost of the death of more than 30 warriors.

The Ross people still paid a little price, but the population of the tribe is rapidly expanding. The new generation of young warriors grows up normally, and with the addition of a large number of servants, Otto believes that the strength of his tribe has increased a lot.

What he has done is to lay the foundation for the future rule of his son Ruriek.

At this point, it is time to end the severely overdue "Operation North Hunting"!

When they came, there were more than two hundred warriors pulling sleds and walking on foot. On the way home, can I still hike?

Do not! On the way home, the Ross people will blaze a new path!

Because just at the mouth of the Oulu River, the gods have given Rurik a revelation, and everyone believes that, that is, Rurik said that he can take a shortcut home all the way west.

Otto was convinced, and the rest of the people were so proud of the truth.

No one is worried that trekking across the frozen sea is full of danger. Besides, everyone is not going home on foot. The sleigh pulled by a large number of reindeer is the perfect means of transportation for the people.

No one is worried about getting lost, because the navigator going home is Rurik himself.

The Ross people are going to cross the frozen Gulf of Bothnia! Once this route has been passed, starting from the thawing of the sea ice, the Russian ships will use a brand-new route to directly kill the Oulu River and complete their rule over the locals.

What\'s more, establishing a stronghold at the mouth of the Oulu River and naming it such as "Fort Oulu", Otto did not dispel this idea.

Smart leaders can perceive that the mouth of the Oulu River is an important strategic location in the northern part of Finland.

It was the Swedes in history. Because of the invasion of Finland, the Swedish army built a fortress at the mouth of the Oulu River and finally evolved into a city.

The appointed day arrived, and the three Kewen tribes of the newly promoted servants proved their sincerity in surrender through practical actions.

The frozen Oulu River did not mean to unblock it at all, and the temperature was really cold. The only thing that made everyone gratified was that the snow finally stopped.

The night is no longer dark, moonlight and stars shine on the snow all over the world, and the reflected light is enough for people to trek at night.

The frozen river formed a perfect road, and a team of reindeer sleighs dragged some goods to the Rus camp safely.

Otto led a group of warriors. They wore terrifying metal helmets and sturdy chain mail, facing the shivering visitors like Kong Wu.

"These are your tributes?" Otto asked casually a leader who was only a promise.

The leader nodded repeatedly, and then greeted the little boy of the tribe to display the goods covered by the burlap.

As the linen was pulled apart, a large amount of leather caught Otto\'s eyes.

fur! Lots of fur! Fur is money! It\'s an asset!

Otto\'s eyes were so green that his men were shocked.

"How many furs did you bring?"

The leader suppressed the reluctance in his heart: "My tribe has a thousand squirrel skins, fifty wolf skins, and some rabbit skins. We pay these tributes and hope that in the fall, we can..."

There were some deviations in Jevlo\'s translation. Originally, the chief meant to reduce the burden of some tributes, but he did not expect to be translated to offset this year\'s tribute.

Otto was furious, he directly drew out the sword, and the blade cut off the leader\'s leather cap directly and accurately, revealing the steaming Mediterranean head.

The leader knelt down and shivered immediately, and the others were at a loss in shock.

"In autumn, two thousand squirrel skins must be handed over. There are also these reindeer sleighs for soliciting goods. I will count as your tribute."

The three leaders panicked when they heard that the Ross people were about to confiscate the sled and even the reindeer used forever.

They climbed up to Otto and kept praying, but Otto directly knocked them down.

"You all get out! Take your cubs to get out! Otherwise, all of you will die!" Otto kept yelling in his claws, urging his men to disperse these tribesmen.

Dozens of people were fleeing on the ice, almost only carrying wooden sticks, and from time to time they watched if the Ross people were catching up.

As a spectator for the time being, Rurik felt that his father\'s actions were too rude. After all, those guys are sheep. If the sheep live in fright for a long time, don\'t imagine how much wool they can cut in the future.

In the roar of laughter among the clansmen, Lulik glanced at the tribesmen who fled in a panic.

He couldn\'t laugh, but he was somewhat excited.

The source of excitement here is the reindeer pulling carts!

The difference between male deer and female deer can be seen in appearance. What Rurik saw was the new batch of reindeer sleighs left by the three tribes. Each sleigh was still dragged by the standard four deer, and the total number was 80 adult deer!

In daily life, Rurik was bored, so he discussed some serious knowledge about reindeer with Lumia. The reindeer enters estrus in September and wait until the warmest summer fawn is born.

Rurik couldn\'t see the pregnant female deer. From this, he judged that there might still be a large herd of deer on hand for the three Kowen tribes that had not yet been personally inspected.

Who is the deer breeder? They are the real deer breeders.

The old daddy and the people are full of strong interest in the local leather goods reserves, and now Rurik is most concerned about all the deer captured.

During the stay, ten stags had been slaughtered, but the females were completely safe.

Today, as many as 270 reindeer have been seized by the Russians, and Rurik immediately declared sovereignty over all the deer. So many reindeer that had been well domesticated met Rurik\'s needs in an instant. The reindeer population he dreamed of was so successful!

There was also a batch of fodder that arrived just like the reindeer. They are randomly piled on sledges. This is the winter food prepared by the Kewen tribe for the reindeer. After all, they are not really "deer breeders". They tend to settle down and they have no motivation to engage in winter grazing.

It was a new dawn again. Julian had forgotten the day Rurik had come. The only thing he knew was that it must have been half a month since he and his people left the mouth of the river.

Up to now, the tribe has lost some warriors, but the team has expanded to more than 500 people!

Early in the morning, after another breakfast that was almost all meat, the journey home should also start.

Today, the Russ control more than seventy large sledges, and theoretically they can carry a thousand people. Since the return journey is on smooth ice, the reindeer dragging the sled will only have some difficulty at the start. Once it moves, the fully loaded sled can move forward at high speed.

Although this still consumes the reindeer\'s physical strength, I am afraid it will cause some deer to become exhausted.

In order to go home early, no one wants to measure the earth with one pair of feet.

As many as fifty sledges were packed with people, including all the survivors of the Ross people, the gray squirrel tribe, and some of the tribesmen of the Salmon Lord. The rest of the sleds are fully loaded. The former gray squirrel hill fort was not completely abandoned, and Kaihas left some people and announced the occupation of the hill fort. But those who stay behind were not happy. The Ross people almost took away some valuable things, leaving only a little dried meat. Those who stay behind must turn into hunters in the snowy forest and carry them until the ice melts and the snow melts.

A large number of seized furs, dried smoked fish, and even some frozen fresh meat were piled on the sledge. There is also a large amount of reindeer fodder to support the demand of the deer herd to trek in the future.

Rurik, he got on the strongest sleigh chosen by Otto, followed by the two brothers and sisters Telavis and Sepolava.

An unprecedented sled team appeared on the glacier, and the army was waiting for the leader\'s order to start.

The girl Saiporava looked at the ruined mountain fort of her tribe with unwillingness to give up, and for a moment grief came from it, tears in her eyes kept flowing.

"Are you sad?" Rurik asked.

"Master, I...have some..."

The cold breeze blew the golden silk on the girl’s cheeks, and Rurik sighed, "Oh. It\'s your hometown, you can cry when you are sad. Your tribe will follow us. I have arranged a better one for you. Local life. The environment there is very similar to here, and your life will be better."

When the girl kept sobbing, Telavis, who is good at archery, couldn\'t hold back his doubts: "Is the hometown of your Ross people beautiful?"

Lurik was stunned, and he couldn\'t help but puff up his chest: "Rossberg is beautiful, because of your joining, it will be even more beautiful in the future. Telavis!"


"From now on, you will be my people, and your people will be mine. I am the leader of all of you. When I arrive in Roseburg, I will support you for a period of time. In the summer, you will all go to the mine. You can visit Build a new mountain fort there, because it was originally discovered by your expedition."

Telavis knew what Rurik meant, and felt a little relieved. He has no choice but to worry about the unknown future.

Otto negotiated with Kaijas and Metzasta at this moment, and he finally got on the sled.

"Rurik, have a good chat with your servant?"

"Yes." Rurik replied with a sullen face. He saw that the face of the old man was called happiness.

"Well, it\'s time to go back."

Otto cleared his throat vigorously, suddenly stood up and raised his sword, calling on all those who were waiting to set off: ‘brothers! Let\'s go home! Now let\'s go! ’

Yufu is actually a local Corvin, and they are actually better at manipulating sledges than the Russians.

Even though most of the sleighs are full of people, the four reindeer with thick winter fur that pulls the sleigh still provides strong power, even if it is a small female deer, it is still extraordinary.

The reindeer\'s anti-skid hoofs sprinted on the ice, and the speed of the sleigh quickly reached the level of ordinary people\'s jogging. For these summer rowers, the Ross warriors sitting on the sleigh, judging from their own boating experience, the speed of the sleigh seems to be as fast as the long boat in the downwind!

They found the feeling of boating again and lamented the importance of sleighs and reindeer.

Otto kept a deep face, his son and two small servants were in his ears, talking in a language that the Corvin could understand. What are they talking about? Otto did not know, but Otto keenly realized that his son did not show the majesty of the master, as if the three of them were just friends of the same age.

"Ah! They are all children after all. Rurik, you are really your servants? I hope they will be loyal forever."

The sledge "run wildly" on the ice-bound Oulu River at a speed of ten kilometers per hour!

In the evening, the huge team arrived at the long-lost Salmon Lord tribe.

The sudden appearance of the black sled group naturally aroused the local people\'s alertness. The Ross soldiers who stayed behind took up their weapons for the first time, and the remaining local women and children also took up wooden sticks and short spears.

The left-behind Ross warrior had an instinctive feeling that the person might be an enemy, and could not help having an ominous premonition in his heart.

Many women yelled in Old Finnish: "It\'s Squirrel! The Ross people have failed! The sled team of those people is here!"

The people of the tribe were in a turmoil, but the Ross people who stayed behind did not understand these panic-stricken words.

They first stayed on alert, and after seeing the light reflected by the people on the sled under the setting sun, they determined how this is the enemy, clearly the leader of triumph, brothers of triumph!

"We won! The leader is back!"

"Let’s light a bonfire and celebrate their return!"


The Ross people who stayed behind were caught in extreme excitement, and Lumia, who understood their words, cheered up.

In the past period of time, Lumia calmed down the girl with the same name, Lumi, and she was also trying to calm down the local Kewen tribesmen, telling them that as long as they remained loyal, they would be blessed by the Rus.

Seeing that this strange girl was actually respected by the left-behind Ross warriors, the women and children of the Salmon Lord tribe believed her.

Lumia herself is a priest, she still has a sacred future, it is normal to be respected by the Ross warriors. In the eyes of others, this woman is clearly a deer breeder, and perhaps as long as she remains surrendered to her, the Ross people will also show respect.

Otto got off the sled arrogantly, and his soldiers followed suit.

A huge team entered the riverside village of the Salmon Lord tribe~www.novelhall.com~ As the crowd was mixed with a large number of women and children, the identity of these people was quickly exposed, which instantly caused a large number of tribal people to smoke.

The contradiction between the "Gray Squirrel" and the "Lord of Salmon" tribes cannot be resolved by the two leaders shaking hands in a special situation before the bonfire. After all, the conflicts between the two tribes in the past have been dead to each other. Few people.

Only due to the mighty power of the Rus, the ordinary tribesmen of the two tribes did not fight together.

Night fell again, and a large number of bonfires lit up on the frozen river.

A large number of frozen fish are being urgently processed into grilled fish, the so-called food for future journeys.

In a daytime boat and carts, the gray squirrel tribes hate the guys of the salmon lord, even if they are of the same race, they don’t want to get too close to those people, so they build makeshift shelters on the riverside. Many people even fell asleep around the campfire wrapped in animal skins.

Otto and Liurik were not idle, they gathered the most important personnel, and held a key meeting before leaving in Kehas\'s house.