Rise of Rurik

Chapter 267: Kewen Wars VIII: The Ross Army is approaching the city

Three full days have passed since Woima Kashad returned.

In his wooden house, Mezzasta checked his leather armor and occasionally wielded the iron sword inherited from his father.

Suddenly, his son rushed in with a bow on his back.

"Dad, I have to take part in this battle. But my mother thinks I am not suitable yet, I think I have grown up."

The one who came was Mezzasta’s youngest son Telavis, who meant "healthy man". At only ten years old, he obviously had the idea of ​​being a hero.

Mezzasta appreciates his son, because since the eldest son died, only the younger son can inherit his career. He likes his youngest son, he is his own son, he is full of the shadow of his youth.

Like Mezzasta, the younger son Telavis has vertical tattoos on his forehead and chin. For Telavis, if he said his father\'s refusal, he would take the initiative to ask for the same lines as his father.

However, Mezzasta felt that only the real strong can have tattoos exactly like him, even if it is a son, no merit is allowed.

"Do you want to fight? Come to me!"

Telavis hurried over, his shaggy brown hair trembling.

"Dad, mom and sister don\'t want me to participate in the fight. I don\'t think I am young at all. I want to fight like everyone else."

"You still have to fight?" Mezzasta squatted down, supporting his son\'s shoulders with both hands.

"Of course! I am a man! I want to shoot the Varangians and protect everyone."

I heard, the leader Mezzasta was moved.

After all, it is a battle, and the battle is about to die. Her wife has only the last son. It is understandable that she cherishes her son, but excessive love is nothing more than depriving the possibility of a good hunter.

"I gave permission. Telavis, you said, how will you attack the Varangians?"

The boy immediately unloaded his short bow: "In the past, I practiced archery every day according to your regulations. I am already a very good archer. I don\'t want to shoot squirrels anymore. I want to shoot the enemy. You give I am an arrow, and I will pierce the enemy’s neck."

"Very good!" Mezzasta nodded deeply: "Then, I will arrange you to the tower. I will give you a lot of iron-headed arrows. You have a wide view from above, and you can shoot many enemies. Listen, You must become a new hero. Finally..."

Speaking of excitement, Mezzasta drew out his iron sword and grabbed the younger son’s hand. The two of them held the sword together: "Taravis, you have made a feat. In the future, you will be this sword. Master. You are the leader of the tribe."

Gazing at this grandfather\'s sword, Telavis held it, his heart beating wildly, and a warrior\'s heart awakened!

At this moment, the leader Mezzasta can\'t take care of so much. He knows that he puts his son in a more dangerous position, and it is such a position that can better play the archer\'s ability. The son is indeed excellent in archery skills, his very short stature may greatly improve the survival rate.

Now is the time of crisis, and the youngest son Telavis is not a natural noble person, and even the leader himself does not think he is noble. In a critical moment, the tribe has no longer cared about the life and death of individual people, and the only thing everyone has to do is to unite all tribesmen to defend against the enemy.

Even the little girls of the tribe must take up weapons. At least, they must continue to pass arrows to the archers, or carry the necessities of battle.

In extreme cases, little girls have to draw bows and shoot arrows.

Gray Squirrel Tribe is like this. Living in an environment with relatively high competitive pressure, even seemingly weak women, or even little girls who seem to have no power to bind chickens, practice archery with a short wooden bow on weekdays. They were originally involved in hunting to subsidize their families, and in times of crisis, they can theoretically be fighters.

In the past, the tribe has never experienced a real disaster. Now the catastrophe is coming!

Chief Mezzasta not only persuaded his wife to participate in the battle, but also had to shoot arrows to cover.

and his little daughter Saiporava, a girl who meant "cute little squirrel", she was also asked to pick up a short bow and become an archer when she was only eight years old.

This is the gray squirrel tribe. Their dependence on bows and arrows is higher than that of the salmon lord tribe. But the quality of their bows and arrows is very average.

The Ross people have no idea about the fact that the gray squirrel tribe has been on guard.

In other words, Otto didn\'t even think about it.

Because in his opinion, even if the new minions claim that the enemy is strong, the problem is not big. The result of the battle is basically that the united team can completely solve the problem with only one impact.

The Ross people finally recuperated for three days.

These days, Rurik also got the siege equipment he needed, especially a batch of very long ladders, which were solid and heavy, and naturally it took more than a dozen people to carry them together when transferring them.

But the Ross Warrior thought of an easier way, which is to drag a ladder and walk on the ice. A total of four ladders are dragged in this way, because dragging on the ice is not a laborious task.

There are as many as twenty wooden shields. They were deliberately built to be thinner. They must be unable to withstand the shooting of their own crossbow arrows. It is obviously sufficient to deal with the clusters of stone arrows fired by the enemy\'s short wooden bow.

It’s very interesting that the wooden shields made of these twigs are put together to form a sled.

In a quiet early morning, the combined army of the Russ and the servants, with a total of three hundred and fifty men, began a new journey. A group of left-behind fighters assumed control of the newly conquered territories. The main thing was to control the remaining tribal people and prevent them from taking the opportunity to turn back.

Although a little helpless, Rurik left his Lumia in the village of the Lord of Salmon, with the rest of the tribe.

In this battle, at least there were no women in the Rus’ army. Some were strong men who were able to fight with the exception of Cherurik.

The weak north wind brings the cold, even if everyone knows that spring is not far away, the glacier under everyone\'s feet will soon return to its original appearance.

Winter is by no means a good time for war. The leader Kaihas is always strong. He knows that the women of his tribe are completely controlled by the Rus. The Rus miraculously did not act excessively against the women, but he was very convinced that it was. Build on the cooperation of your own tribe.

The boy with the golden ponytail sitting on the sleigh, maybe he is a real reasonable person. But, presumably this rationality is also based on the cooperation of the men of the Salmon Lord tribe.

The tribe has been conquered, and the tribe people will fight for the new master.

was informed that although he was bound to be at the front line of the battle, he would encounter a concentrated attack from the enemy, the new master promised that the first group of people who invaded the enemy’s settlement would have the right to be the first to choose the spoils.

The warriors of the Salmon Lord tribe, their armament is still the old and simple. All men draped in animal skins and fur on their heads. Together with so-called boots, they are almost all cut leather perforated tied with hemp rope and tied to their feet forcibly.

These so-called snow shoes are far less reliable than the leather boots of the Ross people who have been carefully stitched. If it has that advantage, it may be that it is more slippery to step on the ice.

They carry short wooden bows and hold short spears. Their hemp rope belt is also tied with some small linen pockets, stuffed with a batch of dried meat.

Some of them were rudimentary and shabby, and Rurik was a little bit sorry. Even if they were to be the main attack force, they would die in large numbers, and they should not send a group of people in extremely bad conditions to lead the battle.

The group of Corvins who served as the servants took the lead with simple weapons. Behind them, there were two hundred Russian troops armed with metal and leather.

Rurik sitting on the sledge was guarded by his mercenaries, because the mercenaries were very eye-catching in the battle. In Otto\'s heart, these outsiders had become his own people in a realistic sense.

Lurik could not perceive the feelings of the people of the Kewen tribe who opened the way. Along the way, he often discussed battles with Yevlo.

"Those **** arrows have lost their feathers. Don\'t worry, our crossbow arrows don\'t need feathers when the distance is relatively close."

"If there is a wilderness battle in the future, all crossbowmen must first leave the formation and shoot a group of enemies with arrows. Even if you get into the formation, you must try to shoot arrows from the gap."

"We broke some arrows, and there are still 1,300 of them available. You prepare your brothers. Once the crossbow arrows are all gone, you will continue shooting with the captured bow and bone arrows..."

Basically, Rurik is a commander, and Jeflo’s job is to listen and impress deeply in his mind.

Yevlo has always nodded his head like smashing garlic, and he secretly admired that this kid must be born to know how to fight, and Lurik is a strange person!

It took the Woimakashad a day and a half to escape from the Occupied Salmon Lord\'s Fort to his own tribe. He ran extremely fast on the banks of the glacier.

is the Ross army carrying a large amount of food, siege equipment, and even a total of 4,000 arrows of various types. The army has been walking along the glacier for two full days.

Had it not been for the leader Kejas to lead the way in this trip, Otto would have suspected that the tribal people, the lord of the salmon, were playing deliberately.

The situation finally turned around.

At night, the already cold temperature became worse. Fortunately, during this period of time, the sky was beautiful and no severe snowstorm caused disaster.

The Rossite coalition lighted a large number of bonfires on the riverside. It was these bonfires that aroused the vigilance of the guards of the Grey Squirrel Tribe who had been on alert.

Otto and Rülic are cuddling by the bonfire, eating snow rabbit meat that was frozen into icy but now roasted so much.

Kaihas approached nervously: "Great Chief Ross, we are about to enter the territory of the Grey Squirrel Tribe, and we will pass that low wall."

The trusted Jeflo now has the right to approach Otto. This person translates truthfully, and Otto’s beard trembles with joy.

"Is there a war finally? How long will it take to reach the enemy\'s village through the low wall?"

"There is about one to two days to travel. Tomorrow we will walk a whole day, and in the day after tomorrow, we can arrive."

Otto nodded deeply and asked seriously, "Have you been to those people\'s villages? You must make sure you know the path."

"I fully know that I pledge the lives of my people."

Otto didn\'t rush to speak, he laughed, everything was silent.

Obviously, the leader of the Salmon Lord tribe is very smart.

Otto patted this little old man a few years younger than himself on the shoulder: "You know your mission, you and I don’t have to say any more. Go back and greet your people to prepare for battle. Listen, you are responsible for taking the lead in attacking. ,if……"

Otto\'s tone suddenly became serious: "If I retreat without my order, I will kill the retreat."

Hearing Otto\'s words, Kejas\'s eyes widened like copper bells.

It seems that the warriors of the Salmon Lord tribe either charged with a lot of casualties and won, or they were beheaded by the Ross people behind for slack.

Kaihas informed the complex-minded people of the Rus’ orders, and everyone gradually unified their minds, that is, to win the gray squirrel tribe with the determination to die. otherwise……

Even for the lives of the women and children of their own tribe, they must fight to the death.

On a new day, the team continues on their way. Completely different from the previous days, Otto ordered his fighters to maintain a high level of alert, especially the archers in the team, to hold the bows at all times.

Even Rurik ordered his crossbowmen to stand by at any time.

They continued to walk on the glacier, because theoretically the enemy could not build a low wall on the glacier.

As a result, there is really a low wall across the frozen river.

Otto immediately ordered his men to be on guard, and then ordered his servants to find out.

Kaihas had never seen anything like this. He sent two men to investigate. After learning the information, he personally informed Otto of the information and his understanding.

"Big Chief. I think the gray squirrel tribe is already on guard. Perhaps the escaped slave you mentioned, that person has already told the enemy all the news."

Otto sometimes even thought that the escaped guy had frozen to death in the forest. Hearing Kehas\'s description, Otto was willing to believe that what he described was true.

"Boss, please be more cautious."

"Caution? Forget it! My sword will cut all enemies, and my son\'s wisdom will make rebellion painful." Obviously, Otto dismissed the so-called advice at all.

A group of men from the Salmon Lord tribe began to work together to carry the big trees that were laid down on the ice.

As the Ross people personally inspected it, it was clear that the tree was only cut down recently. The axe smashed the tree trunk, and the ice crystals in the blade could be seen. This is not the case with dead trees.

It is indifferent from Otto\'s. Seeing such a scene, Rurik couldn\'t let go of his doubts and worries.

Doesn’t this explain the problem? The enemy is already prepared!

Will the army attack a city? Is it really appropriate to forcibly attack a defensive city?

Obviously father Otto thought it fit.

Lurik wondered, maybe it was just because the first attackers were all so-called cheap servants. Thinking about it in an absolutely rational way, Lurik could not say that the old man did something wrong. Exactly to do so is particularly beneficial to the Ross people themselves.

The big tree was pulled apart, and the team truly set foot on the territory of the Grey Squirrel Tribe.

The Ross people camped by the river again. They lit a bonfire and wanted to fall asleep wrapped in animal skins. After eating and drinking, they waited for the battle of tomorrow.

"The war will start tomorrow, and you should also be prepared. Maybe this is the war in your prophecy." The son of Otto Blesser, also stuffed the barbecue in his mouth.

Leurik said that it is impossible for him not to be nervous. In fact, quite a lot of Ross Warriors are also nervous, or that nervousness is mixed with intense excitement.

But those servants, they are almost scared.

Because of the battle history between Lord of Salmon and Gray Squirrel, both tribes were sporadic hunters who crossed the border to play sneak attacks. The real organization of more than 100 teams to launch an attack has never happened before.

Lurik ate some barbecue. He had been thinking about things for a long time, and now he said to his father: "I suspect, in fact, our actions have been discovered by the enemy long ago."

Otto was taken aback: "Why do you see it?"

"Doesn\'t the roadblock on the glacier explain the problem?"

Otto thought about it, and it made sense to be discovered early when he swayed forward. But so what?

Otto said arrogantly: "I don\'t care if they find us. After all, tomorrow night, we will occupy their village. Rurik, I will have to catch you a beautiful girl and let her be your woman."

"You..." Rurik felt that his father was dizzy because of drinking half a bottle of spirits. Indeed, slowly on the road to "North Hunting", Liu Lique prepared some spirits in glass bottles for his father for personal enjoyment.

Leurik shook his head vigorously: "There are too many women around me. Let us fight the battle of destiny. Now I have a suggestion."

"Let\'s talk about it."

"We have to set up a large number of campfires, even if no one is burning the fire."

Otto called out inexplicable, but Ranrulik’s explanation surprised him: "Since you and I believe that our whereabouts have been discovered, we must be monitored by them now. I am a little worried about the camp being attacked, so I want to use it. Some strategies. The enemy cannot accurately judge our number in the dark, they can only estimate by the bonfire. We set up a large number of bonfires, and maybe the enemy will think that we have dispatched more than a thousand warriors. If the enemy is afraid, we will be tomorrow I can see the kneeling crowd. If I can win in this way, I am very happy."

Here, Otto did not understand the idea of ​​"a soldier without a fight" in Rurik\'s words. He thought it was incredible.

is to scare the stupid enemy through tactics, and I am happy to show it.

So, the number of bonfires in the Rus camp is rapidly expanding. Since only one lighted branch is needed, a group of bonfires can be made soon. In a short period of time, the number of bonfires in the Rus camp has expanded at least five times!

For the gray squirrel tribe, the leader Mezzasta brought a dozen shrewd tribesmen to the top of the village wall, and his son even climbed to the tower.

People in this era have very good eyesight, and the world has never been exposed to light pollution. Standing relatively high, the people of the Grey Squirrel tribe can easily notice the bonfire in the distance.

Mezzasta\'s face was shaking: "Damn, how come they have so many people."

Some tribal warriors said with a guilty conscience: "Chief, they are crowded, but they are not good at fighting."

"They are not good at fighting? They are Varangians!" Another person retorted.

Someone comforted themselves and said: "They have walked a long way and may be out of breath. They must have brought a limited amount of food. As long as we guard the wall, we can force them to evacuate. After all, we have a lot of food."

The words of the tribal warrior really comforted Mezzasta: "Go down! They will come tomorrow to take care of the brothers and prepare for battle. Listen, as long as we persist for a long time, regardless of whether the reinforcements come or not, we When the enemy has no food, we will win."

Many people stayed up all night during this night.

A new day came in depression. The highly nervous Ross people even gave a batch of wheat cakes to the servants of the Salmon Lord tribe warriors. The so-called every attacking man can get half a piece.

Many people, they have eaten the food made by the Varangans for the first time in their lives, and they are also precious wheat cakes. No one is grateful, they feel that the strange behavior of the Varangans is to imply that everyone is working hard for them.

In fact, this is not the case. On this day, the Ross people also eat a full meal before they go out for battle, and then bring their own siege ladders and large shields to suppress the servants with military force, and the servants initiate the battle.

The Ross Army is here!

A large number of gray squirrel tribe men stood on the wall with bows and arrows and short spears. Shocking roars were heard in the distance, and these tribal warriors could not help shivering.

Mezzasta, holding the sword, yelled: "Don\'t be afraid! You are the best hunters! When the enemy appears~www.novelhall.com~Aim at their necks! Remember, their necks are not armored, so you can penetrate them. Pierce their necks, let them know who is the best hunter!"

I have to say that Mezzasta\'s agitation has achieved some results. Because the hunting skills of tribal warriors are their savage pride.

The roar was getting closer and closer, and finally, the dark crowd emerged from the distant woods. They suddenly appeared when the morning mist had almost dispersed, and their guide was Kaihas, the chief of the salmon.

The only place where Kaihas is confident is that there are a large number of Ross fighters behind him.

Otto didn\'t say much. After he gestured, Kejas knew that the Ross had already given himself an offensive mission.

The Ross people will definitely not take part in the first attack. The men who seem to be the first to enter the village and divide the spoils first to the Lord of Salmon are actually for everyone to find their way.

Now, Kaihas has understood everything. This is the end, everyone can only move forward courageously.

But he still made another inspiring call: "Brothers, we have to end the hatred with them for many years! The Ross people support us, let us attack and take revenge!"

It seems that today’s battle is the revenge battle of the Salmon Lord tribe, and they started charging in the wailing. Carrying a big shield and shouting chants, the Ross people moved forward steadily like pits step by step. Only the men of the Lord of Salmon carried four large ladders, like a icy river, toward the gray squirrel mountain reinforced by ice and snow. Fort assault.

There is no pre-war battle, there is no battle book, and there is no dullness.

The battle has begun.